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Ehemaliges IWM-Mitglied [01.12.2007 - 31.03.2016]

Dr. Alexander Eitel

Abgeschlossene Projekte

Die Funktion der (initialen) Bildbetrachtung beim Lernen mit Multimedia

Metakognitive Einflüsse beim multimedialen Lernen

Wie schlechte Lesbarkeit Lernen mit Multimedia beeinflusst

Artikel in referierten Zeitschriften

Richter, J., Scheiter, K., & Eitel, A. (2018). Signaling text–picture relations in multimedia learning: The influence of prior knowledge. Journal of Educational Psychology, 110, 544-560. Volltext anfordern

Eitel, A., Benito, S. M., & Scheiter, K. (2017). Do it twice! Test-taking fosters repeated but not initial study of multimedia instruction. Learning and Instruction, 52, 36-45. Volltext anfordern

Schleinschok, K., Eitel, A., & Scheiter, K. (2017). Do drawing tasks improve monitoring and control during learning from text? Learning and Instruction, 51, 10-25. Volltext anfordern

Eitel, A. (2016). How repeated studying and testing affects multimedia learning: Evidence for adaptation to task demands. Learning and Instruction, 41, 70-84. Volltext anfordern

Eitel, A., & Kühl, T. (2016). Effects of disfluency and test expectancy on learning with text. Metacognition and Learning, 11, 107-121. Volltext anfordern

Kühl, T., & Eitel, A. (2016). Editorial: Effects of disfluency on cognitive and metacognitive processes and outcomes. Metacognition and Learning, 11, 1-13. Volltext anfordern

Richter, J., Scheiter, K., & Eitel, A. (2016). Signaling text-picture relations in multimedia learning: A comprehensive meta-analysis. Educational Research Review, 17, 19-36. Volltext anfordern

Scheiter, K., Eitel, A., & Schüler, A. (2016). Lernen mit Texten und Bildern: Die frühzeitige wechselseitige Beeinflussung kognitiver Prozesse bei der Konstruktion eines integrierten mentalen Modells. Themenheft: Psychologie und Wissensmedien. Psychologische Rundschau, 67, 87-93.

Eitel, A., & Scheiter, K. (2015). Picture or text first? Explaining sequence effects when learning with pictures and text. Educational Psychology Review, 27, 153-180. Volltext anfordern

Scheiter, K., & Eitel, A. (2015). Signals foster multimedia learning by supporting integration of highlighted text and diagram elements. Learning and Instruction, 36, 11-26. Volltext anfordern

Schweppe, J., Eitel, A., & Rummer, R. (2015). The multimedia effect and its stability over time. Learning and Instruction, 38, 24-33. Volltext anfordern

Eitel, A., Kühl, T., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2014). Disfluency meets cognitive load in multimedia learning: Does harder-to-read mean better-to-understand? Applied Cognitive Psychology, 28(4), 488-501. Volltext anfordern

Kühl, T., Eitel, A., Damnik, G., & Körndle, H. (2014). The impact of disfluency, pacing, and students' need for cognition on learning with multimedia. Computers in Human Behavior, 35, 189-198. Volltext anfordern

Kühl, T., Eitel, A., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2014). A call for an unbiased search for moderators in disfluency research: Reply to Oppenheimer and Alter (2014). Applied Cognitive Psychology, 28, 805-806. Volltext anfordern

Lindner, M. A., Eitel, A., Thoma, G.-B., Dalehefte, I. M., Ihme, J. M., & Köller, O. (2014). Tracking the decision making process in multiple-choice assessment: Evidence from eye movements. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 28, 738-752.

Eitel, A., Scheiter, K., & Schüler, A. (2013). How inspecting a picture affects processing of text in multimedia learning. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 27, 451-461. Volltext anfordern

Eitel, A., Scheiter, K., Schüler, A., Nyström, M., & Holmqvist, K. (2013). How a picture facilitates the process of learning from text: Evidence for scaffolding. Learning and Instruction, 28, 48-63. Volltext anfordern

Eitel, A., Scheiter, K., & Schüler, A. (2012). The time course of information extraction from instructional diagrams. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 115, 677-701. Volltext anfordern


Eitel, A., Scheiter, K., & Schüler, A. (2011). How brief initial inspection of a picture may foster comprehension of text. In L. Carlson, C. Hölscher, & T. F. Shipley (Eds.), Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 1358-1364). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.

Eitel, A., Scheiter, K., & Schüler, A. (2010). What can information extraction from scenes and causal systems tell us about learning from text and pictures? In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone (Eds.), Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 2822-2827). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.

