Deputy Head of the Social Processes Lab
Since 2016, Annika Scholl has been deptuy head of the Social Processes lab. Starting as a PhD student, she began working at the institute in 2008. Her research focuses on social power, privileged roles, and group norms. In her work, she examines among other things under which conditions people express and understand power as responsibility and how this changes collaboration across hierarchies. In addition, she is interested in how to support people in accepting new technologies at work and in private life, and how group norms (e.g., highest performance-standards at universities) may impact well-being and performance. Beyond this, she is editor-in-chief and co-founder of the online journal, a science communication platform that supports knowledge exchange between researchers and practitioners.
Annika Scholl studied psychology (diploma, equivalent to MSc) at the University of Konstanz with a main focus on organizational and clinical psychology as well as computer science. She received her PhD from the University of Tübingen. Her thesis showed how power affects reflection (i.e., pre- and counterfactual thought) and learning from failure. From 2016–2021, her research was supported by a research grant (fellowship) of the Margarete-von-Wrangell habilitation program, funded by the government. She finished her Habilitation in December 2019.
Acceptance of digital media in work and private life
Scholl, A., & Winter, K. (in press). Responsibility as the door opener towards trust: How powerholders construe and express their power impacts others’ willingness to trust them. Journal of Applied Social Psychology.
Hampel, N., Sassenberg, K., Scholl, A., & Ditrich, L. (2024). Enactive mastery experience improves attitudes towards digital technology via self-efficacy – a pre-registered quasi-experiment. Behaviour & Information Technology, 43, 298-311.
Open Access
Brand, A.-K., Meyerhoff, H. S., Holl, F., & Scholl, A. (2023). When linguistic uncertainty spreads across pieces of information: Remembering facts on the news as speculation. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 29(1), 18-31.
request document
Winter, K., Scholl, A., & Sassenberg, K. (2023). Flexible minds make more moderate views: Subtractive counterfactuals mitigate strong views about immigrants’ trustworthiness. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 26(6), 1310-1328. [Data]
request document
Brand, A.-K., Scholl, A., & Meyerhoff, H. S. (2022). In case of doubt for the speculation? When people falsely remember facts in the news as being uncertain. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 151(4), 852-871. [Data]
request document
Hampel, N., Sassenberg, K., Scholl, A., & Reichenbach, M. (2022). Introducing digital technologies in the factory: Determinants of blue-collar workers’ attitudes towards new robotic tools. Behaviour & Information Technology, 41(14), 2973-2987.
request document
Sassenberg, K., Winter, K., Becker, D., Ditrich, L., Scholl, A., & Moskowitz, G. B. (2022). Flexibility mindsets: Reducing biases that result from spontaneous processing. European Review of Social Psychology, 33(1), 171-213.
Open Access
Scholl, A., Ellemers, N., Scheepers, D., & Sassenberg, K. (2022). Construal of power as opportunity or responsibility. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 65, 57-107.
request document
Scholl, A., & Sassenberg, K. (2022). Opening up new avenues for research on social power. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 52(3), 133-136.
Open Access
Wroblewski, D., Scholl, A., Ditrich, L., Pummerer, L., & Sassenberg, K. (2022). Let’s stay in touch: Frequency (but not mode) of interaction between leaders and followers predicts better leadership outcomes. PLOS ONE, 17(12), Article e0279176. [Data]
Open Access
Scholl, A., & Sassenberg, K. (2021). How identification with the social environment and with the government guide the use of the official COVID-19 contact tracing app: three quantitative survey studies. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 9(11), Article e28146. [Data]
Open Access
Scholl, A., Wenzler, M. P., Ellemers, N., Scheepers, D., & Sassenberg, K. (2021). Just do it or do it right? How regulatory mode relates to perceived responsibility and opportunity in collaborations. Personality and Individual Differences, 176, Article 110776.
request document
Winter, K., Scholl, A., & Sassenberg, K. (2021). A matter of flexibility: Changing outgroup attitudes through messages with negations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 120(4), 956-976. [Data]
request document
Scholl, A. (2020). Responsible power-holders: when and for what the powerful may assume responsibility. Current Opinion in Psychology, 33, 28-32.
Scholl, A., Sassenberg, K., Zapf, B. M., & Pummerer, L. (2020). Out of sight, out of mind: Power-holders feel responsible when anticipating face-to-face, but not digital contact with others. Computers in Human Behavior, 112, Article 106472.
request document
Sassenberg, K., & Scholl, A. (2019). Linking regulatory focus and threat–challenge: transitions between and outcomes of four motivational states. European Review of Social Psychology, 30(1), 174-215.
Open Access
Scholl, A., Bloechle, J., Sassenberg, K., Huber, S., & Moeller, K. (2019). The power to adapt: How sense of power predicts number processing. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology / Revue Canadienne de Psychologie Expérimentale, 73(3), 157-166.
request document
Scholl, A., Landkammer, F., & Sassenberg, K. (2019). When those who know do share: Group goals facilitate information sharing, but social power does not undermine it. PLOS ONE, 14(3):e0213795. [Data]
Open Access
Scholl, A., Sassenberg, K., & Pfattheicher, S. (2019). Pressured to be excellent? Social identification prevents negative affect from high university excellence norms. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 84, 103796. [Data]
request document
Scholl, A., Sassenberg, K., Ellemers, N., Scheepers, D., & de Wit, F. (2018). Highly identified power-holders feel responsible: The interplay between social identification and social power within groups. British Journal of Social Psychology, 57, 112-129.
