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Ehemaliges IWM-Mitglied [01.01.2014 - 31.03.2020]

Dr. Julia Bahnmüller


Curriculum Vitae   

Abgeschlossene Projekte

Einfluss des Aufgabenwechsels auf Zahlenverarbeitung

Genetische und sprachliche Einflussfaktoren auf die Entwicklung numerischer Kompetenzen

Mit Fingern Zahlen begreifen – Fingermotorische Fähigkeiten und fingerbasierte Strategien im Kontext frühen numerischen Lernens

Neurokognitive Grundlagen und Verarbeitungspfade beim Erlernen von Rechnen sowie deren Plastizität bei Erwachsenen sowie bei Kindern mit typischer und atypischer Entwicklung

Artikel in referierten Zeitschriften

Batista, L. T., Gomides, M., Koltermann, G., Bahnmuller, J., Moeller, K., Salles, J. F., Haase, V. G., Moura, R., & Lopes-Silva, J. B. (2023). The impact of phonological processing on number transcoding. Cognitive Development, 66, Article 101320.

Schliephake, A., Bahnmueller, J., Willmes, K., & Moeller, K. (2021). Cognitive control in number processing: new evidence from task switching. Psychological Research, 85(7), 2578-2587.

de Almeida Gomides, M. R., Starling-Alves, I., Paiva, G. M., da Silva Caldeira, L., Aichinger, A. L. P. N., Carvalho, M. R. S., Bahnmueller, J., Moeller, K., Lopes-Silva, J. B., & Haase, V. G. (2021). The quandary of diagnosing mathematical difficulties in a generally low performing population. Dementia & Neuropsychologia, 15(2), 267-274. Open Access

Bahnmueller, J., Göbel, S. M., Pixner, S., Dresen, V., & Moeller, K. (2020). More than simple facts: cross-linguistic differences in place-value processing in arithmetic fact retrieval. Psychological Research, 84(3), 650-659. [Data]

Lewis, C. A., Bahnmueller, J., Wesierska, M., Moeller, K., & Göbel, S. M. (2020). Inversion effects on mental arithmetic in English- and Polish-speaking adults. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 73(1), 91-103.

Wortha, S. M., Bloechle, J., Ninaus, M., Kiili, K., Lindstedt, A., Bahnmueller, J., Moeller, K., & Klein, E. (2020). Neurofunctional plasticity in fraction learning: An fMRI training study. Trends in Neuroscience and Education, 21, Article 100141.

Bahnmueller, J., Maier, C. A., Göbel, S. M., & Moeller, K. (2019). Direct evidence for linguistic influences in two-digit number processing. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 45(6), 1142-1150.

Klein, E., Bieck, S. M., Bloechle, J., Huber, S., Bahnmueller, J., Willmes, K., & Moeller, K. (2019). Anticipation of difficult tasks: neural correlates of negative emotions and emotion regulation. Behavioral and Brain Functions, 15(1), 4. Open Access

Mock, J., Huber, S., Bloechle, J., Bahnmueller, J., Moeller, K., & Klein, E. (2019). Processing symbolic and non-symbolic proportions: Domain-specific numerical and domain-general processes in intraparietal cortex. Brain Research, 1714, 133-146. Volltext anfordern

Bahnmueller, J., Nuerk, H.-C., & Moeller, K. (2018). A Taxonomy Proposal for Types of Interactions of Language and Place-Value Processing in Multi-Digit Numbers. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, Article 1024. Open Access

Bloechle, J., Huber, J., Klein, E., Bahnmueller, J., Rennig, J., Moeller, K., & Huber, S. (2018). Spatial arrangement and set size influence the coding of non-symbolic quantities in the intraparietal sulcus. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 12:54. Open Access

Bloechle, J., Huber, S., Klein, E., Bahnmueller, J., Moeller, K., & Rennig, J. (2018). Neuro-cognitive mechanisms of global Gestalt perception in visual quantification. NeuroImage, 181, 359-369. Volltext anfordern