Eitel, A., Scheiter, K., & Schüler, A. (2010). Getting a clue: Gist extraction from scenes and causal systems. In A. K. Goel, M. Jamnik, & N. H. Narayanan (Eds.), Diagrammatic representation and inference – 6th International Conference, Diagrams 2010 (LNAI 6170, pp. 243-249). Heidelberg: Springer.

Scheiter, K., & Eitel, A. (2010). The effects of signals on learning from text and diagrams: How looking at diagrams earlier and more frequently improves understanding. In A. K. Goel, M. Jamnik, & N. H. Narayanan (Eds.), Diagrammatic representation and inference – 6th International Conference, Diagrams 2010 (LNAI 6170, pp. 264-270). Heidelberg: Springer.


Scheiter, K., Schüler, A., & Eitel, A. (2017). Learning from multimedia: cognitive processes and instructional support. In S. Schwan & U. Cress (Eds.), The psychology of digital learning (pp. 1-19). Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.

Scheiter, K., & Eitel, A. (2016). The use of eye tracking as a research and instructional tool in multimedia learning. In C. Was, F. Sansosti, & B. Morris (Eds.), Eye-tracking technology applications in educational research (pp. 143-164). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.


Eitel, A., & Kornmann, J. (2014). Schwieriger als gedacht?! Potenziale und Risiken des Lernens mit digitalen Medien. In-Mind, 3.


Eitel, A., & Scheiter, K. (2017, August). Twice is good! Tast-taking fosters repeated but not initial study of multimedia materials. 17th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Tampere, Finland. [Talk]

Kollmer, J., Eitel, A., Schleinschok, K., & Scheiter, K. (2017, September). Effects of (supported) drawing on self-regulated learning. 17th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Tampere, Finland. [Talk]

Schleinschok, K., Eitel, A., & Scheiter, K. (2017, März). Verbessern Zeichnungen Selbsteinschätzungen und das Lernverhalten beim Lernen mit Texten? 5.Tagung der Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung. Heidelberg. [Vortrag]

Schleinschok, K., Eitel, A., & Scheiter, K. (2017, September). Are drawings more effective than summaries to support students’ monitoring and control processes? 17th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Tampere, Finland. [Talk]

Schleinschok, K., Eitel, A., & Scheiter, K. (2017, September). Verbessern Zeichnungen Selbsteinschätzungen und das Lernverhalten beim Lernen mit Texten? Gemeinsame Tagung der Fachgruppen Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie (PAEPSY). Münster. [Vortrag]

Schmidgall, S., Eitel, A., & Scheiter, K. (2017, September). What degree of instructional support is helpful for learner-generated drawing? 17th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Tampere, Finland. [Talk]

Schmidgall, S., Eitel, A., & Scheiter, K. (2017, September). Die Rolle von Generierung, Visualisierung und Externalisierung auf Effekte von Zeichnen als Lernstrategie. Gemeinsame Tagung der Fachgruppen Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie (PAEPSY). Münster. [Vortrag]

Eitel, A., & Scheiter, K. (2016, June). Implementation intentions to process pictures early foster comprehension – for those who follow them. International Cognitive Load Conference. Bochum. [Talk]

Richter, J., Scheiter, K., & Eitel, A. (2016, July). Signaling text-picture relations in multimedia learning: The influence of prior knowledge. Meeting of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Special Interest Group (SIG) 2. Geneva, Switzerland. [Talk]

Richter, J., Scheiter, K., & Eitel, A. (2016, July). Signaling text-picture relations in multimedia learning: The influence of prior knowledge. 26th Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse. Kassel. [Talk]

Schleinschok, K., Eitel, A., & Scheiter, K. (2016, July). Does drawing support monitoring and control processes during learning from text? Meeting of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Special Interest Group (SIG) 2. Geneva, Switzerland. [Talk]

Schleinschok, K., Eitel, A., & Scheiter, K. (2016, September). Führt das Anfertigen einer Zeichnung zu einer akkurateren Selbsteinschätzung des Wissens und dadurch zu einer besseren Regulierung des Lernverhaltens? 50. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Leipzig. [Vortrag]

Schmidgall, S., Eitel, A., & Scheiter, K. (2016, September). Zeichnen als Lernstrategie - Welche Rolle spielt der Anteil der Eigenleistung beim Anfertigen von Zeichnungen? 50. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Leipzig. [Vortrag]

Schmidgall, S., Eitel, A., & Scheiter, K. (2016, July). How much help do you need? Investigating the role of support for learner-generated drawing. Meeting of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Special Interest Group (SIG) 2. Geneva, Switzerland. [Talk]

Schmidgall, S., Eitel, A., & Scheiter, K. (2016, July). Drawing to learn: Is it essential to self-construct? European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Special Interest Group (SIG) 2. Geneva, Schweiz. [Poster]

