Deputy Head of the Perception and Action Lab
Jürgen Buder is a research scientist at the IWM since 2008. Since 2020 he is co-coordinator of the IWM Research Network on Human-Agent Interaction. He is also ombudsman for good scientific practice at the IWM. Since 2022 he is Deputy Head of the Perception and Action lab. He was Scientific Coordinator of the Leibniz-WissenschaftsCampus Tübingen from 2010 to 2020.
His research fields are attitudinal polarization on the Internet, Human-Agent-Interaction, and computer-supported collaborative learning.
Jürgen Buder studied psychology in Göttingen (diploma) and moved to Tübingen in 1995. There, he was working at the German Institute for Research on Distance Education (DIFF; 1995–2000) and at the Department of Applied Cognitive Psychology and Media Psychology of Tübingen University's Psychology Institute (2000–2008). In 2002, he received a Faculty Award for his PhD thesis on knowledge exchange in computer conferences. In 2021, he finished his habilitation on computer-supported collaborative learning.
How do people deal with opposing opinions?
Info-noise: Investigating the cognitive effects of noisy information environments
Psychological Determinants of Risk Perception about Artificial Intelligence
Psychological explorations of Artificial Intelligence
Types of video narratives: Influence of structural and emotional patterns on the success of videos
Augmented Group Awareness Tools for Collaborative Learning
Debiasing Social Media Use through Cognitive Interface Design
Evaluation bias in media supported scenarios
Joint Action in Complex Environments
Making Social Navigation Click
Partner Knowledge Awareness for Collaborative Text Comprehension
Sharing of information with microblogging
Social Navigation and Learning in Online Communities
Social Navigation through Recommendations
The effects of touchscreen usage on stimuli evaluation
The role of sociocognitive conflict in scientific knowledge exchange
Buder, J., Lindner, M. A., Oestermeier, U., Huff, M., Gerjets, P., Utz, S., & Cress, U. (in press). Generative Künstliche Intelligenz: Mögliche Auswirkungen auf die psychologische Forschung. Psychologische Rundschau.
Open Access
Anders, G., Buder, J., Merkt, M., Egger, E., & Huff, M. (2024). Associations between mind wandering, viewer interactions, and the meaningful structure of educational videos. Computers & Education, 212, Article 104996.
Open Access
Buder, J., & Said, N. (2024). To whom do people reply in comment sections? Effects of attitude (un)congeniality, age, confidence, and knowledge. New Media & Society.
Open Access
Buder, J., Zimmermann, A., Buttliere, B., Rabl, L., Vogel, M., & Huff, M. (2023). Online interaction turns the congeniality bias into an uncongeniality bias. Psychological Science, 34(10), 1055-1068.
Open Access
Said, N., Potinteu, A.-E., Brich, I. R., Buder, J., Schumm, H., & Huff, M. (2023). An artificial intelligence perspective: How knowledge and confidence shape risk and benefit perception. Computers in Human Behavior, 149, Article 107855.
request document
Schwesig, R., Brich, I. R., Buder, J., Huff, M., & Said, N. (2023). Using Artificial Intelligence (AI)? Risk and opportunity perception of AI predict people’s willingness to use AI. Journal of Risk Research, 26(10), 1053-1084.
request document
Buder, J., Rabl, L., Feiks, M., Badermann, M., & Zurstiege, G. (2021). Does negatively toned language use on social media lead to attitude polarization? Computers in Human Behavior, 116, Article 106663.
Buder, J. (2020). Wieviel Mensch steckt in der Maschine? Information - Wissenschaft & Praxis, 71(1), 17-22.
Open Access
Kozlov, M. D., Buder, J., & Thiemann, D. (2018). Can knowledge awareness tools help seek learning partners with complementary knowledge? IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 11, 334-341.
Buttliere, B., & Buder, J. (2017). Personalizing papers using Altmetrics: Comparing paper Quality or Impact to Intelligence or Personality. Scientometrics, 111, 219-239.
request document
Buttliere, B., & Buder, J. (2017). Reading more vs. writing back: Situation affordances drive reactions to conflicting information on the Internet. Computers in Human Behavior, 74, 330-336.
request document
Buder, J., Schwind, C., Rudat, A., & Bodemer, D. (2015). Selective reading of large online forum discussions: The impact of rating visualizations on navigation and learning. Computers in Human Behavior, 44, 191-201.
