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Using Eye-Movement Parameters for the Design of an Adaptive Access to Multimedia Representations

Multimedia Lab

ScienceCampus Tuebingen, Cluster: Adaptable and Adaptive Multimedia Systems 

Project Duration

January 2010 - April 2016


ScienceCampus Tuebingen, Cluster: Adaptierbare und adaptive Multimediasysteme


The question in how far multimedia learning can be supported by having the system adapt representations of the learning contents to the learner was crucial to this project, which examined in how far learners' eye-movement parameters can be used for such system-driven adaptations. The basic idea was to conclude from learners' visual behavior which information is required at a given moment to support the learning process. This information was then provided automatically by the system, without the learner having to select learning material consciously.


  • Institut für Psychologie, Universität Freiburg
    Institut für Medien in der Bildung, Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg
    Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart