Member of the Perception and Action Lab
Ayşe Candan Şimşek has been a postdoctoral researcher at IWM in the Perception and Action Lab since August 2023. She studies visual perception, the use of artificial intelligence agents and multimodality in educational settings, event cognition and film perception. Her research aims at understanding the basic processes behind the perception of dynamic visual events to transfer the knowledge to applied settings.
She received her doctorate in perception, cognition and development at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, United States in 2017. After her graduation, she worked as an Assistant Professor at Yasar University Psychology Department in Turkey for five years. There, she ran her own laboratory, taught undergraduate and graduate courses in cognitive psychology, mentored students, and advised master theses. She also conducted research that has been funded by university grants. She has many external collaborations such as with University College Dublin, Ireland, and German Institute for Adult Education / Leibniz Centre for Lifelong Learning in Bonn, Germany.
Candan Şimşek, A., Aydın, T., & Huff, M. (2024). How does it end? Endpoints of boundaries lead to completion in macro-events. Memory & Cognition.
Open Access
Candan Şimşek, A., Aydın, T., & Ozkan, Z. G. (2024). One perspective or two? Viewpoint dependency in visual events. Current Psychology, 43, 8624–8635.
Candan Şimşek, A., & Kurum, E. (2024). Remembering cinematic sequences: Boundaries disrupt memory in fast paced visual events. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. [Data]
Candan Şimşek, A., Karaca, N., Kirmizi, B. C., & Ekiz, F. (2023). What makes a visual scene more memorable? A rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) study with dynamic visual scenes. Visual Cognition, 31(6), 452-471. [Data]
Open Access
Candan Şimşek, A., Aydın, T., & Huff, M. (2024, November 21-24). How does it end? Endpoints of boundaries lead to completion in macro events. 65th Annual Meeting Psychonomic Society. New York City, NY, USA. [Poster]
Candan Şimşek, A., Aydın, T., & Rooney, B. (2024, June 7). Breaking the 4th wall in movies: Mental attributions and narrative engagement. 2024 Conference of the Society for Cognitive Studies of the Moving Image (SCSMI). Budapest, Hungary. [Talk]
Candan Şimşek, A. (2023, December 6). Visual cognition across media: Viewer perception of dynamic events. Kambeitz Lab University of Cologne. [Talk]
Candan Şimşek, A., Aydın, T., & Huff, M. (2023, September 6-9). Remembering everyday events: Boundaries promote event completion through backwards inferences. 23th Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP). Porto, Portugal. [Talk]
Candan Şimşek, A., Aydın, T., & Ozkan, Z. G. (2024). Dataset for: One perspective or two? Viewpoint dependency in visual events.
Candan Şimşek, A., Karaca, N., Kirmizi, B. C., & Ekiz, F. (2023). Dataset for: What makes a visual scene more memorable? A Rapid Serial Visual Presentation (RSVP) Study with Dynamic Visual Scenes. [Publication]
Candan Şimşek, A., & Kurum, E. (2023). Dataset for: Remembering Cinematic Sequences: Boundaries disrupt memory in fast paced visual events. [Publication]
Dr. Ayse Candan Simsek
Schleichstraße 6