Gieselmann, M., Hagedorn, J., & Sassenberg, K. (2024). Do perceived benefits compensate for low provider trustworthiness in disclosure decisions? An experimental investigation. Journal of Media Psychology.
Open Access
Gieselmann, M., & Sassenberg, K. (2023). The more competent, the better? The effects of perceived competencies on disclosure towards conversational Artificial Intelligence. Social Science Computer Review, 41(6), 2342-2363. [Data]
Open Access
Tschopp, M., Gieselmann, M., & Sassenberg, K. (2023). Servant by default? How humans perceive their relationship with conversational AI. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, 17(3), Article 9.
Open Access
Greussing, E., Gaiser, F., Klein, S. H., Straßmann, C., Ischen, C., Eimler, S., Frehmann, K., Gieselmann, M., Knorr, C., Lermann Henestrosa, A., Räder, A., & Utz, S. (2022). Researching interactions between humans and machines: Methodological challenges. Publizistik, 67(4), 531-554.
Open Access
Lanzer, M., Gieselmann, M., Mühl, K., & Baumann, M. (2021). Assessing crossing and communication behavior of pedestrians at urban streets. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 80, 341-358.
Volltext anfordern
Gieselmann, M., & Sassenberg, K. (2023). The relevance of perceived interactivity for disclosure towards conversational artificial intelligence. In H. Degen & S. Ntoa (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence in HCI. HCII 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Vol. 14051, pp. 55-67). Springer.
Gieselmann, M., & Sassenberg, K. (2024, April 11). Towards a better understanding of information disclosure in human-AI interactions. Closing Conference of the Human-Agent Interaction Network: Interactions With Language-Based AI. Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien (IWM), Tübingen. [Poster]
Tschopp, M., Gieselmann, M., & Sassenberg, K. (2024, April 11). Don't call me buddy! When emotional design hinders the voice shopping experience. Closing Conference of the Human-Agent Interaction Network: Interactions With Language-Based AI. Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien (IWM), Tübingen. [Poster]
Gieselmann, M., & Sassenberg, K. (2023, July 23-28). The relevance of interactivity for disclosure towards conversational artificial intelligence. 25th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII). Copenhagen, Denmark. [Talk]
Gieselmann, M., & Sassenberg, K. (2023, March 6-7). The more competent, the better? The effects of perceived competencies on disclosure towards conversational AI. Conversing with Artificial Intelligence - Implications for Communication, Relationship-Building and Understanding. Berlin. [Poster]
Gieselmann, M., & Sassenberg, K. (2023, September 12-15). Wann akzeptieren Manager den Einsatz von KI-Systemen? Der Einfluss des Unternehmensbereichs und der KI-Funktionalität. 13. Fachgruppentagung der Fachgruppe Arbeits-, Organisations- und Wirtschaftspsychologie. Kassel. [Vortrag]
Gieselmann, M., & Sassenberg, K. (2022, March 20-23). How do perceived competencies affect privacy concerns towards conversational AIs? 64. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog:innen (TeaP) - Conference of Experimental Psychologists. University of Cologne (online conference). [Talk]
Gieselmann, M., & Sassenberg, K. (2022, September 10-15). How do perceived competencies affect privacy concerns towards conversational AIs? 52. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Hildesheim. [Talk]
Gieselmann, M., Klein, S. H., & Utz, S. (2024). Closing conference of the Human-Agent Interaction Network: Interactions with language-based AI.
Gieselmann, M., Hagedorn, J., & Sassenberg, K. (2024). Dataset for: Do perceived benefits compensate for low provider trustworthiness in disclosure decisions? An experimental investigation.
Gieselmann, M., & Sassenberg, K. (2022). Dataset for: The more competent, the better? – The effects of perceived competencies on disclosure towards conversational Artificial Intelligence. [Publication]