Eva Rudholzer
Member of the Everyday Media Lab
In June 2023, Eva Rudholzer started working as a research associate and doctoral student at the IWM in the Everyday Media lab. Within the project "NewOrder" she investigates the understanding of perceptions of roles, sources and hierarchies in online scientific discourses and their impact on individuals' trustworthiness assessment and knowledge gain. Furthermore, she is interested in how personal experiences with science communication affect the selection of scientific information in online contexts and the trust in science.
Eva Rudholzer studied Media Economics and Media Management & Communication at the Stuttgart Media University – where she focused on science communication in the environmental field for her master's thesis. After graduating, she worked for two years as a science communication consultant for the Rhineland Study of the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) in Bonn.
Conference Contributions
Rudholzer, E., & Utz, S. (2024, June 5-7). Role-blurring on social media in science communication. Science Communication in the Age of Artificial Intelligence (AISCICOMM24), Annual Conference of the "Science Communication" Division of the German Communication Association DGPuK. University of Zurich, ETH Zurich, Switzerland. [Talk]
Rudholzer, E., & Utz, S. (2024, July 16-18). Role-blurring on social media in science communication. International Conference on Social Media & Society (SMSociety). London College of Communication (LCC), University of the Arts London (UAL), UK. [Poster]
Rudholzer, E., & Utz, S. (2024, October 1). Social media and science communication: Do users confuse the roles of senders? Listen to the (real) Experts: Die Rolle von Forschenden in den sozialen Medien in Krisen. Berlin. [Poster]