Ditrich, L., & Febriana, S. G. (2024, August 29-31). Scaring people into action? Affective responses to making consequences salient and their correlates. 1st Collective Action Network Meeting. Durham University, UK. [Talk]
Ditrich, L., & Febriana, S. G. (2024, July 17-20). Of looming threats - Affective and behavioural responses to making crises’ consequences salient. 2024 Conference of the International Society for Research on Emotion. Queen’s University Belfast, UK. [Talk]
Ditrich, L., & Febriana, S. G. (2024, September 16-19). There will be CO2nsequences: Affective and behavioural responses to highlighting potential threats. 53. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs) / 15th ÖGP Conference. Universität Wien, Austria. [Talk]
Febriana, S. G., & Ditrich, L. (2024, September 16-19). Keeping up with the norms: Unraveling the connection between perceived norms and collective action. 52. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Universität Wien, Austria. [Talk]
Febriana, S. G., & Ditrich, L. (2024, August 29-31). Keeping up with the norms: Unraveling the connection between perceived norms and collective action. 1st Collective Action Network (CAN) Meeting: Understanding the Multifaceted and Applied Nature of Collective Action Research. Durham University, UK. [Talk]
Ditrich, L., & Febriana, S. G. (2023, June 25-28). How making the consequences of climate change salient breeds readiness for collective and individual action. EASP Small Group Meeting “Collective responses to global environmental challenges: How do collective cognition and motivation shape appraisals and responses?”. Leipzig. [Talk]
Ditrich, L., Febriana, S. G., & Sassenberg, K. (2023, September 11-13). Everything will go downhill from here!? How making crises’ consequences salient affects emotions and action readiness. 18. Tagung der Fachgruppe Sozialpsychologie (FGSP). Graz, Austria. [Talk]
Febriana, S. G., & Gordijn, E. (2023, September 11-13). How to increase apology intentions in members of a transgressing group? The role of empathy with discriminated Papuan Indonesians. 18. Tagung der Fachgruppe Sozialpsychologie (FGSP). Graz, Austria. [Poster]
Febriana, S. G., & Gordijn, E. (2023, June 30-July 4). How to increase apology intentions in members of a transgressing group? The role of empathy with discriminated Papuan Indonesians. 19th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology (EASP). Kraków, Poland. [Poster]