Rudholzer, E., & Utz, S. (2024, June 5-7). Role-blurring on social media in science communication. Science Communication in the Age of Artificial Intelligence (AISCICOMM24), Annual Conference of the "Science Communication" Division of the German Communication Association DGPuK. University of Zurich, ETH Zurich, Switzerland. [Talk]
Rudholzer, E., & Utz, S. (2024, July 16-18). Role-blurring on social media in science communication. International Conference on Social Media & Society (SMSociety). London College of Communication (LCC), University of the Arts London (UAL), UK. [Poster]
Rudholzer, E., & Utz, S. (2024, October 1). Social media and science communication: Do users confuse the roles of senders? Listen to the (real) Experts: Die Rolle von Forschenden in den sozialen Medien in Krisen. Kaiserin-Friedrich-Stiftung, Berlin. [Poster]