Carolin Lehmann
Member of the Everyday Media Lab
Carolin Lehmann has been a research associate and doctoral student at IWM in the Everyday Media research group since June 2023. In the "VREUNDE" project, she is investigating how groups of friends communicate over distance and how they create a sense of connectedness. The goal of the project is to develop a toolbox of smart objects that groups of friends can use to share various activities and be present in each other's lives. In addition, she is also interested in exploring the role played by the need to belong and the fear of missing out in the use of online media.
Carolin Lehmann studied psychology at the TU Dresden and clinical psychology at the FSU Jena. During her studies she worked, among other things, as a tutor in seminars on psychological interviewing and completed an internship at the Sigmund Freud Institute in Frankfurt am Main.
Conference Contributions
Lehmann, C. (2025, Februar 13). Präsent im Leben der anderen: Freundschaft auf Distanz. Präsenz gestalten. Interdisziplinäre Positionen. Universität Stuttgart. [Vortrag]
Lehmann, C., & Utz, S. (2024, September 16-19). Media use patterns of distant friend groups. 53. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs) / 15. Kongress der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (ÖGP). Universität Wien, Austria. [Talk]
Lehmann, C., & Utz, S. (2024, July 16-18). Mediated communication among long-distance friend groups. International Conference on Social Media & Society (SMSociety). London College of Communication, UK. [Poster]
Organisation of Conferences
Dickhaut, K., Utz, S., Dembruk, S., & Lehmann, C. (2025). Präsenz gestalten. Interdisziplinäre Positionen. Universität Stuttgart, Februar 12-13.