request document
Scholl, A., de Wit, F., Ellemers, N., Fetterman, A. K., Sassenberg, K., & Scheepers, D. (2018). The burden of power: Construing power as responsibility (rather than as opportunity) alters threat-challenge responses. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 44(7), 1024-1038.
request document
Behringer, N., Sassenberg, K., & Scholl, A. (2017). Knowledge contribution in organizations via social media: The interplay of identification and perceived usefulness. Journal of Personnel Psychology, 16(1), 12-24.
request document
Ditrich, L., Scholl, A., & Sassenberg, K. (2017). Time to go! Leaving the group in response to norm-deviations. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 73, 259-267. [Data]
request document
Huber, S., Bloechle, J., Dackermann, T., Scholl, A., Sassenberg, K., & Moeller, K. (2017). Magnitude estimation is influenced by social power. Journal of Numerical Cognition, 3(2), 147-163.
Open Access
Scholl, A., Moeller, K., Scheepers, D., Nürk, H.-C., & Sassenberg, K. (2017). Physiological threat responses predict number processing. Psychological Research, 81, 278-288.
request document
Scholl, A., Sassenberg, K., Scheepers, D., Ellemers, N., & de Wit, F. (2017). A matter of focus: Power-holders feel more responsible after adopting a cognitive other-focus, rather than a self-focus. British Journal of Social Psychology, 56, 89-102.
request document
de Wit, F., Scheepers, D., Ellemers, N., Sassenberg, K., & Scholl, A. (2017). Whether power holders construe their power as responsibility or opportunity influences their tendency to take advice from others. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 38, 923-949.
request document
Epstude, K., Scholl, A., & Roese, N. J. (2016). Prefactual thoughts: Mental simulations about what might happen. Review of General Psychology, 20, 48-56.
request document
Scholl, A., & Sassenberg, K. (2015). Better know when (not) to think twice: How social power impacts prefactual thought. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 41, 159-170.
request document
Scholl, A., Sassenrath, C., & Sassenberg, K. (2015). Attracted to power: Challenge / threat and promotion / prevention focus differentially predict the attractiveness of group power. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, Article 397.
Open Access
Sassenrath, C., Sassenberg, K., & Scholl, A. (2014). From a distance …: The impact of approach and avoidance motivational orientation on perspective taking. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 5, 18-26.
request document
Scholl, A., & Sassenberg, K. (2014). "While you still think, I already type": Experienced social power reduces deliberation during e-mail communication. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 17(11), 692-696.
request document
Scholl, A., & Sassenberg, K. (2014). Where could we stand if I had…? How social power impacts counterfactual thinking after failure. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 53, 51-61.
request document
Sassenberg, K., & Scholl, A. (2013). If I can do it my way …The influence of regulatory focus on job-related values and job selection. Journal of Economic Psychology, 38, 58-70.
request document
Sassenberg, K., Matschke, C., & Scholl, A. (2011). The impact of discrepancies from ingroup norms on group members’ well-being and motivation. European Journal of Social Psychology, 41, 886-897.
request document
Sonnentag, S., Mojza, E. J., Binnewies, C., & Scholl, A. (2008). Being engaged at work and detached at home: A week-level study on work engagement, psychological detachment, and affect. Work and Stress, 22, 257-276.
request document
Scholl, A. & Sassenberg, K. (Eds.). (2022). Towards a second generation of power theories.. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 52(3).
Scholl, A., Landkammer, F., & Sassenberg, K. (2017). Knowledge exchange as a motivated social process. In S. Schwan & U. Cress (Eds.), The psychology of digital learning: Constructing, exchanging, and acquiring knowledge with digital media (pp. 89-104). New York: Springer.
Scholl, A., Ellemers, N., Sassenberg, K., & Scheepers, D. (2015). Understanding power in social context: How power relates to language and communication in line with responsibilities or opportunities. In R. Schulze & H. Pishwa (Eds.), The exercise of power in communication. Devices, reception and reaction (pp. 312-334). Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
Sassenberg, K., Ellemers, N., Scheepers, D., & Scholl, A. (2014). "Power corrupts" revisited: the role of construal of power as opportunity or responsibility. In J.-W. van Prooijen & P. A.M. van Lange (Eds.), Power, politics, and paranoia: Why people are suspicious of their leaders (pp. 73-87). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Sassenberg, K., & Scholl, A. (2014). Arbeitsbedingungen für Organisationales Lernen und Wissensmanagement optimieren - Einführung. In U. Cress, F. W. Hesse, & K. Sassenberg (Eds.), Wissenskollektion. 100 Impulse für Lernen und Wissensmanagement in Organisationen (pp. 55-58). Berlin: Springer Gabler.
Scholl, A. (2014). Effektiver Austausch über alle Hierarchie-Ebenen hinweg. In U. Cress, F. W. Hesse, & K. Sassenberg (Eds.), Wissenskollektion. 100 Impulse für Lernen und Wissensmanagement in Organisationen (pp. 30-31). Berlin: Springer Gabler.
Scholl, A. (2014). Kreative Lösungen fördern – aber wie? . In U. Cress, F. W. Hesse, & K. Sassenberg (Eds.), Wissenskollektion. 100 Impulse für Lernen und Wissensmanagement in Organisationen (pp. 95-97). Berlin: Springer Gabler.
Scholl, A. (2014). Durch Reflexion gemeinsam zum Erfolg?! . In U. Cress, F. W. Hesse, & K. Sassenberg (Eds.), Wissenskollektion. 100 Impulse für Lernen und Wissensmanagement in Organisationen (pp. 18-19). Berlin: Springer Gabler.
Scholl, A. (2014). Einsatzbereit bei der Arbeit, erholt in der Freizeit. In U. Cress, F. W. Hesse, & K. Sassenberg (Eds.), Wissenskollektion. 100 Impulse für Lernen und Wissensmanagement in Organisationen (pp. 72-74). Berlin: Springer Gabler.
Scholl, A. (2014). Hohe Anforderungen, aber viele Möglichkeiten?! . In U. Cress, F. W. Hesse, & K. Sassenberg (Eds.), Wissenskollektion. 100 Impulse für Lernen und Wissensmanagement in Organisationen (pp. 115-117). Berlin: Springer Gabler.
Scholl, A. (2014). Gut geplant ist (manchmal) halb gewonnen. In U. Cress, F. W. Hesse, & K. Sassenberg (Eds.), Wissenskollektion. 100 Impulse für Lernen und Wissensmanagement in Organisationen (pp. 91-93). Berlin: Springer Gabler.
Scholl, A. (2014). Die Kombination macht’s: Feedback und Reflexion. In U. Cress, F. W. Hesse, & K. Sassenberg (Eds.), Wissenskollektion. 100 Impulse für Lernen und Wissensmanagement in Organisationen (pp. 8-10). Berlin: Springer Gabler.
Scholl, A. (2014). Durch Reflexion vom Problem zur Lösung. In U. Cress, F. W. Hesse, & K. Sassenberg (Eds.), Wissenskollektion. 100 Impulse für Lernen und Wissensmanagement in Organisationen (pp. 7-8). Berlin: Springer Gabler.
Scholl, A. (2014). Gemeinsam sind wir stark. In U. Cress, F. W. Hesse, & K. Sassenberg (Eds.), Wissenskollektion. 100 Impulse für Lernen und Wissensmanagement in Organisationen (pp. 58-60). Berlin: Springer Gabler.
Scholl, A. (2014). Motiviert durch Erfolg und Misserfolg. In U. Cress, F. W. Hesse, & K. Sassenberg (Eds.), Wissenskollektion. 100 Impulse für Lernen und Wissensmanagement in Organisationen (pp. 85-87). Berlin: Springer Gabler.
Sassenberg, K., & Scholl, A. (2010). Soziale Bindung von Usern an Web 2.0-Angebote.. In G. Walsh, B. H. Haas, & T. Killian (Eds.), Web 2.0 - Neue Perspektiven für Marketing und Medien (2. überarbeitete Auflage, pp. 49-64). Heidelberg: Springer.
Ellemers, N., Sassenberg, K., Scheepers, D., & Scholl, A. (2020). Why Trump voters might have confidence in Joe Biden. How leaders consider their position predicts their use of power. Psychology Today. Psychology Today.
Scholl, A. (2020). Wer digital kommuniziert, fühlt sich weniger verantwortlich. Wirtschaftswoche.
Scholl, A. (2019). Interview zum Thema „Exzellenz an Universitäten". Hochschulradio Düsseldorf.
Scholl, A. (2018). Macht - Verantwortung oder Gelegenheit? Sonderheft zum Schwerpunkt Macht und Ohnmacht. Wirtschaftspsychologie aktuell, 2, 36-42.
Scholl, A. (2017). Telefoninterview für Matthew Hudson zum Thema "Power can corrupt, but also ennoble“. Nautilus Magazine.
Scholl, A. (2017). Interview zu Artikel "When power makes leader more sensitive". The New York Times.
Scholl, A. (2017). Führungsrollen in der Wissenschaft - Chance, Verantwortung oder beides? Personal in Hochschule und Wissenschaft entwickeln. DUZ: Magazin für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft, 1, 119-127.
Knipfer, K., Scholl, A., & Kump, B. (2014). Lernen durch Reflexion: Lösungsansätze für die Zukunft. Wirtschaftspsychologie, 3, 19-23.
Scholl, A., & Sassenberg, K. (2014). Anlass zur Reflexion: Warum Führungspersonen oft besser aus Fehlern lernen. Forschung & Lehre, 08/2014.
Scholl, A. (2013). Im eigenen Interesse oder für das Gemeinwohl: Wie verändert Macht unser Verhalten? In-Mind.
