OpenTeach: Experimental psychological analysis of open digital teaching
Processes of individual and collective health-related knowledge-construction
Bientzle, M., Eggeling, M., & Kimmerle, J. (2024). Good reasons for bad behavior: A randomized controlled experiment on the impact of narrative reading and writing on empathic concern, perspective-taking, and attitude. Frontiers in Public Health, 12.
Open Access
von Hoyer, J. F., Bientzle, M., Cress, U., Großer, J., Kimmerle, J., & Holtz, P. (2022). False certainty in the acquisition of anatomical and physiotherapeutic knowledge. BMC Medical Education, 22(1), Article 765.
Open Access
Bientzle, M., Eggeling, M., Kanzleiter, M., Thieme, K., & Kimmerle, J. (2021). The impact of narrative writing on empathy, perspective-taking, and attitude: Two randomized controlled experiments on violations of Covid-19 protection regulations. PLOS ONE, 16(7), Article e0254501. [Data]
Open Access
Bientzle, M., Eggeling, M., Korger, S., & Kimmerle, J. (2021). The impact of patient narratives on medical students’ perceptions of shared decision making: A randomized controlled trial. Medical Education Online, 26, Article 1886642.
Open Access
Bientzle, M., Kölle, A., Lechner, C., & Kimmerle, J. (2021). Challenges and opportunities of cooperation across medical schools. Medical Teacher, 43(11), 1341-1341.
request document
Bientzle, M., Restle, A., & Kimmerle, J. (2021). Perception of purposeful and recreational smartphone use in physiotherapy: Randomized controlled trial. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 9(4), Article e25717.
Open Access
Großer, J., Bientzle, M., Shiozawa, T., Hirt, B., & Kimmerle, J. (2021). Observing interprofessional collaboration: Impact on attitude and knowledge acquisition. Anatomical Sciences Education, 14, 452-459.
request document
Korger, S., Eggeling, M., Cress, U., Kimmerle, J., & Bientzle, M. (2021). Decision aids to prepare patients for shared decision making: Two randomized controlled experiments on the impact of awareness of preference-sensitivity and personal motives. Health Expectations, 24(2), 257-268. [Data]
Open Access
Meinhardt, A.-L., Eggeling, M., Cress, U., Kimmerle, J., & Bientzle, M. (2021). The impact of a physician’s recommendation and gender on informed decision making: A randomized controlled study in a simulated decision situation. Health Expectations, 24, 269-281. [Data]
Open Access
Bientzle, M., Kimmerle, J., Eggeling, M., Cebi, I., Weiss, D., & Gharabaghi, A. (2020). Evidence-Based Decision Aid for Patients With Parkinson Disease: Protocol for Interview Study, Online Survey, and Two Randomized Controlled Trials. JMIR Research Protocols, 9(7), e17482.
Open Access
Eggeling, M., Bientzle, M., Cress, U., Shiozawa, T., & Kimmerle, J. (2020). The impact of physicians’ recommendations on treatment preference and attitudes: a randomized controlled experiment on shared decision-making. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 25(3), 259-269.
Grosser, J., Bientzle, M., & Kimmerle, J. (2020). A Literature Review on the Foundations and Potentials of Digital Teaching Scenarios for Interprofessional Health Care Education. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(10), Article 3410.
Open Access
Großer, J., Kimmerle, J., Shiozawa, T., Hirt, B., & Bientzle, M. (2020). Observing Inter-Professional Videos: Impact of Collaboration Between Physicians and Psychologists on Attitude and Knowledge Acquisition. Journal of Medical Education and Curricular Development, 7, 238212052095764.
Open Access
Kimmerle, J., Anikin, A., & Bientzle, M. (2020). The Impact of Perceived Etiology, Treatment Type, and Wording of Treatment Information on the Assessment of Gastritis Treatments. Frontiers in Public Health, 8, Article 35.
Open Access
Bientzle, M., Cress, U., & Kimmerle, J. (2019). Development of domain-specific epistemological beliefs of physiotherapists: a longitudinal study. BMC Medical Education, 19(1), Article 401.