Kozlov, M. D., Engelmann, T., Buder, J., & Hesse, F. W. (2015). Is knowledge best shared or given to individuals? Expanding the Content-based Knowledge Awareness paradigm. Computers in Human Behavior, 51, 15-23.
Rudat, A., & Buder, J. (2015). Making retweeting social: The influence of content and context information on sharing news in Twitter. Computers in Human Behavior, 46, 75-84.
Rudat, A., Buder, J., & Hesse, F. W. (2014). Audience design in Twitter: Retweeting behavior between informational value and followers' interests. Computers in Human Behavior, 35, 132-139.
Ray, D. G., Neugebauer, J., Sassenberg, K., Buder, J., & Hesse, F. W. (2013). Motivated shortcomings in explanation: The role of comparative self-evaluation and awareness of explanation recipient knowledge. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 142, 445-457.
request document
Buder, J., & Schwind, C. (2012). Learning with personalized recommender systems: A psychological view. Computers in Human Behavior, 28, 207-216.
Schwind, C., & Buder, J. (2012). Reducing confirmation bias and evaluation bias: When are preference-inconsistent recommendations effective – and when not? Computers in Human Behavior, 28, 2280-2290.
Schwind, C., Buder, J., Cress, U., & Hesse, F. W. (2012). Preference-inconsistent recommendations: An effective approach for reducing confirmation bias and stimulating divergent thinking? Computers & Education, 58, 787-796.
request document
Buder, J. (2011). Group awareness tools for learning: Current and future directions. Computers in Human Behavior, 27(3), 1114-1117.
Dehler, J., Bodemer, D., Buder, J., & Hesse, F. W. (2011). Guiding knowledge communication in CSCL via group knowledge awareness. Computers in Human Behavior, 27(3), 1068-1078.
Dehler Zufferey, J., Bodemer, D., Buder, J., & Hesse, F. W. (2011). Partner knowledge awareness in knowledge communication: Learning by adapting to the partner. The Journal of Experimental Education, 79(1), 102-125.
Dehler, J., Bodemer, D., Buder, J., & Hesse, F. W. (2009). Providing group knowledge awareness in computer-supported collaborative learning: Insights into learning mechanisms. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 04(02), 111-132.
Engelmann, T., Dehler, J., Bodemer, D., & Buder, J. (2009). Knowledge awareness in CSCL: a psychological perspective. Computers in Human Behavior, 25 (4), 949-960.
request document
Buder, J., & Bodemer, D. (2008). Supporting controversial CSCL discussions with augmented group awareness tools. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 3(2), 123-139.
request document
Buder, J. (2007). Net-based knowledge-communication in groups. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 215 (4), 209-217.
request document
Buder, J. (2003). Das Schwerpunktprogramm Netzbasierte Wissenskommunikation in Gruppen. Künstliche Intelligenz, 1, 25-27.
Buder, J., & Hesse, F. W. (2003). Embodied cognition and learning in artificial environments. Technology, Instruction, Cognition and Learning, 1 (3), 275-289.
Cress, U., Barquero, B., Buder, J., Schwan, S., & Hesse, F. W. (2003). Wissensaustausch mittels Datenbanken als Öffentliches-Gut-Dilemma. - Die Wirkung von Rückmeldungen und Belohnungen. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 211, 75-85.
request document
Buder, J., & Hesse, F. W. (2001). Bericht über das DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm "Netzbasierte Wissenskommunikation in Gruppen". Zeitschrift für Medienpsychologie, 13, 150-152.
request document
Hesse, F. W., Oestermeier, U., & Buder, J. (2000). Neue Medien - neue Forschungsinitiativen. Kognitionswissenschaft, 9 (1), 54-58.
request document
Schubert, M., Buder, J., Rädle, R., & Hesse, F. W. (2015). Common Ground and Individual Accountability in Literature Selection of Groups: Three Different Group Learning Techniques. In O. Lindwall, P. Häkkinen, T. Koschman, P. Tchounikine, & S. Ludvigsen (Eds.), Exploring the Material Conditions of Learning: The Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) Conference 2015 (Vol. 2, pp. 499-503). Gothenburg, Sweden: The International Society of the Learning Sciences.
Buder, J., Schwind, C., Rudat, A., & Bodemer, D. (2013). Navigating through controversial online discussions: The
influence of visualized ratings. In N. Rummel, M. Kapur, M. Nathan, & S. Puntambekar (Eds.), To See the World and a Grain of Sand: Learning across Levels of Space, Time, and Scale: CSCL 2013 Conference Proceedings (Vol. I, pp. 65-72). Madison, USA: International Society of the Learning Sciences.