Scholl, A. (2024, Mai 2). Führung auf Distanz. "Digitalisierung in Arbeit und Gesellschaft", Masterseminar. Universität Wuppertal. [Vortrag]
Winter, K., Scholl, A., & Sassenberg, K. (2023, July 3). Flexible minds make more moderate views: Subtractive counterfactuals mitigate strong views about immigrants’ trustworthiness. 19th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology (EASP). Kraków, Poland. [Talk]
Winter, K., Scholl, A., & Sassenberg, K. (2023, June 25-28). Anticipating and defusing the role of conspiracy beliefs in shaping opposition to wind farms. EASP Small Group Meeting “Collective responses to global environmental challenges: How do collective cognition and motivation shape appraisals and responses?”. Leipzig. [Talk]
Wroblewski, D., Scholl, A., Ditrich, L., Pummerer, L., & Sassenberg, K. (2023, May 3-6). Let's stay in touch: Frequency (but not mode) of interaction between leaders and followers predicts better leadership outcomes. 6th Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Leadership Symposium (IPLS 2023). Rhodes, Greece. [Talk]
Wroblewski, D., Scholl, A., Ditrich, L., Pummerer, L., & Sassenberg, K. (2022, September 10-15). Let’s stay in touch: Frequency (but not mode) of interaction between leaders and followers predicts better leadership outcomes. 52. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Hildesheim. [Talk]
Brand, A.-K., Scholl, A., & Meyerhoff, H. S. (2021, March 14-17). When linguistic uncertainty spreads across pieces of information: Confusing facts in the news with speculations. 63. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP). Ulm. [Talk]
Winter, K., Scholl, A., & Sassenberg, K. (2021, October 4-6). Open mind for a different view: Flexibility mindsets as a strategy to reduce polarization. Invited talk at the Symposium on Belief Polarization. Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien, Tübingen. [Talk]
Winter, K., Scholl, A., & Sassenberg, K. (2021, February 25-26). Flexible minds, moderate views: How political communication can reduce extreme attitudes towards immigrants. 24 hours of Political Psychology. Scientific Online Meeting of the German Political Psychology Network. Jena. [Talk]
Winter, K., Scholl, A., & Sassenberg, K. (2021, June 30). Flexibility mindsets: A novel strategy to reduce prejudice via (political) communication. Eingeladener Vortrag, Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft. Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena. [Talk]
Brand, A.-K., Scholl, A., & Meyerhoff, H. S. (2020, November). When Linguistic Uncertainty Cues Spread: Confusing Facts in the News with Speculations. 61th Psychonomic Society's Annual Meeting (online conference). [Poster]
Brand, A.-K., Scholl, A., & Meyerhoff, H. S. (2020, March). In Case of Doubt for the Suspicion? – A Memory Bias from Fact toward Uncertainty in News Headlines. 62th Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TeaP). Jena. (Conference cancelled). [Talk]
Scholl, A., Sassenberg, K., Ellemers, N., De Wit, F., & Scheepers, D. (2020, May). Context shapes responsibility: Perceived responsibility among the powerful depends on the salience of consequences of their actions. 5th Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Leadership Symposium (IPLS). Mykonos, Greece. (Conference cancelled). [Talk]
Scholl, A., Zapf, B., Pfattheicher, S., Sonnentag, S., & Sassenberg, K. (2020, June). Under pressure to be excellent? Social identification buffers stress from excellence norms. 19th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology (EASP). Krakow, Poland. (Conference cancelled). [Talk]
Winter, K., Sassenberg, K., & Scholl, A. (2020, June). Getting the hard-to-get: Cognitive flexibility as means to reduce prejudice. 19th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology (EASP). Krakow, Poland. (Conference cancelled). [Talk]
Brand, A.-K., Scholl, A., & Meyerhoff, H. S. (2019, October). “In case of doubt for the suspicion”? A Memory biases from fact to uncertainty in causal explanations. Herbsttreffen der experimentellen kognitiven Psychologie (HExKoP). Hildesheim, Germany. [Talk]
Scholl, A. (2019, July). Responsible power-holders: When and for what the powerful assume responsibility. Invited Talk at the Power in Organizations Workshop, ETH Zürich. Zürich, Switzerland. [Talk]
Scholl, A. (2019, September). Power as responsibility: When and why those in power may ‘do well’ or ‘do good’. 17. Tagung der Fachgruppe Sozialpsychologie. Köln, Germany. [Talk]
Scholl, A., Sassenberg, K., Ellemers, N., De Wit, F., & Scheepers, D. (2019, May). Power as responsibility: When and why those in power may ‘do well’ or ‘do good’. 4th Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Leadership Symposium. Corfu, Greece. [Talk]
Winter, K., Sassenberg, K., & Scholl, A. (2019, March). A matter of flexibility: How and when messages with negations enhance outgroup trust. 3rd International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS). Paris, France. [Talk]
Winter, K., Sassenberg, K., & Scholl, A. (2019, September). The impact of counterfactual thinking on the perceived trustworthiness of migrants. 17. Tagung der Fachgruppe Sozialpsychologie. Köln, Germany. [Talk]
Winter, K., Sassenberg, K., & Scholl, A. (2019, July). Subtractive counterfactual thinking depolarizes attitudes towards immigrants. EASP Small Group Meeting ´Taking a cognitive perspective on social phenomena’. Tübingen, Germany. [Talk]
Winter, K., Sassenberg, K., & Scholl, A. (2019, February). Persuasive communication in intergroup settings: Messages with negations change outgroup attitudes via cognitive flexibility. Sozialpsychologisches Kolloquium. University of Mannheim, Germany. [Talk]