Open Access
Bientzle, M., Hircin, E., Kimmerle, J., Knipfer, C., Smeets, R., Gaudin, R., & Holtz, P. (2019). Association of Online Learning Behavior and Learning Outcomes for Medical Students: Large-Scale Usage Data Analysis. JMIR Medical Education, 5(2), e13529.
Open Access
Bientzle, M., Lechner, C., Cress, U., & Kimmerle, J. (2019). Online peer consulting for health professionals. The Clinical Teacher, 16(5), 463-467.
Bientzle, M., Minje, J., Cress, U., & Kimmerle, J. (2019). Therapeutic Touch in Exercise Videos: A Randomized Experiment of the Impact on the Evaluation of Therapists' Competence and Viewers' Self-Reliance. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 1:35.
Open Access
Großer, J., Bientzle, M., Shiozawa, T., Hirt, B., & Kimmerle, J. (2019). Acquiring Clinical Knowledge from an Online Video Platform: A Randomized Controlled Experiment on the Relevance of Integrating Anatomical Information and Clinical Practice. Anatomical Sciences Education, 12(5), 478-484.
Eggeling, M., Bientzle, M., Shiozawa, T., Cress, U., & Kimmerle, J. (2018). The impact of visualization format and navigational options on laypeople’s perception and preference of surgery information videos: Randomized controlled trial and online survey. Journal of Participatory Medicine, 10, e12338.
Open Access
Bientzle, M., Fissler, T., Cress, U., & Kimmerle, J. (2017). The impact of physicians’ communication styles on evaluation of physicians and information processing: A randomized study with simulated video consultations on contraception with an intrauterine device. Health Expectations, 20, 845-851.
Open Access
Kimmerle, J., Bientzle, M., & Cress, U. (2017). “Scientific evidence is very important for me”: The impact of behavioral intention and the wording of user inquiries on replies and recommendations in a health-related online forum. Computers in Human Behavior, 73, 320-327.
Kölle, A., & Bientzle, M. (2017). Die Spiraldynamik® in der Behandlung von Patienten mit idiopathischer Skoliose – ein dreidimensionales, physiopädagogisches Konzept. Orthopädie Technik, 01/17, 26-30.
Griewatz, J., Lammerding-Köppel, M., Bientzle, M., Cress, U., & Kimmerle, J. (2016). Using simulated forums for training of online patient counselling. Medical Education, 50, 576-577.
Bientzle, M., Cress, U., & Kimmerle, J. (2015). The role of tentative decisions and health concepts in assessing information about mammography screening. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 20, 670-679.
Bientzle, M., Griewatz, J., Kimmerle, J., Küppers, J., Cress, U., & Lammerding-Köppel, M. (2015). Impact of scientific versus emotional wording of patient questions on doctor-patient communication in an Internet forum: A randomized controlled experiment with medical students. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 17, e268.
Open Access
Fissler, T., Bientzle, M., Cress, U., & Kimmerle, J. (2015). The impact of advice seekers’ need salience and doctors’ communication style on attitude and decision making: a web-based mammography consultation role play. JMIR Cancer, 1(2), e10.
Open Access
Bientzle, M., Cress, U., & Kimmerle, J. (2014). Epistemological beliefs and therapeutic health concepts of physiotherapy students and professionals. BMC Medical Education, 14, 208.
Kimmerle, J., Bientzle, M., & Cress, U. (2014). Personal experiences and emotionality in health-related knowledge exchange in Internet forums: A randomized controlled field experiment comparing responses to facts vs personal experiences. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 16:e277.
Bientzle, M., Cress, U., & Kimmerle, J. (2013). How students deal with inconsistencies in health knowledge. Medical Education, 47, 683-690.
request document
Gerbing, K.-K., Bientzle, M., Kimmerle, J., & Thiel, A. (2013). Die Nutzung von Komplementär- und Alternativmedizin im Spitzensport. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin, 64, 103-107.