Buder, J., & Bodemer, D. (2011). Group awareness tools for controversial CSCL discussions: Dissociating rating effects and visualized feedback effetcs. In H. Spada, G. Stahl, N. Miyake, & N. Law (Eds.), Connecting Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning to Policy and Practice: CSCL2011 Conference Proceedings (Vol. I, pp. 358-365). Hong Kong: International Society of the Learning Sciences.
Buder, J., & Schwind, C. (2011). Recommender systems: A technology to foster individual and collaborative learning. In H. Spada, G. Stahl, N. Miyake, & N. Law (Eds.), Connecting Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning to Policy and Practice: CSCL2011 Conference Proceedings (Vol. II, pp. 796-800). Hong Kong: International Society of the Learning Sciences.
Schwind, C., Buder, J., & Hesse, F. W. (2011). Fostering social navigation and elaboration of controversial topics with preference-inconsistent recommendations. In H. Spada, G. Stahl, N. Miyake, & N. Law (Eds.), Connecting Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning to Policy and Practice: CSCL2011 Conference Proceedings (Vol. I, pp. 374-381). Hong Kong: International Society of the Learning Sciences.
Schwind, C., Buder, J., & Hesse, F. W. (2011). I will do it, but I don't like it: User reactions to preference-inconsistent recommendations. In D. Tan, S. Amershi, B. Begole, W. A. Kellog, & M. Tungare (Eds.), Proceedings of the 29th Annual CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 349-352). New York, NY: ACM Press.
Buder, J., Bodemer, D., Dehler, J., & Engelmann, T. (2009). SCAN tools for collaborative learning. In C. O'Malley, D. Suthers, P. Reimann, & A. Dimitracopoulou (Eds.), Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Practices: CSCL 2009 Conference Proceedings (Vol. 1, pp. 606-615). International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS).
Buder, J., & Bodemer, D. (2007). Supporting controversial CSCL discussions with augmented group awareness tools. In C. Chinn, G. Erkens, & S. Puntambekar (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Conference (pp. 90-98). New Brunswick: International Society of the Learning Sciences, Inc.
Dehler, J., Bodemer, D., & Buder, J. (2007). Fostering Audience Design of Computer-Mediated Knowledge Communication by Knowledge Mirroring. In C. Chinn, G. Erkens, & S. Puntambekar (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Conference (pp. 168-170). New Brunswick: International Society of the Learning Sciences, Inc.
Bodemer, D., & Buder, J. (2006). Supporting collaborative learning with augmented group awareness tools. In R. Sun, & N. Miyake (Eds.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 77-82). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Buder, J., Bauer, K., & Hesse, F. W. (2003). Net-based knowledge communication in groups: How technology influences common ground. In F.W. Hesse, & Y. Tamura (Eds.), The Joint Workshop of Cognition and Learning Through Media-Communication for Advanced e-Learning (pp. 36-41). Berlin: Deutsch-Japanisches Zentrum.
Buder, J., & Hesse, F. W. (Eds.). (2017). Informational environments: Effects of use, effective designs. New York: Springer. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
Buder, J., Bodemer, D., & Ogata, H. (2021). Group awareness. In U. Cress, C. Rosé, A. Wise, & J. Oshima (Eds.), International handbook of computer-supported collaborative learning (pp. 295-313). Springer International Publishing.
Buder, J. (2017). A conceptual framework of knowledge exchange. In S. Schwan & U. Cress (Eds.), The psychology of digital learning: Constructing, exchanging, and acquiring knowledge with digital media (pp. 105-122). New York: Springer.
Buder, J., Buttliere, B., & Cress, U. (2017). The role of cognitive conflicts in informational environments: Conflicting evidence from the learning sciences and social psychology? . In J. Buder & F. W. Hesse (Eds.), Informational environments: Effects of use, effective designs (pp. 53-74). Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
Buder, J., & Hesse, F. W. (2017). Informational environments: Cognitive, motivational-affective, and social-interactive forays into the digital transformation. In J. Buder & F. W. Hesse (Eds.), Informational environments: Effects of use, effective designs (pp. 1-25). Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
Buder, J., & Hesse, F. W. (2016). Designing digital technologies for deeper learning.. In M. Spector, B. B. Lockee, & M. Childress (Eds.), Learning, design, and technology: An international compendium of theory, research, practice, and policy. New York: Springer.