Scholl, A. (2018, Juni). Verantwortung in Führungspositionen: Welche Folgen gehen damit einher? Wie lässt sie sich fördern? Eingeladener Vortrag an der Universität Lüneburg. Lüneburg. [Vortrag]
Scholl, A. (2018, April). Responsibility among the powerful: When and why social power benefits, rather than corrupts, behavior towards others. Invited talk at University of Zurich. Zürich, Schweiz. [Talk]
Scholl, A. (2018, September). Discussing new directions in power research. 51. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Frankfurt am Main. [Symposium Discussion]
Scholl, A. (2018, March). When great power comes with great responsibility: Understanding when and why power may benefit, rather than corrupt. Invited talk at University of Groningen. Groningen, The Netherlands. [Talk]
Scholl, A., & Gleibs, I. (2018, September). When others make a healthy day: How social processes contribute to health and well-being. 51. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Frankfurt am Main. [Symposium Organisation]
Scholl, A., Sassenberg, K., & Pfattheicher, S. (2018, July). The stressful striving for excellence? Social identification buffers stress from social norms about excellence. 4th International Conference on Social Identity and Health. Lausanne, Switzerland. [Talk]
Scholl, A., Sassenberg, K., & Pfattheicher, S. (2018, September). Pressured to perform well? How social identification can protect well-being under highly demanding social norms. 51. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Frankfurt am Main. [Talk]
Wenzler, M., & Scholl, A. (2018, September). What is moral or what is best for public good? How social roles, action features, and reasoning preferences shape judgments of right and wrong. 51. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Frankfurt. [Symposium Organisation]
Wenzler, M., Scholl, A., & Sassenberg, K. (2018, September). Keep calm and decide rationally: Power predicts utilitarian judgments in sacrificial moral dilemmas by reducing distress experience. 51. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Frankfurt. [Talk]
Winter, K., Sassenberg, K., & Scholl, A. (2018, November). Shaping outgroup trust through cognitive flexibility. Colloquium of the Social Psychology Lab. Groningen, The Netherlands. [Talk]
Winter, K., Sassenberg, K., & Scholl, A. (2018, December). Stereotype change through cognitive flexibility - how messages with negations enhance outgroup trust among the distrusting. 2018 Associatie van Sociaal-Psychologische Onderzoekers (ASPO) Conference. Nijmegen, The Netherlands. [Talk]
Winter, K., Sassenberg, K., & Scholl, A. (2018, November). Building intergroup trust through cognitive flexibility. European Association Social Psychology (EASP) Meeting: "Polarization, Populism, Political Alienation: Causes and Consequences of Social Diversity and Inequality?". Landau. [Talk]
Zapf, B., Scholl, A., & Sassenberg, K. (2018, September). "I perform, therefore, I am“: Do organizational demands for excellent performance influence stress at work? 51. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Frankfurt am Main. [Poster]
Scholl, A. (2017, June). Responsible power-holders?! When and how social power may benefit, rather than corrupt. Invited talk at the Social Psychology Colloquium, University of Amsterdam. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Talk]
Scholl, A. (2017, September). The role of social identity in school and university contexts. 16. Tagung der Fachgruppe Sozialpsychologie. Ulm. [Symposium Organisation]
Scholl, A., & Rabinovich, A. (2017, July). Transcending the present: How temporal perspectives alter emotion, cognition, and behavior. 18th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology (EASP). Granada, Spain. [Symposium Organisation]
Scholl, A., & Sassenberg, K. (2017, July). Time will tell: How a long-term perspective alters the perception of social power. 18th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology (EASP). Granada, Spain. [Talk]
Scholl, A., Sassenberg, K., & Pfattheicher, S. (2017, September). Pressured to be excellent? Social identification buffers stress from excellence norms at the university. 16. Tagung der Fachgruppe Sozialpsychologie. Ulm. [Talk]
Wenzler, M., & Scholl, A. (2017, September). When and why do we comply? Situational and personal determinants of moral rule violations. 16.Tagung der Fachgruppe Sozialpsychologie. Ulm. [Symposium Organisation]
Wenzler, M., Scholl, A., & Sassenberg, K. (2017, September). Keep calm and decide rationally under stress? Power facilitates moral rule violations in stressful situations. 16. Tagung der Fachgruppe Sozialpsychologie. Ulm. [Talk]
Wenzler, M., Scholl, A., & Sassenberg, K. (2017, July). Power and Morality: The influence of power on judgment of moral rule violations. 18th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology (EASP). Granada, Spain. [Poster]
Bloechle, J., Huber, S., Dackermann, T., Scholl, A., Sassenberg, K., & Moeller, K. (2016, September). Manipulated Social power influences magnitude estimation. Workshop on Domain-General and Domain-Specific Foundations of Numerical and Arithmetic Processing. Tübingen. [Poster]
Landkammer, F., Hornsey, M., Sassenberg, K., & Scholl, A. (2016, September). Building trust between social groups: Individual trust brokers as stereotype change agents. 50. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Leipzig. [Talk]
Sassenberg, K., Sassenrath, C., & Scholl, A. (2016, September). The relation between regulatory focus and threat vs. challenge: Outcomes of and transitions between states. 50. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Leipzig. [Talk]
