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Use of media to cope with the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

WorkgroupEveryday Media
FundingIWM budget resources
Project description

The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic had drastically changed the lives of many people, causing uncertainty, stress and anxiety. This project investigated how people used social media, podcasts, news and entertainment to cope with these feelings. Additionally, we focused on how media use was related to successful coping and how media use was related to knowledge and preventive behavior.

In a situation in which contact restrictions and home office were part of everyday life, media took up an even greater role in people’s everyday lives. Most people had to adapt to a new situation and were at least confronted with a change in their routines, but often also with fears for their own health or that of relatives, or with financial insecurity and existential fears. In this situation, it was likely that different media services were increasingly used to cope with the uncertainty and stress: Some people sought more news about the situation or started listening to podcasts by virologists; others tried to distract themselves by an increased use of entertainment or sought social support on social media.

In a first subproject, a two-wave survey was conducted to ask people whether and how much participants listened to podcasts by well-known virologists or how much they followed virologists through other channels. It was assumed that some of the listeners and/or followers developed a parasocial relationship with a virologist and that this helped them to cope with the new and threatening situation. In a second sub-project, also using a two-way survey, people were asked about how they used media to cope with stress. The aim here was to examine what kind of media use was associated with positive effects on coping and what role personality factors such as regulatory flexibility played.

  • Robin Nabi, University of California in Santa Barbara (USA)

  • Lara Wolfers, University of Amsterdam (NL)


Gaiser, F., & Utz, S. (2022). “My daily dose of sedation” - The secret to success of the science communication podcast ‘Coronavirus-Update’ with the virologist Christian Drosten and its effect on listeners. SCM Studies in Communication and Media, 11(3), 427-452. Open Access

Nabi, R. L., Wolfers, L. N., Walter, N., & Qi, L. (2022). Coping with COVID-19 stress: The role of media consumption in emotion- and problem-focused coping. Psychology of Popular Media, 11(3), 292-298. Open Access

Utz, S., Gaiser, F., & Wolfers, L. N. (2022). Guidance in the chaos: Effects of science communication by virologists during the COVID-19 crisis in Germany and the role of parasocial phenomena. Public Understanding of Science, 31(6), 799-817. [Data] Open Access


Prof. Dr. Sonja Utz Prof. Dr. Sonja Utz
Tel.: +49 7071 979-308