Hesse, F. W., Care, E., Buder, J., Sassenberg, K., & Griffin, P. (2015). A framework for teachable collaborative problem solving skills. In P. Griffin & E. Care (Eds.), Assessment and teaching of 21st century skills: Methods and approach (pp. 37-56). New York: Springer.
Buder, J. (2014). Räumlich verteilt, und dennoch informiert. In U. Cress, F. W. Hesse, & K. Sassenberg (Eds.), Wissenskollektion. 100 Impulse für Lernen und Wissensmanagement in Organisationen (pp. 181-182). Berlin: Springer Gabler.
Schwind, C., & Buder, J. (2014). The case for preference-inconsistent recommendations . In N. Manouselis, H. Drachsler, K. Verbert, & O.C. Santos (Eds.), Recommender Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning: Research Trends and Applications. (pp. 145-157). Berlin: Springer.
Schwan, S., & Buder, J. (2007). Informationsaufnahme und -verarbeitung. In U. Six, U. Gleich, & R. Gimmler (Eds.), Kommunikationspsychologie - Medienpsychologie (pp. 51-69). Weinheim: Beltz-PVU.
Cress, U., Barquero, B., Buder, J., & Hesse, F. W. (2005). Social dilemma in knowledge communication via shared databases. In R. Bromme, F. W. Hesse, & H. Spada (Eds.), Barriers and biases in computer-mediated knowledge communication - and how they may be overcome (pp. 143-167). New York: Springer.
Schwan, S., & Buder, J. (2002). Lernen und Wissenserwerb in Virtuellen Realitäten. In G. Bente (Ed.), Digitale Welten. Virtuelle Realität als Gegenstand und Methode der Psychologie (pp. 109-132). Göttingen: Hogrefe.
Buder, J., & Cress, U. (2001). Randbedingungen der Partizipation in virtuellen Seminaren: Eine Analyse aus Sicht der Forschung zum information pooling. In H.F. Friedrich, & F.W. Hesse (Eds.), Partizipation und Interaktion im virtuellen Seminar (pp. 29-54). Münster: Waxmann.
Buder, J., & Schwind, C. (2012). Erwirbst du es noch, oder konstruierst du es schon, das Wissen? attempto, 32, 16-17.
Hesse, F. W., Buder, J., & Bauer, K. (2006). Kommunikation im Netz der Information. forschung, 3, 15-17.
Anders, G., & Buder, J. (2024, June 14-15). Large scale analysis of comment polarization in online news media: A case study of Spiegel Online. ADok 2024. Universität Heidelberg. [Talk]
Becker, F., Spannagl, C. I., Buder, J., & Huff, M. (2024, March 17-20). An agent's reputation and skill affect self-reported trust differently from behavioral trust. 66. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog:innen (TeaP) - Conference of Experimental Psychologists. Universität Regensburg. [Talk]
Anders, G., Buder, J., Merkt, M., Egger, E., & Huff, M. (2023, July 6-8). Mind wandering, user interactions and event segmentation in educational videos. Current Issues in Mind-Wandering Research. Universität Heidelberg. [Talk]
Anders, G., Buder, J., Merkt, M., Egger, E., & Huff, M. (2023, November 16-19). Deciphering learner engagement: Relationships between user behavior, mind wandering, and event segmentation in videos. 64th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society. San Francisco, CA, USA. [Poster]
Becker, F., Buder, J., & Huff, M. (2023, March 26-29). Learning the prediction of skilled behavior. 65. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog:innen (TeaP) - Conference of Experimental Psychologists. University of Trier. [Talk]
Buder, J. (2023, November 23). From selective exposure to selective response. Invited talk at the Adaptive Rationality Center, Max Planck Institute for Human Development. Berlin. [Talk]
Buder, J., Maertens, R., Roozenbeek, J., & Said, N. (2023, June 30-July 4). Developing a new inventory that captures the ability to discern manipulative online content. Invited talk at the Symposium of the European Association for Social Psychology. Krakow, Poland. [Talk]
Becker, F., Buder, J., & Huff, M. (2022, September 10-15). Can humans learn to anticipate what an agent will do? 52. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Hildesheim. [Talk]
Becker, F., Buder, J., & Huff, M. (2022, July 27-30). Theory of mind as a learning task. 44th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci). Toronto, ON, Canada. [Talk]
Becker, F., Buder, J., & Huff, M. (2022, March 20-23). Cognitive functions for cooperation with Artificial Intelligence in a game setting. 64. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog:innen (TeaP) - Conference of Experimental Psychologists. University of Cologne (online conference). [Talk]