Scholl, A., Sassenberg, K., de Wit, F., Scheepers, D., & Ellemers, N. (2016, März). Macht als Verantwortung: Einflussfaktoren und Konsequenzen für sich und andere. Zweites Small Group Meeting „Bedrohung und Moral“. Kassel. [Vortrag]
Scholl, A., Sassenberg, K., de Wit, F., Scheepers, D., Ellemers, N., & Fetterman, A. K. (2016, September). Great power as great responsibility: Predictors and physiological consequences. 50. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Leipzig. [Talk]
Wenzler, M., Scholl, A., & Sassenberg, K. (2016, September). Power and Morality: The influence of power on judgment of moral rule violations. 50. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Leipzig. [Poster]
Landkammer, F., & Scholl, A. (2015, September). Macht und Dominanz: Konsequenzen für sich und andere. Symposium auf der 15. Tagung der Fachgruppe Sozialpsychologie der DGPs. Potsdam. [Symposium Organisation]
Landkammer, F., & Scholl, A. (2015, September). Gruppenziele verhindern den korrumpierenden Effekt von Macht auf die Weitergabe wichtiger Informationen. 15. Tagung der Fachgruppe Sozialpsychologie der DGPs. Potsdam. [Vortrag]
Sassenberg, K., Sassenrath, C., Scholl, A., & Fetterman, A. (2015, February). The relation between regulatory focus and threat vs. challenge: Outcomes of and transitions between states. 16th Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. Long Beach, CA, USA. [Poster]
Scholl, A., De Wit, F., Scheepers, D., Ellemers, N., & Sassenberg, K. (2015, February). The downside of power for the self: How power as responsibility affects cardiovascular stress responses. 16th Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. Long Beach, CA, USA. [Talk]
Scholl, A., & Sassenberg, K. (2015, February). "Where could we stand if I had…?" How social power impacts counterfactual thought. Mental Simulation Preconference, 16th Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. Long Beach, CA, USA. [Talk]
Scholl, A., & Sassenberg, K. (2015, May). Social power and the flexibility of self-referential thought. 27th Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science (APS). New York, NY, USA. [Talk]
Scholl, A., & Scheepers, D. (2015, February). The psychophysiology of high social standing: (Dys-)functional responses to power and status. 16th Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. Long Beach, CA, USA. [Symposium Organisation]
Scholl, A., de Wit, F., Scheepers, D., Ellemers, N., Sassenberg, K., & Fetterman, A. (2015, September). Verantwortung als Last: Wie das Verständnis von Macht physiologische Reaktionen beeinflusst. 15. Tagung der Fachgruppe Sozialpsychologie der DGPs. Potsdam. [Vortrag]
Scholl, A., de Wit, F., Scheepers, D., Ellemers, N., Sassenberg, K., & Fetterman, A. (2015, August). With great power may come great stress: How power as responsibility affects
threat-challenge responses. 17th European Social Cognition Network Transfer of Knowledge Conference (ESCON). Bensheim. [Talk]
Scholl, A., & Ellemers, N. (2014, July). Does power help or hinder? When and how social power changes reactions to others. 17th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology (EASP). Amsterdam, Niederlande. [Symposium Organisation]
Scholl, A., & Sassenberg, K. (2014, September). Der Job, der zu mir passt: Wie der Fit zwischen regulatorischem Fokus und Arbeitsplatz die Motivation und das Befinden beeinflusst. 49. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Bochum. [Vortrag]
Scholl, A., & Sassenberg, K. (2014, September). Giving Social Psychology Away – Sozialpsychologische Theorien in der Anwendung. 49. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Bochum. [Symposium Organisation]
Scholl, A., Sassenberg, K., Ellemers, N., & Scheepers, D. (2014, July). With power comes responsibility: How awareness of others predicts the construal of power as responsibility. 17th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology (EASP). Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Talk]
Sassenberg, K., Scholl, A., Ellemers, N., & Scheepers, D. (2013, May). Does considering others promote power holders' responsibility? 16th congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (eawop). Münster. [Talk]
Scholl, A. (2013, October). The ups and downs of becoming aware of others: When power is seen as responsibility. Leiden University. Leiden, NL. [Talk]
Scholl, A., & Hamstra, M. (2013, May). Task and social leadership: Contributions from power research. 16th congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (eawop). Münster. [Symposium Organisation]
Scholl, A., & Sassenberg, K. (2013, May). When being powerful promotes questioning one's own actions. 16th congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (eawop). Münster. [Talk]
Scholl, A., Sassenberg, K., Ellemers, N., & Scheepers, D. (2013, January). The downside of becoming aware of others: Focusing on the self versus others and the constual of power as responsibility or opportunity. 14th Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. New Orleans, LA, USA. [Poster]
Scholl, A., Sassenberg, K., Ellemers, N., & Scheepers, D. (2013, November). Soziale Macht bedeutet Verantwortung, wenn das "Wir-Gefühl" stimmt. 6. Interdisziplinäres Kolloquium der RespectResearchGroup. Hamburg. [Vortrag]
Scholl, A., Sassenberg, K., Ellemers, N., & Scheeprs, D. (2013, September). Focusing on others has its downsides: When power is seen as opportunity rather than responsibility. 14. Tagung der Fachgruppe Sozialpsychologie. Hagen. [Talk]
Sassenberg, K., Ellemers, N., Scheepers, D., & Scholl, A. (2012, July). "Power corrupts": The