Kimmerle, J., Thiel, A., Gerbing, K.-K., Bientzle, M., Halatchliyski, I., & Cress, U. (2013). Knowledge construction in an outsider community: Extending the communities of practice concept. Computers in Human Behavior, 29, 1078-1090.
request document
Cress, U., Wodzicki, K., Bientzle, M., & Lingnau, A. (2011). CSCL for intellectually disabled pupils: Stimulating interaction by using a floor control mechanism. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 6(2), 307-321.
request document
Fischer, U., Moeller, K., Bientzle, M., Cress, U., & Nürk, H.-C. (2011). Sensori-motor spatial training of number magnitude representation. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 18, 177-183.
Bientzle, M., Cress, U., & Kimmerle, J. (2014). The role of inconsistencies in collaborative knowledge construction. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (Vol. I, pp. 102-109). Boulder, CO: International Society of the Learning Sciences.
Halatchliyski, I., Oeberst, A., Bientzle, M., Bokhorst, F., & van Aalst, J. (2012). Unraveling idea development in discourse trajectories. In J. van Aalst, K. Thompson, M. J. Jacobson, & P. Reimann (Eds.), The future of learning: Proceedings of the 10th international conference of the learning sciences (Vol. II, pp. 162-166). Sydney, NSW, Australia: International Society of the Learning Sciences.
Kimmerle, J., Moskaliuk, J., Bientzle, M., Thiel, A., & Cress, U. (2012). Using controversies for knowledge construction: Thinking and writing about alternative medicine. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (pp. 1-8). Sydney: International Society of the Learning Sciences.
Bientzle, M., Wodzicki, K., Lingnau, A., & Cress, U. (2009). Enhancing pair learning of pupil with cognitive disabilities: Structural support with help of floor control. In C. O'Malley, D. Suthers, P. Reimann, & A. Dimitracopoulou (Eds.), Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Practices: CSCL2009 Conference Proceedings (Vol. 1, pp. 517-521). International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS).
Harrer, A., Lingnau, A., & Bientzle, M. (2009). Interaction Analysis with Dedicated Logfile Analysis Tools a Comparative Case Using the PAnDit Tool Versus Manual Inspection. Proceedings of 9th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies 2009 (pp. 405-407). Riga: IEEE Press.
Lingnau, A., & Bientzle, M. (2009). A framework to structure CSCL activities for pupils with cognitive disabilities. Proceedings of 9th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies 2009 (pp. 50-52). Riga: IEEE Press.
Lingnau, A., & Bientzle, M. (2009). A technical framework to support implicit structured collaboration. In C. O'Malley, D. Suthers, P. Reimann, & A. Dimitracopoulou (Eds.), Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Practices: CSCL2009 Conference Proceedings (pp. 527-531). International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS).
Kimmerle, J., Bientzle, M., Cress, U., Flemming, D., Greving, H., Grapendorf, J., Sassenrath, C., & Sassenberg, K. (2017). Motivated processing of health-related information in online environments. In J. Buder & F. W. Hesse (Eds.), Informational environments: Effects of use, effective designs (pp. 75-96). Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
Kimmerle, J., Bientzle, M., & Cress, U. (2016). Learning communication skills for dealing with different perspectives: Technologies for health sciences education. In S. Bridges, L. K. Chan, & C. E. Hmelo-Silver (Eds.), Educational Technologies in Medical and Health Sciences Education (pp. 139-157). London, New York: Springer.
Bientzle, M., & Wohland, F. (2020). Spuren der Akademisierung auf dem deutschen Stellenmarkt für Physiotherapeuten. pt_Zeitschrift für Physiotherapeuten, 72(9), 18-19.
Bientzle, M., Kimmerle, J., Hirt, B., & Shiozawa, T. (2018). OPs mit tausenden von Zuschauern. ergopraxis, 11, 46.
Bientzle, M., Kimmerle, J., Hirt, B., & Shiozawa, T. (2018). Einer operiert und Tausende schauen zu. physiopraxis, 4(18), 46.