Buder, J. (2022, Juni 27). Ist das deine Meinung oder kann das weg? Eingeladener Vortrag im Rahmen des Web-TV-Formats Science Slam Challenge. Tübingen. [Vortrag]
Buder, J. (2022, April 13). Polarisierung als Phänomen unserer Zeit. Eingeladener Vortrag und Podiumsgast in der Talk-Reihe sITZung des Zimmertheaters. Tübingen. [Vortrag]
Buder, J. (2022, September 10-15). Human-agent interaction. Symposium auf dem 52. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Hildesheim. [Symposium Organisation]
Buder, J., & Honer, A. (2022, September 10-15). Building blocks of anthropomorphism. 52. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Symposium “Human-Agent Interaction ”. Hildesheim. [Talk]
Said, N., Schwesig, R., Brich, I., Buder, J., & Huff, M. (2022, March 20-23). Knowledge about Artificial Intelligence (AI) moderates the relationship between risk and opportunity perception of AI and people's willingness to use AI-based applications. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP) 2022 - 64th Conference of Experimental Psychologists. University of Cologne (online conference). [Talk]
Becker, F., Buder, J., Bareiß, J., & Huff, M. (2021, September 8-10). Grounding of humans and agents - Malleability of attitudes towards humans and agents during a grounding task. 12th Media Psychology Conference (Mediapsych2021). Aachen. [Poster]
Buder, J. (2021, Juli 6). Künstliche Intelligenz: Auswirkungen auf Mensch und Gesellschaft. Eingeladener Vortrag auf dem Pfarrkonvent der Evangelischen Landeskirche Württemberg. Kloster Roggenburg. [Vortrag]
Said, N., Brich, I., Buder, J., & Huff, M. (2021, November 4-7). Metacognitive insight into artificial intelligence knowledge predicts AI risk/opportunity perception. 62nd Annual Meeting Psychonomics Society 2021 (Psychonomics2021). New Orleans, LA, USA. [Poster]
Buder, J. (2020, May). What’s Cognitive About Cognitive Interfaces? Virtuelles Symposium „What’s Cognitive About Cognitive Interfaces?” zum Abschluss des Leibniz-WissenschaftsCampus Tübingen. Tübingen. [Talk]
Rabl, L., Buder, J., Zurstiege, G., Feiks, M., & Badermann, M. (2020, May). De-Biasing Social Media Use. Virtuelles Symposium „What’s Cognitive About Cognitive Interfaces?” zum Abschluss des Leibniz-WissenschaftsCampus Tübingen. Tübingen. [Talk]
Buder, J. (2019, May). Empirical evidence for the echo chamber hypothesis. 69th International Conference on Computers and Education (ICA). Washington, USA. [Talk]
Buder, J. (2019, May). Polarization Research and Emerging Platform Regulation. 69th Annual International Communication Association (ICA) Conference. Washington, USA. [Panel]
Buder, J. (2019, September). Wieviel Mensche steckt in der Maschine? Eingeladener Vortrag auf dem Forum der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Information und Wissen (DGI) „KI macht Schule“. Wittenberg, Deutschland. [Vortrag]
Rabl, L., & Buder, J. (2019, February). Touching underneath the surface: Researching the effect of touchscreen usage on attitude change. International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications (HUCAPP). Prague, Czech Republic. [Poster]
Rabl, L., & Buder, J. (2019, March). Touching underneath the surface: Researching the effect of touchscreen usage on attitude change. International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS). Paris, France. [Poster]
Buder, J. (2018, November). From artificial intelligence to artificial sociality in learning and education. Artificial Intelligence – International Research and Applications: 1st Japanese-German-French DWIH Symposium. Tokio, Japan. [Talk]
Buder, J. (2018, November). From cognitive to social interfaces. Internationaler Workshop des Leibniz-WissenschaftsCampus Tübingen "WCT meets HCI". Tübingen. [Talk]
Buder, J. (2018, November). Digitale Technologien: Potenziale und Herausforderungen aus der Sicht psychologischer Forschung. Eingeladener Vortrag auf der Jahrestagung der Kirchlich-Theologischen Arbeitsgemeinschaften in Württemberg. Rothenburg o.d.T. [Vortrag]
Buttliere, B., Buder, J., & Holtz, P. (2017, September). Evidence of a negativity bias in Psychological Science. 10th Conference of the DGPs Media Psychology Division. Landau. [Poster]
Buder, J. (2014, März). Rahmenkonzepte der Bildung in Informationsumelten. 2. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung. Frankfurt am Main. [Vortrag]
Schubert, M., Buder, J., & Hesse, F. W. (2014, September). What should I say now? A metacognitive model on the regulation of information exchange in group learning. Meeting of the EARLI SIG 16 Metacognition. Istanbul, Turkey. [Talk]
Buder, J., Schwind, C., Rudat, A., & Bodemer, D. (2013, June). Navigating through controversial online discussions: The influence of visualized ratings. 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning. Madison, Wisconsin, USA. [Talk]
Neugebauer, J., Ray, D. G., Sassenberg, K., Buder, J., & Hesse, F. W. (2012, September). Verstehen und Handhabung sozialer Abwärtsvergleiche bei Knowledge Awareness. 48. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Bielefeld. [Vortrag]
Rudat, A., Buder, J., & Hesse, F. W. (2012, September). Informationsverbreitung im Microblogging. 2. Leibniz-Doktorandenforum der Sektion A, Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum. Mainz. [Poster]
Rudat, A., Schwind, C., Bodemer, D., & Buder, J. (2012, September). Soziale Navigation in Online-Foren. 48. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Bielefeld. [Vortrag]
Buder, J., & Bodemer, D. (2011, July). Group awareness tools for controversial CSCL discussions: Dissociating rating effects and visualized feedback effects. 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL). Hong Kong, China. [Talk]
Buder, J., & Schwind, C. (2011, July). Recommender systems: A technology to foster individual and collaborative learning. 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning. Hong Kong, China. [Talk]
Hesse, F. W., Buder, J., & Sassenberg, K. (2011, September). A framework for teachable collaborative problem solving skills. European Conference on Educational Research (ECER). Berlin. [Talk]
Hesse, F. W., Buder, J., & Sassenberg, K. (2011, April). Collaborative problem solving a (measurable) skill of the 21 st.century. ATC21S Board Planing Meeting, New Orleans, USA. [Talk]
Ray, D., Sassenberg, K., Buder, J., & Hesse, F. W. (2011, July). Knowledge hoarding during cooperation: The role of social comparison and knowledge awareness. 16th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology (EASP). Stockholm, Sweden. [Talk]
Rudat, A., Buder, J., & Bodemer, D. (2011, July). Does news value help learners sharing relevant information? 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning. Hong Kong, China. [Poster]
Rudat, A., Buder, J., Bodemer, D., & Hesse, F. W. (2011, September). Nachrichtenwerte 2.0 - Informationen bewerten, verarbeiten und verbreiten im Microblogging. 1. Leibniz-Doktorandenforum der Sektion A, Leibniz-Institut für die Pädagogik der Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik. Kiel. [Poster]
Schwind, C., Buder, J., & Hesse, F. W. (2011, May). I will do it, but I don’t like it: User reactions to preference-inconsistent recommendations. ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Vancouver, Canada. [Talk]
Schwind, C., Buder, J., & Hesse, F. W. (2011, July). Fostering social navigation and elaboration of controversial topics with preference-inconsistent recommendations. 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning. Hong Kong, China. [Talk]
Schwind, C., & Buder, J. (2010, September). Meinungsbildung online: Der Einfluss von Empfehlungen auf Informationsauswahl und -verarbeitung. 47. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Bremen. [Poster]
Buder, J., Bodemer, D., Dehler, J., & Engelmann, T. (2009, June). SCAN tools for collaborative learning. International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL). Rhodes, Greece. [Talk]
Buder, J., & Schwind, C. (2009, November). Using recommendations for learning: Theoretical and empirical contextualisations. Alpine Rendez-Vous. Garmisch-Partenkirchen. [Talk]
Schwind, C., & Buder, J. (2009, December). The impact of recommendations on social navigation and recognition. Alpine Rendez-Vous - STELLAR Doctoral Academy. Garmisch-Partenkirchen. [Talk]
Schwind, C., Buder, J., & Hesse, F. W. (2009, September). Multiple Perspectives by Recommendations: Looking Beyond the Obvious. European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning - Doctoral Consortium. Nice, France. [Talk]
Dehler, J., Buder, J., & Bodemer, D. (2008, Juni). Knowledge convergence in asynchronous CMC: The impact of convergence-related external representations. International Conference for the Learning Sciences (ICLS). Utrecht, The Netherlands. [Poster]