egocentric construal of power as opportunity is what renders power attractive. Meeting on Power, Politics, and Paranoia. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Talk]
Scholl, A., & Sassenberg, K. (2012, January). Where could we stand if I had...? How power affects counterfactual thinking after failure. 13th Annual Meeting of the Society of Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP). San Diego, CA, USA. [Poster]
Scholl, A., & Sassenberg, K. (2012, July). Opportunity knocks when experiencing power: The impact of
social power on pre- and counterfactual thought in the face of joint failure. European Association of Social Psychology (EASP) Small Group Meeting: Control experience, power, and intergroup relations. Kazimierz Dolny, Poland. [Talk]
Scholl, A., & Sassenberg, K. (2011, September). Erst nachdenken, dann handeln? Wie Macht die Reflexion beim Zielstreben beeinflusst. 13. Tagung der Fachgruppe Sozialpsychologie der DGPs. Hamburg. [Talk]
Scholl, A., & Sassenberg, K. (2011, July). I have the power, so I could have changed it. Power and counterfactual thinking after failure. 16th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology (EASP). Stockholm, Sweden. [Talk]
Scholl, A., & Sassenberg, K. (2011, March). Making use of what is in your power - How power affects counterfactual thinking after failure during goal pursuit. Invited talk at the Social Group Research Seminar, University of Kent. Canterbury, Great Britain. [Talk]
Scholl, A., & Sassenberg, K. (2011, July). The ups and downs of power in social interactions. Symposium at the EASP 16th General Meeting. Stockholm, Sweden. [Symposium Organisation]
Scholl, A., & Epstude, K. (2010, September). Misserfolge beim Zielstreben und ihre motivierende Wirkung. Arbeitsgruppe auf dem 47. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Bremen. [Symposium Organisation]
Scholl, A., & Sassenberg, K. (2010, June). The impact of social power on individual reflection after failure. 1st International Conference on Motivation, Self- Regulation, and Gender: Perspectives and Applications. Gdansk, Poland. [Talk]
Scholl, A., & Sassenberg, K. (2010, September). Der Einfluss sozialer Macht auf die Reflexion über Misserfolge beim Zielstreben. 47. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Bremen. [Vortrag]
Scholl, A., & Sassenberg, K. (2010, June). Finding the job that suits you well: How regulatory focus affects job selection and subsequent well-being at work. WAOP / ea-ohp Small Group Meeting on Occupational Health and Engagement: A matter of Self-Regulation. Groningen, the Netherlands. [Talk]
Scholl, A., & Sassenberg, K. (2009, September). Der Einfluss des regulatorischen Fokus auf die Bewertung von Informationen und das Treffen von Entscheidungen bei der Jobauswahl. 12. Tagung der Fachgruppe Sozialpsychologie der DGPs. Walferdange, Luxemburg. [Poster]
Binnewies, C., Metzler, N., Scholl, A., & Sonnentag, S. (2008, July). Teaching with a smile: A diary study on emotion regulation and its short-term outcomes at work and at home. Sixth International Conference on Emotions and Worklife (Emonet VI). Fontainebleau, France. [Talk]
Sonnentag, S., Mojza, E. J., Binnewies, C., & Scholl, A. (2008, April). There is a right time for everything: Work engagement and psychological detachment from work as predictors of affect. 23rd Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP). San Francisco, CA, USA. [Poster]
Scholl, A., Sassenberg, K., Ellemers, N., Scheepers, D., & De Wit, F. (2023). Construal of power: review and summary of measures and manipulations.
Scholl, A. (2021). Verdienst du noch oder lebst du schon?
Scholl, A. (2021). Die eigene Sympathie wird unterschätzt: Mögen uns andere mehr, als wir vielleicht denken?
Scholl, A. (2021). Vom Home Office zurück ins Büro: Ein Übergang, der Aufmerksamkeit braucht.
Scholl, A. (2021). Kleine Pausen tragen zum Arbeitsengagement bei.
Scholl, A. (2021). Das Wochenende als Urlaub betrachten macht glücklicher.
Scholl, A. (2021). Und täglich grüßt das Online-Meeting: Was tun gegen die Videokonferenzmüdigkeit?
Scholl, A. (2021). Machtfrage: Wie Chefinnen und Chefs handeln, hat auch damit zu tun, wie sie ihre Macht wahrnehmen. Ein Gespräch über Verantwortungsbewusstsein in Zeiten der Distanz. leibniz. Das Magazin der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft.
Scholl, A. (2020). Führung auf Distanz: Aus den Augen, aus dem Sinn? Wissensdialog.
Scholl, A. (2020). Erholung – auch jetzt unter besonderen Bedingungen?! Wissensdialog.
Scholl, A. (2020). Sorry, mein Fehler: Warum es sich lohnen kann, Fehler zuzugeben. Wissensdialog.
Scholl, A. (2020). Yes we can: Wir gemeinsam zu mehr Leistung?! Wissensdialog.
Scholl, A. (2019). Die Bedeutung der Wortwahl: „Man“ sollte oder „ich“ möchte gerne. Wissensdialog.
Scholl, A. (2019). Führungsrollen anstreben: Ja, nein und warum eigentlich? Wissensdialog.
Scholl, A. (2019). Wohin mit dem Ärger? Macht beeinflusst, wie wir Ärger ausdrücken. Wissensdialog.
Scholl, A. (2019). Wir sind exzellent – und (nicht) gestresst? Wissensdialog.
Scholl, A. (2018). „Klatsch und Tratsch“ im Unternehmen kann zur Zusammenarbeit motivieren. Wissensdialog.
Scholl, A. (2018). Mit Macht kommt Verantwortung - und womöglich auch Stress?! Wissensdialog.
Scholl, A. (2018). Wie heißen Sie noch gleich? Vergessen werden kann der Zusammenarbeit schaden. Wissensdialog.
Scholl, A. (2018). Lieber persönlich fragen: Per E-mail ist man weniger überzeugend, als man denkt. Wissensdialog.
Scholl, A. (2017). Wann Mächtige doch Ratschläge annehmen. wissensdialog.
Scholl, A. (2017). Warum es sich lohnen kann, anderen von positiven Erlebnissen zu erzählen. wissensdialog.
Scholl, A. (2016). Warum es schwerfallen kann, kurz vor dem Ziel aufzugeben. wissensdialog.
Scholl, A. (2016). Warum Mächtige gemeinsam manchmal schlechtere Entscheidungen treffen. wissensdialog.
Scholl, A. (2016). Wie erleben wir eigentlich Macht im Alltag? wissensdialog.
Scholl, A. (2016). Andere besser verstehen? Die Rolle von Macht und Status. wissensdialog.
Scholl, A. (2016). Wettbewerb kann auch positive Folgen haben - wenn er mit Kooperation kombiniert wird. wissensdialog.
Scholl, A. (2015). "Ich weiß, dass ich nichts weiß" - Warum wir unser Wissen manchmal überschätzen. wissensdialog.
Scholl, A. (2015). (Nicht) Ohne mein Smartphone. wissensdialog.
Scholl, A. (2015). Wie beeinflusst Macht moralisches Handeln? Ein Überblick über die Forschung. wissensdialog.
Scholl, A. (2015). Die eigene Ausdrucksweise kann Macht, aber auch geringe Handlungsbereitschaft signalisieren. wissensdialog.
Scholl, A. (2015). Kleider machen Leute: Wie formelle Kleidung unser Denken beeinflussen kann. wissensdialog.
Scholl, A. (2014). Offen für Neues? Wann wir bei Entscheidungen (nicht) auf unsere Kollegen hören. wissensdialog.
Scholl, A. (2014). Von nah und fern: Aus der Distanz heraus lassen sich andere besser verstehen. wissensdialog.
Scholl, A. (2014). Was möchtest du zuerst hören: Die gute oder die schlechte Nachricht? wissensdialog.
Scholl, A. (2014). Wer anderen einen Gefallen tut… kann auch Misstrauen erwecken. wissensdialog.
Scholl, A. (2014). Es kommt auf den Ton an: Mit der richtigen Musik fühlen wir uns einflussreicher. wissensdialog.
Scholl, A. (2013). Moral am Morgen: Wie die Tageszeit Entscheidungen beeinflusst. wissensdialog.
Scholl, A. (2013). Wir sind hier ohnehin einer Meinung - oder etwa nicht? wissensdialog.
Scholl, A. (2013). "Teilen" online: Die positive Wirkung von Statusmeldungen. wissensdialog.
Scholl, A. (2013). Die Kombination macht’s: Feedback und Reflexion. wissens.blitz(96).
Scholl, A. (2013). Die Potentiale von Reflexion über Positives. wissens.blitz(104).
Scholl, A. (2013). Einsatzbereit bei der Arbeit, erholt in der Freizeit. wissens.blitz(88).
Scholl, A. (2013). Wie Macht Illusionen über Loyalität fördern kann. wissensdialog.
Scholl, A. (2012). Einsatzbereit bei der Arbeit, erholt in der Freizeit. wissens.blitz(88).
Scholl, A. (2012). Gut geplant ist (manchmal) halb gewonnen. wissens.blitz (59).
Scholl, A. (2012). Effektiver Austausch über alle Hierarchie-Ebenen hinweg. wissens.blitz (79).
Scholl, A. (2012). Guter Rat ist manchmal (un-) erwünscht. wissensdialog.
Scholl, A. (2011). Kreative Lösungen fördern – aber wie? wissens.blitz (25).
Scholl, A. (2011). Durch Reflexion gemeinsam zum Erfolg?! wissens.blitz (7).
Scholl, A. (2011). Motiviert durch Erfolg und Misserfolg. wissens.blitz (17).
Scholl, A. (2011). Hohe Anforderungen, aber viele Möglichkeiten?! wissens.blitz (33).
Scholl, A. (2011). Gemeinsam sind wir stark. wissens.blitz (41).
Scholl, A. (2011). Durch Reflexion vom Problem zur Lösung. wissens.blitz (50).
Winter, K., Scholl, A., & Sassenberg, K. (2022). Dataset for: Flexible minds make more moderate views: Subtractive counterfactuals mitigate strong views about immigrants’ trustworthiness. [Publication]
Wroblewski, D., Scholl, A., Ditrich, L., Pummerer, L., & Sassenberg, K. (2022). Dataset for: Let’s stay in touch: Frequency (but not mode) of interaction between leaders and followers predicts better leadership outcomes. [Publication]
Brand, A., Scholl, A., & Meyerhoff, H. S. (2021). Dataset for: In case of doubt for the speculation? When people falsely remember facts in the news as being uncertain. [Publication]
Scholl, A., & Sassenberg, K. (2021). How identification with the social environment and with the government guide the use of the official COVID-19 contact tracing app: Three quantitative survey studies. [Publication]
Winter, K., Scholl, A., & Sassenberg, K. (2020). A matter of flexibility: Changing outgroup attitudes through messages with negations. [Publication]
Scholl, A. (2019). Pressured to be excellent? Social identification prevents negative affect from high university excellence norms. [Publication]
Scholl, A., Landkammer, F., & Sassenberg, K. (2019). When those who know do share: Group goals facilitate information sharing, but social power does not undermine it. [Publication]
Scholl, A., Sassenberg, K., & Pfattheicher, S. (2019). Pressured to be excellent? Social identification prevents negative affect from high university excellence norms. [Publication]
Ditrich, L., Scholl, A., & Sassenberg, K. (2017). Time to go! Leaving the group in response to norm-deviations. [Publication]
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