Bientzle, M., Lechner, C., & Kimmerle, J. (2018). Physiotherapieausbildung 3.0 - Online Peer Tutoring in der fachpraktischen Ausbildung: Umsetzung und Ergebnisse. pt_Zeitschrift für Physiotherapeuten, 70(3), 95-99.
Lechner, C., Bientzle, M., & Kimmerle, J. (2018). Physiotherapieausbildung 3.0 - Online Peer Tutoring in der fachpraktischen Ausbildung: Ausgangssituation und didaktisches Konzept. pt_Zeitschrift für Physiotherapeuten, 70(2), 87-90.
Lingnau, A., Zentel, P., Cress, U., & Bientzle, M. (2009). Lernkiste – ein multimedialer Werkzeugkasten. Computer + Unterricht, 75, 57.
Bientzle, M. (2021, September 23-24). Akademisierung in der Therapie - aus der Sicht der Wissenschaft. Reha Symposium der BG-Kliniken. Frankfurt am Main. [Vortrag]
Hirt, B., Bientzle, M., & Shiozawa, T. (2021, Januar 11-15). Reanimation von Dinosauriern: Vorlesungen – offen, digital, interaktiv. Präsentation der Medizinischen Fakultät Tübingen im Rahmen des Modul 2: „Kommunikation im Team" des Studiengangs „Master of Medical Education". Tübingen. [Vortrag]
Shiozawa, T., Theiss, C., Scholz, M., Ödemis, V., Bräuer, J., Grosser, J., Kimmerle, J., Hirt, B., & Bientzle, M. (2021, September 16-17). Was lernen Studierende in einer klinisch-anatomischen Live Stream Vorlesung? Eine multizentrische Studie an ausgewählten Regel- und Modellstudiengängen. GMA-Jahrestagung (Gesellschaft für Medizinische Ausbildung). Zürich, Schweiz. [Vortrag]
Bientzle, M. (2020, September). Begegnungen mit schmerztherapeutisch arbeitenden Berufsgruppen – Physiotherapie. Eingeladener Vortrag im Rahmen des Jahreskonvent der Krankenhaus-, Kur- und Reha-Seelsorgenden in Württemberg zum Thema „Kaum auszuhalten!“ Schmerzbegleitende Seelsorge. Bad Boll. [Vortrag]
Eggeling, M., Kimmerle, J., Bientzle, M., Hirt, B., & Shiozawa-Bayer, T. (2020, May). Medical Online Platforms as Cognitive Interfaces. The impact of individual and technological features on learning and processing of complex medical information. Virtuelles Symposium „What’s Cognitive About Cognitive Interfaces?” zum Abschluss des Leibniz-WissenschaftsCampus Tübingen. Tübingen. [Talk]
Bientzle, M., Großer, J., Kimmerle, J., Shiozawa-Bayer, T., & Hirt, B. (2019, Oktober). Die Öffnung der Hochschullehre in der Medizin. Empirische Analyse offener digitaler Lehre in der Medizin - Open Teach. Fachtagung „Safety first? Datensicherheit und innovative Lehre zusammendenken“ des Hochschulforums Digitalisierung. Bonn, Deutschland. [Poster]
Bientzle, M., Heinzelmann, T., & Schwieder, H. (2019, November). „Ich hab da mal ne Frage…“ - Wie und wo finde ich (vielleicht) eine Antwort. Eingeladener Vortrag im Rahmen der Journal Club Veranstaltung der AG Evidence Based Practice der BG-Unfallklinik Tübingen. Tübingen, Deutschland. [Vortrag]
Eggeling, M., Bientzle, M., Cress, U., Shiozawa, T., & Kimmerle, J. (2019, October). The impact of physicians’ recommendations on treatment preference and attitudes: A randomized controlled experiment on shared decision-making. 17th International Conference on Communication in Healthcare (ICCH). San Diego, USA. [Talk]
Eggeling, M., Bientzle, M., & Kimmerle, J. (2019, July). The impact of physicians' recommendations on treatment preference and attitudes: An experimental study on shared decision making. 10th International Shared Decision Making Conference. Quebec City, Canada. [Talk]
Eggeling, M., Bientzle, M., Meinhardt, A.-L., & Kimmerle, J. (2019, October). The impact of physicians’ recommendations and gender on informed decision making. 41st Annual Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making. Portland, USA. [Poster]
Grosser, J., Bientzle, M., Shiozawa, T., Hirt, B., & Kimmerle, J. (2019, August). Learning from an applied online learning platform: Insights into Tuebingen’s Sectio Chirurgica. 18th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Aachen, Germany. [Talk]
Grosser, J., Bientzle, M., Shiozawa-Bayer, T., Hirt, B., & Kimmerle, J. (2019, August). Educational online videos for students from different disciplines: The impact on learning and attitude toward inter-professional cooperation. Annual Conference of the Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE). Vienna, Austria. [Talk]
Großer, J., Bientzle, M., & Kimmerle, J. (2019, April). Learning from digital educational videos: The impact of the source profession on attitude, expectation, and knowledge. Tagung Experimentell Arbeitender Psychologen (TEAP 2019). London, United Kingdom. [Poster]
Riese, M., Bientzle, M., Kimmerle, J., Cress, U., & Matschke, C. (2019, September). Der Einfluss des physiotherapeutischen Ausbildungsweges auf die Identifikation mit dem Berufsstand und die gewünschte zukünftige Tätigkeit. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medizinische Ausbildung. Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland. [Vortrag]
Shiozawa, T., Bientzle, M., Grosser, J., Kimmerle, J., & Hirt, B. (2019, Januar). Die Öffnung der Hochschullehre – Empirische Analyse offener digitaler Lehre in der Medizin. Vorstellung der Medizinischen Fakultät Tübingen: „Lehre in Posterrounds“ im Studiengang „Master of Medical Education“. Tübingen, Deutschland. [Poster]
Shiozawa, T., Bientzle, M., Großer, J., Kimmerle, J., & Hirt, B. (2019, August). Twitch’ing Medical Education – the potential of live stream lectures. Association for Medical Education (AMEE) Conference 2019. Vienna, Austria. [Talk]
Bientzle, M. (2018, Juni). Nutzung der Onlineplattform mahara in der Physiotherapie Ausbildung. Eingeladener Vortrag am ulmkolleg. Ulm. [Vortrag]
Eggeling, M., Bientzle, M., & Kimmerle, J. (2018, June). Supporting shared decision making: What do patients need? Leibniz PhD Network Conference on Interdisciplinarity. Magdeburg. [Poster]
Eggeling, M., Bientzle, M., & Kimmerle, J. (2018, April). Using videos of live surgeries to communicate medical knowledge to the public. 15th International Public Communication of Science and Technology Conference. Dunedin, New Zealand. [Talk]
Grosser, J., Bientzle, M., Koebele, A., Klier, R., & Kimmerle, J. (2018, Oktober). Der Einfluss der wahrgenommenen Referentenprofession auf informelles Lernen mit digitalen Medien. #LearnMap-Konferenz. Tübingen. [Vortrag]
Großer, J., Bientzle, M., & Kimmerle, J. (2018, February). Learning from an interactive online platform: Anatomy and inter-professional collaboration in the operation room. Innovations in Medical Education Conference. Los Angeles, CA, USA. [Poster]
Großer, J., Bientzle, M., Shiozawa-Bayer, T., Hirt, B., & Kimmerle, J. (2018, August). Learning from an interactive online platform: Anatomy in the inter-professional operation room. Annual Conference of the Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE). Basel, Switzerland. [Talk]
Shiozawa, T., Bientzle, M., Großer, J., Kimmerle, J., & Hirt, B. (2018, September). TwitchTMing medical education – das Potential von Live Stream Lectures. GMA-Jahrestagung (Gesellschaft für Medizinische Ausbildung). Wien, Österreich. [Talk]
Bientzle, M., Steffen, W., Jeong, H., Cress, U., & Kimmerle, J. (2017, June). Text chatting in collaborative writing: Its role in coordinating activities. 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning. Philadelphia, PA, USA. [Poster]
Großer, J., Bientzle, M., Kimmerle, J., Shiozawa-Bayer, T., & Hirt, B. (2017, Juli). Die Öffnung der Hochschullehre. Empirische Analyse offener digitaler Lehre in der Medizin - Open Teach. Fachtagung „Hochschulen im digitalen Zeitalter“ des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung. Berlin. [Poster]
Griewatz, J., Küppers, J., Gall, C., Bientzle, M., Kimmerle, J., & Lammerding-Köppel, M. (2015, Oktober). Herausforderung Patient 2.0 - Wie können Medizinstudierende effektiv auf web-basierte Kommunikation und experten-gestützte Online-Beratung von Patienten vorbereitet werden? GMA-Jahrestagung (Gesellschaft für Medizinische Ausbildung). Leipzig. [Vortrag]
Griewatz, J., Küppers, J., Gall, C., Bientzle, M., Kimmerle, J., & Lammerding-Köppel, M. (2015, September). Between Dr. Google and the web-patient: How can medical students be prepared effectively for the task of online counselling? Annual AMEE Conference (Association for Medical Education in Europe). Glasgow, GB. [Poster]
Bientzle, M., Cress, U., & Kimmerle, J. (2014, June). The role of inconsistencies in collaborative knowledge construction. 11th International Conference of the Learning Sciences. Boulder, CO, USA. [Talk]
Bientzle, M., Kimmerle, J., Cress, U., & Thiel, A. (2012, März). Einfluss des Gesundheitsverständnisses auf den Austausch und die Konstruktion medizinischen Wissens. 13. Jahrestagung des Deutschen Netzwerk Evidenzbasierter Medizin, EbM-Kongress. Hamburg. [Poster]
Halatchliyski, I., Oeberst, A., Bientzle, M., Bokhorst, F., & van Aalst, J. (2012, July). Unraveling idea development in discourse trajectories. 10th International Conference of the learning sciences. Sydney, NSW, Australia. [Talk]
Kimmerle, J., Moskaliuk, J., Bientzle, M., Thiel, A., & Cress, U. (2012, July). Using controversies for knowledge construction: Thinking and
writing about alternative medicine. 10th International Conference of the Learning Sciences. Sydney, Australia. [Talk]
Fischer, U., Moeller, K., Bientzle, M., Sauter, C., Cress, U., & Nuerk, H.-C. (2010, January). Embodied spatial training of number magnitude representation: an intervention study. 28th European Workshop of Cognitive Neuropsychology. Bressanone, Italien. [Poster]
Bientzle, M., Wodzicki, K., Lingnau, A., & Cress, U. (2009, June). Enhancing pair learning of pupil with cognitive disabilities: Structural support with help of floor control. International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL). Rhodes, Greece. [Talk]
Bientzle, M. (2018). Multiprofessionelle Lehre gestalten – Konzepte und Umsetzungserfahrungen.
Großer, J., Hirt, B., Irle, G., Bientzle, M., Kimmerle, J., & Shiozawa, T. (2017). Psychologische Wirkfaktoren der digitalen Lehre in der Medizin am Beispiel der Sectio Chirurgica.
Bientzle, M., Eggeling, M., Kimmerle, J., Kanzleiter, M., & Thieme, K. (2021). Covid-19: The impact of narrative writing on empathy, perspective taking, and attitude. [Publication]
Eggeling, M., Korger, S., Cress, U., Kimmerle, J., & Bientzle, M. (2021). Dataset for: Decision aids to prepare patients for shared decision making: Two randomized controlled experiments on the impact of awareness of preference-sensitivity and personal motives. [Publication]
von Hoyer, J. F., Bientzle, M., Cress, U., Großer, J., Kimmerle, J., & Holtz, P. (2021). Dataset for: False certainty in the acquisition of anatomical and physiotherapeutic knowledge.
Eggeling, M., Meinhardt, A.-L., Cress, U., Kimmerle, J., & Bientzle, M. (2020). Dataset for: The impact of a physician’s recommendation and gender on informed decision making: A randomized controlled study in a simulated decision situation. [Publication]