Dehler, J., Sangin, M., Bodemer, D., & Buder, J. (2008, July). Influencing partner modelling processes by providing collaborative learners with partner knowledge awareness. 29th International Conference of Psychology. Berlin. [Talk]
Dehler, J., Bodemer, D., & Buder, J. (2007, September). Using Knowledge Mirroring to foster computer-mediated biomedical knowledge communication. 12th Biennial Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction. Budapest, Hungary. [Talk]
Bodemer, D., & Buder, J. (2007, August). Augmented group awareness tools for supporting collaborative learning. 12th Biennial Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction. Budapest, Hungary. [Talk]
Buder, J., & Bodemer, D. (2007, July). Supporting controversial CSCL discussions with augmented group awareness tools. Seventh Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Conference. New Brunswick, NJ, USA. [Talk]
Dehler, J., Bodemer, D., & Buder, J. (2007, July). Fostering Audience Design of Computer-Mediated Knowledge Communication by Knowledge Mirroring. Seventh Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Conference. New Brunswick, NJ, USA. [Talk]
Bodemer, D., & Buder, J. (2006, September). Augmented Group
Awareness Tools zur Unterstützung kooperativer Wissenserwerbsprozesse. 45ter Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Nürnberg. [Vortrag]
Buder, J., & Bodemer, D. (2006, September). Group Awareness und metakognitive Tools. 45ter Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Nürnberg. [Vortrag]
Bodemer, D., & Buder, J. (2006, July). Supporting collaborative learning with augmented group awareness tools. 28th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Vancouver, Canada. [Talk]
Dehler, J., Buder, J., & Bodemer, D. (2006, June). Knowledge
Mirroring Tool (KMT) for computermediated knowledge communication:
impact on communication efficiency and effectiveness. Earli´s 9th JURE conference. Tartu, Estonia. [Talk]
Buder, J. (2004, September). Netzbasierte Wissenskommunikation in Gruppen - Bestimmungsstücke eines Rahmenmodells. 44. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Göttingen. [Vortrag]
Buder, J., & Bodemer, D. (2003, November). Redefining group awareness through visualized collaboration. NSF-DFG Workshop on Technology-Supported Education. Tübingen. [Poster]
Buder, J. (2002, September). Differences between artifact-driven and phenomena-driven research. International Faculty Partnership Conference. Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA, USA. [Talk]
Cress, U., Barquero, B., Buder, J., Schwan, S., & Hesse, F. W. (2002, September). Wissensaustausch mittels geteilter Datenbanken - ein soziales Dilemma. 43. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Berlin. [Vortrag]
Buder, J. (2002, Juni). Lernen und Wissenserwerb in virtuellen Realitäten. Workshop Aneignungsaspekte in der Cyberbildung: Der Anwendungsfall Weiterbildung. Tübingen. [Vortrag]
Cress, U., Barquero, B., Buder, J., Schwan, S., & Hesse, F. W. (2002, June). Knowledge communication via shared databases - a social dilemma. Workshop on barriers and biases in computer-mediated knowledge communication - and how they may be overcome. Münster. [Talk]
Buder, J. (2002, May). Remarks on the accomplishments of the Tuebingen workshop. Learning Technologies and Technology-Supported Education Conference. St. Petersburg, FL, USA. [Talk]
Cress, U., Barquero, B., Schwan, S., Buder, J., & Hesse, F. W. (2001, September). Wissensaustausch mittels geteilter Datenbanken - ein soziales Dilemma. 2. Tagung der Fachgruppe Medienpsychologie. Landau. [Vortrag]
Buder, J. (2001, Mai). Netzbasierte Wissenskommunikation in Gruppen: Eine kognitionswissenschaftliche Perspektive. Virtuelle Kommunikation. Basel, Schweiz. [Vortrag]
Cress, U., & Buder, J. (2000, Oktober). Partizipation in virtuellen Seminaren: Eine Analyse aus der Sicht der Forschung zum 'information pooling'. Workshop zur Partizipation und Interaktion im virtuellen Seminar. Tübingen. [Vortrag]
Buder, J., Hesse, F. W., Schwan, S., & Straub, D. (2000, Februar). Einfluss von Metawissen auf den Wissensaustausch und Wissenserwerb in Computerkonferenzen. 1. Tagung der Fachgruppe Medienpsychologie der DGPs. Köln. [Vortrag]
Buder, J., & Hesse, F. W. (2004). 2nd Documentation on the Special Priority Program (SPP) "Net-based knowledge communication in groups". Tübingen: Knowledge Media Research Center.