Eitel, A., & Scheiter, K. (2015, August). Multimedia effects at repeated studying and testing: Evidence for adaptation to task demands. 16th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Limassol, Cyprus. [Talk]

Richter, J., Eitel, A., & Scheiter, K. (2015, August). Learning with digital textbooks: Investigating the Effectiveness of signaling textpicture relations. 16th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Limassol, Cyprus. [Poster]

Richter, J., Scheiter, K., & Eitel, A. (2015, September). Signaling von Text-Bild- Korrespondenzen: Eine metaanalytische Betrachtung. 15. Fachgruppentagung Pädagogische Psychologie (PAEPS). Kassel. [Vortrag]

Richter, J., Scheiter, K., & Eitel, A. (2015, September). Signaling multiple external representations: A comprehensive meta-analytic review. 11th Conference of the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA). Helsinki, Finland. [Talk]

Schmidgall, S., Eitel, A., & Scheiter, K. (2015, September). Learning with tablets: Can drawing help understanding? Invited talk at 9th Conference of the DGPs Media Psychology Division. Tübingen. [Talk]

Schmidgall, S., Eitel, A., & Scheiter, K. (2015, September). Hilft Zeichnen während des Lernens? Ein Vergleich verschiedener Lernstrategien. 15. Fachtagung Pädagogische Psychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Kassel. [Vortrag]

Schmidgall, S., Scheiter, K., & Eitel, A. (2015, August). Do learners who draw perform better? A comparison of different learning strategies. 16th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Limassol, Cyprus. [Roundtable]

Eitel, A., Kühl, T., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2014, August). Disfluency meets cognitive load in multimedia learning: Does harder to read mean better to understand? Meeting of the EARLI SIG 6&7 Instructional Design & Learning with Computers. Rotterdam, The Netherlands. [Talk]

Eitel, A., Richter, J., & Scheiter, K. (2014, June). How to design digital textbooks for natural sciences education. Collaborative Workshop "Digital Media in Education". University of Alberta, Canada. [Talk]

Eitel, A., & Scheiter, K. (2014, März). Müssen hervorgehobene Elemente in Texten und Bildern korrespondieren, um lernförderlich zu sein? 2. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF). Frankfurt am Main. [Vortrag]

Eitel, A., & Scheiter, K. (2014, August). Amplifying multimedia effects by repeating the study-test cycle: Evidence for underconfidence with practice? Meeting of the EARLI SIG2 Text and Graphics Comprehension. Rotterdam, The Netherlands. [Talk]

Eitel, A., & Scheiter, K. (2014, September). Ist wiederholtes Lernen und Testen besonders hilfreich für das Lernen mit Multimedia? 49. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Bochum. [Vortrag]

Eitel, A., & Schmidt, M. A. (2014, März). Multimedia-Effekte beim Lernen und Testen: Eine Verbindung der Perspektiven. 2. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF). Frankfurt am Main. [Symposium Organisation]

Scheiter, K., & Eitel, A. (2014, May). Mental model construction from text and pictures: Evidence for construction of a spatial scaffold. METU Informatics Institute Cognitive Science Seminars V: CogSci in Germany, CogSci in Turkey. Ankara, Turkey. [Talk]

Schweppe, J., Eitel, A., & Rummer, R. (2014, August). The multimedia effect and its stability over time. EARLI SIG2 Conference. Rotterdam, The Netherlands. [Talk]

Eitel, A., & Scheiter, K. (2013, September). Müssen hervorgehobene Elemente in Texten und Bildern korrespondieren um lernförderlich zu sein? 14. Fachtagung Pädagogische Psychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Hildesheim. [Vortrag]

Eitel, A., Scheiter, K., & Schüler, A. (2013, August). How a picture fosters comprehension of text: Evidence from eye movements on blank screen. 15th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). München. [Talk]

Eitel, A., Scheiter, K., Schüler, A., Nyström, M., & Holmqvist, K. (2013, August). How a picture fosters comprehension of text: Evidence from eye movements on blank screen. 17th European Conference on Eye Movement Research. Lund, Sweden. [Talk]

Kühl, T., Eitel, A., Damnik, G., Scheiter, K., & Körndle, H. (2013, August). Introducing perceptual difficulties might actually hamper learning with narrated visualizations. 15th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). München. [Talk]

Schweppe, J., Eitel, A., & Rummer, R. (2013, September). Der Multimediaeffekt beim langfristigen Lernen. 14. Fachtagung Pädagogische Psychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Hildesheim. [Vortrag]

Stalbovs, K., Eitel, A., & Scheiter, K. (2013, August). Which cognitive processes predict successful learning with multimedia? 15th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). München. [Talk]

Eitel, A., & Scheiter, K. (2012, September). Prozesse beim Lernen mit Text und/oder Bild. Symposium auf dem 48. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Bielefeld. [Symposium Organisation]