Buder, J., & Hesse, F. W. (2002). 1st Documentation on the Special Priority Program (SPP) "Net-based knowledge communication in groups". Tübingen: Knowledge Media Research Center.
Said, N., Buder, J., & Huff, M. (2021). Belief polarization in times of coronavirus and climate change – putting theory into practice. Symposium. Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien, Tübingen, October 4-6.
Buder, J., Cress, U., & Groß, M. (2020). Virtual Symposium “What’s Cognitive about Cognitive Interfaces?”., 15.05.2020.
Buder, J., Cress, U., & Groß, M. (2019). Autumn School des WissenschaftsCampus Tübingen (WCT) “Cognitive Interfaces”. Bad Teinach, Germany, 08.-11.10.2019.
Buder, J., & Cress, U. (2018). WCT meets HCI. Internationaler Workshop des Leibniz-WissenschaftsCampus Tübingen. Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien, Tübingen, 15.-16.11.2018.
Buder, J., & Pfeiffer, S. (2014). Self-Regulation in a Digital World. Internationale Summerschool, 4.-8.8.2014.
Bodemer, D., & Buder, J. (2006). Group Awareness und metakognitive Tools. Arbeitsgruppe auf dem 45ten Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Nürnberg, 17.-21.09.2006.
Buder, J., Hesse, F. W., Bodemer, D., Dehler, J., Knipfer, K., Mayr, E., Wessel, D., & Zahn, C. (2006). Workshop on CSCL and Group Cognition. Tübingen, 25.-27.10.2006.
Hesse, F. W., Buder, J., & Bauer, K. (2005). Jahrestreffen des DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms "Netzbasierte Wissenskomunikation in Gruppen". Freiburg, 27.-28.01.2005.
Buder, J. (2004). Arbeitsgruppe Mechanismen netzbasierter Wissenskommunikation. 44. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Göttingen, 28.09.2004.
Buder, J., & Hesse, F. W. (2004). Arbeitsgruppe Mechanismen netzbasierter Wissenskommunikation. 44. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Göttingen, 28.09.2004.
Hesse, F. W., Buder, J., & Bauer, K. (2004). Jahrestreffen des DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms "Netzbasierte Wissenskomunikation in Gruppen". Freudenstadt, 15.-16.01.2004.
Hesse, F. W., Buder, J., & Bauer, K. (2003). DFG-NSF Workshop "Creation of an American-German Research Network in the Field of Technology-Supported Education". Tübingen, 12.-14.11.2003.
Hesse, F. W., Buder, J., & Bauer, K. (2003). Treffen der Arbeitsgruppe 2 des DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms "Netzbasierte Wissenskommunikation in Gruppen". Köln, 10.-11.07.2003.
Hesse, F. W., Buder, J., & Frings, S. (2003). Jahrestreffen des DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms "Netzbasierte Wissenskommunikation in Gruppen". Tübingen, 07.-08.04.2003.
Buder, J. (2022). Geeint beim Thema Polarisierung? Blogbeitrag für das Kurzfilmfestival „Tübinale“.
Kupke, S., Said, N., & Buder, J. (2021). Webauftritt des Symposiums „Belief polarization in times of coronavirus and climate change - Putting theory into practice “. Tübingen: Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien.
Cress, U., Gross, M., & Buder, J. (2019). Wissensdurst.
Buder, J. (2018). Warum schimpfen wir manchmal mit unseren Computern? wissens.blitz (192).
Buder, J. (2018). Wann und warum lassen sich Menschen von Computern beeinflussen? wissens.blitz (193). vermenschlichen
Buder, J., Knipfer, K., & Schwind, C. (2011). Individuelle Meinungsbildung und Meinungsbildung in Gruppen auf PolitAktiv - Bürgerbeteiligung im Netz.
Buder, J. (2000). Wissensaustausch und Wissenserwerb in Computerkonferenzen: Der Einfluss des Metawissens. http://w210. ub. uni-tuebingen. de/dbt/volltexte/2002/445
Kupke, S., Buder, J., & Groß, M. (2020). Webauftritt des Virtuellen Festakts und Symposiums „What’s Cognitive about Cognitive Interfaces?“ zum Abschluss des Leibniz-WissenschaftsCampus Tübingen. Tübingen: Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien.
Anders, G., & Buder, J. (2024). Bad is more attractive than good in news page comment sections.
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