Eitel, A., Scheiter, K., & Schüler, A. (2012, September). Wie eine kurze initiale Bildbetrachtung nachfolgende Textverarbeitung beeinflusst. 48. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Bielefeld. [Vortrag]

Eitel, A., Scheiter, K., Schüler, A., Nyström, M., & Holmqvist, K. (2012, August). How a picture can scaffold comprehension of text. Meeting of the EARLI SIG2 Text and Graphics Comprehension. Grenoble, France. [Talk]

Eitel, A., Scheiter, K., Schüler, A., Nyström, M., & Holmqvist, K. (2012, May). How a picture can foster comprehension of text: Evidence for scaffolding. Scandinavian Workshop on Applied Eye-Tracking (SWAET). Stockholm, Sweden. [Talk]

Kühl, T., Eitel, A., Damnik, G., Kapp, F., Proske, A., & Scheiter, K. (2012, September). Die Rolle von disfluent gesprochenem Text beim Lernen mit Multimedia. 48. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Bielefeld. [Vortrag]

Kühl, T., Eitel, A., Damnik, G., Proske, A., Scheiter, K., & Körndle, H. (2012, May). Disfluency research meets cognitive load theory in learning with narrated visualizations. Meeting of the EARLI SIG 6&7 Instructional Design & Learning with Computers. Bari, Italy. [Talk]

Eitel, A., Kühl, T., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2011, July). When harder to read means better to understand! Cognitive load theory meets disfluency research when learning with multimedia. 21st Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse. Poitiers, France. [Talk]

Eitel, A., Scheiter, K., & Schüler, A. (2011, August). Getting a clue: How initially attending to a picture fosters learning from subsequent text. 14th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Exeter, Great Britain. [Talk]

Eitel, A., Scheiter, K., & Schüler, A. (2011, July). How brief initial inspection of a picture may foster comprehension of text. 33rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Boston, MA, USA. [Talk]

Eitel, A., Scheiter, K., & Schüler, A. (2011, July). Comprehension of text fostered by short initial presentation of picture. 21st Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse. Poitiers, France. [Poster]

Eitel, A., Scheiter, K., & Schüler, A. (2011, September). Die lernförderliche Funktion einer kurzen, initialen Bildbetrachtung beim Lernen mit Multimedia. 13. Fachtagung Pädagogische Psychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Erfurt. [Vortrag]

Kühl, T., Eitel, A., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2011, September). Wenn schlechte Leserlichkeit zu tieferem Verständnis führt: Disfluency-Forschung versus Cognitive Load Theory beim Lernen mit Multimedia. 13. Fachtagung Pädagogische Psychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Erfurt. [Vortrag]

Kühl, T., Eitel, A., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2011, August). Disfluency research meets cognitive load theory in multimedia learning: When a bad layout leads to good performance. 14th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Exeter, Great Britain. [Talk]

Eitel, A., Scheiter, K., & Schüler, A. (2010, August). Getting a clue: Gist extraction from scenes and causal systems. Sixth International Conference on the Theory and Application of Diagrams. Portland, OR, USA. [Talk]

Eitel, A., Scheiter, K., & Schüler, A. (2010, July). Getting a clue: Rapid information extraction from instructional material. 12th JURE Conference (Junior Researchers of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, EARLI). Frankfurt am Main. [Poster]

Eitel, A., Scheiter, K., & Schüler, A. (2010, August). What can information extraction from scenes and causal systems tell us about learning from text and pictures? 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Portland, OR, USA. [Talk]

Eitel, A., Scheiter, K., & Schüler, A. (2010, August). Getting a clue: How initially attending to a picture fosters learning from subsequent text. Meeting of the EARLI SIG2 Text and Graphics Comprehension. Tübingen. [Talk]

Rolke, B., Seibold, V., & Eitel, A. (2010, March). Towards the influence of temporal preparation on para- and metacontrast masking. 52. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP). Saarbrücken. [Poster]

Scheiter, K., & Eitel, A. (2010, August). How to foster the integration of text and diagrams: An eye-tracking study on the use of signals in multimedia learning. 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Portland, OR, USA. [Poster]

Scheiter, K., & Eitel, A. (2010, September). Förderung der Integration von Text- und Bildinformation durch Hinweisreize: Blickbewegungen als Mediatoren des Lernerfolgs. 47. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Bremen. [Vortrag]

Scheiter, K., & Eitel, A. (2010, August). The effects of signals on learning from text and diagrams: How looking at diagrams earlier and more frequently improves understanding. 6th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Diagrams. Portland, OR, USA. [Talk]

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Dr. Alexander Eitel
Dr. Alexander Eitel