Mock, J., Huber, S., Bloechle, J., Dietrich, J. F., Bahnmueller, J., Rennig, J., Klein, E., & Moeller, K. (2018). Magnitude processing of symbolic and non-symbolic proportions: an fMRI study. Behavioral and Brain Functions, 14:9. Open Access

Schroeder, P. A., Dresler, T., Bahnmueller, J., Artemenko, C., Kadosh, R. C., & Nuerk, H. C. (2017). Cognitive enhancement of numerical and arithmetic capabilities: a mini-review of available transcranial electric stimulation studies. Journal of Cognitive Enhancement, 1, 39-47. Open Access

Bahnmueller, J., Huber, S., Nuerk, H.-C., Göbel, S. M., & Moeller, K. (2016). Processing multi-digit numbers - A translingual eye tracking study. Psychological Research, 80, 422-433.

Bloechle, J., Huber, S., Bahnmueller, J., Rennig, J., Willmes, K., Cavdaroglu, S., Moeller, K., & Klein, E. (2016). Fact learning in complex arithmetic – The role of the angular gyrus revisited. Human Brain Mapping, 37, 3061-3079. Volltext anfordern

Eghbal-Azar, K., Merkt, M., Bahnmueller, J., & Schwan, S. (2016). Use of digital guides in museum galleries: Determinants of information selection. Computers in Human Behavior, 57, 133-142.

Roesch, S., Jung, S., Huber, S., Artemenko, C., Bahnmueller, J., Heller, J., Grust, T., Nuerk, H.-C., & Moeller, K. (2016). Training arithmetic and orthography on a web-based and socially-interactive learning platform. International Journal of Education and Information Technologies, 10, 204-217.

Bahnmueller, J., Moeller, K., Mann, A., & Nuerk, H.-C. (2015). On the limits of language influences on numerical cognition – no inversion effects in three-digit number magnitude processing in adults. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, Article 1216. Open Access

Dackermann, T., Huber, S., Bahnmueller, J., Nuerk, H.-C., & Moeller, K. (2015). An integration of competing accounts on children’s number line estimation. Frontiers in Psychology, 6. Open Access

Huber, S., Bahnmueller, J., Klein, E., & Moeller, K. (2015). Testing a model of componential processing of multi-symbol numbers - Evidence from measurement units. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 22, 1417-1423.

Bahnmueller, J., Dresler, T., Ehlis, A., Cress, U., & Nuerk, H.-C. (2014). NIRS in motion – Unraveling the neurocognitive underpinnings of embodied numerical cognition. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, Article 743. Open Access

Klein, E., Bahnmueller, J., Mann, A., Pixner, S., Kaufmann, L., Nuerk, H.-C., & Moeller, K. (2013). Language influences on numerical development - Inversion effects on multi-digit number processing. Frontiers in Developmental Psychology, 4:480. Open Access


Duerr, F., Landkammer, F., & Bahnmüller, J. (2015). Kognition – Kooperation – Persuasion. Überzeugungen in Gehirn und Gesellschaft. Berlin: Weidler Verlag.


Bahnmüller, J. (2015). Verkörperlichte Kognitionen oder warum 42 rechts ist.. In F. Duerr, F. Landkammer, & J. Bahnmueller (Eds.), Kognition - Kooperation - Persuasion. Überzeugungen in Gehirn und Gesellschaft (pp. 41-48). Berlin: Weidler Verlag.


Bahnmueller, J. (2019, August). Ties of math and language. Brazilian-German Winter School on Numerical Cognition. Belo Horizonte, Brazil. [Talk]

Bahnmueller, J., Galefki, S., Moeller, K., Nuerk, H.-C., & Artemenko, C. (2019, June). Re-inverting inversion: Natural offloading in number transcoding? 2nd Conference of the Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society. Ottawa, Canada. [Poster]

Schliephake, A., Bahnmueller, J., Willmes, K., & Moeller, K. (2019, September). Cognitive control in number processing. 21st Conference of the European Society of Cognitive Psychology. Tenerife, Spain. [Poster]

Xenidou-Dervou, I., Gilmore, C., Bahnmueller, J., Verschaffel, L., Luwel, K., Heenman, J., & van Lieshout, E. C. D. M. (2019, June). Cross-linguistic effects on adults‘ number line estimation skills. 2nd Conference of the Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society. Ottawa, Canada. [Poster]

Artemenko, C., Soltanlou, M., Moeller, K., Nuerk, H.-C., & Bahnmueller, J. (2018, June). Re-inverting inversion of German number words through changes in writing direction. Mathematics Education Centre’s Third Annual Symposium. Loughborough, UK. [Poster]

Bahnmueller, J. (2018, August). Mathematical cognition and its potential way into the classroom. Sciencidade Brasileira de Neurosciência e Comportamento: Shades of Interdisciplinarity in Neuroscience. Belo Horizonte, Brasilien. [Talk]

Bahnmueller, J. (2018, October). Non-transparent number word systems – Pitfalls, mechanisms, and potential ways out. Colloquium on Developmental Research. York, UK. [Talk]

Bahnmueller, J. (2018, September). Obstacles in non-transparent number word systems - Is there a way out? Mini-Symposium on Numerical Cognition. Belo Horizonte, Brasilien. [Talk]

Bahnmueller, J. (2018, November). Mechanisms and developmental changes underlying cross-linguistic differences in multi-digit number processing – Towards a registered report. Research Colloquium of the Mathematics Education Center. Loughborough, UK. [Talk]

Bahnmueller, J., Maier, C., Göbel, S. M., & Moeller, K. (2018, June). Evidence on co-activation of number words in symbolic number processing. Mathematics Education Centre’s Third Annual Symposium. Loughborough, UK. [Poster]

Bahnmueller, J., Maier, C. A., Göbel, S. M., & Moeller, K. (2018, April). Number word inversion influences mental arithmetic in English-speaking adults. 1st Conference of the Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society. Oxford, UK. [Talk]

Bieck, S. M., Bloechle, J., Klein, E., Bahnmueller, J., Kiili, K., Ninaus, M., & Moeller, K. (2018, June). Neurofuctional changes in fraction learning: results of a training study. 3rd Jean Piaget Conference: The origins of number. Geneva, Switzerland. [Poster]

Bieck, S. M., Bloechle, J., Klein, E., Bahnmueller, J., Ninaus, M., Kiili, K., Dresler, T., & Moeller, K. (2018, September). Neurofunctional plasticity in fraction learning. 6th International Mind, Brain and Education Society Conference. Los Angeles, USA. [Talk]

Bieck, S. M., Klein, E., Bloechle, J., Bahnmueller, J., & Moeller, K. (2018, June). Task preparation and emotion regulation in numerical cognition. European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction. Special Interest Group (SIG) 22: Neuroscience and Education Conference. London, UK. [Poster]

Bieck, S. M., Ninaus, M., Klein, E., Kiili, K., Bloechle, J., Bahnmueller, J., Dresler, T., & Moeller, K. (2018, April). Neurofunctional plasticity in fraction learning assessed by pre-post intervention fMRI. 1st Conference of the Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society. Oxford, UK. [Talk]

Bloechle, J., Bahnmueller, J., Klein, E., Moeller, K., & Rennig, J. (2018, January). Neuronal mechanisms of higher visual perception in visual quantification. 36th European Workshop of Cognitive Neuropsychology. Bressanone, Italy. [Poster]

Galefski, S., Artemenko, C., Moeller, K., Nuerk, H.-C., & Bahnmueller, J. (2018, September). Lower Working Memory in Individuals with Inverse Writing Direction of Two-Digit Numbers. Workshop Integrating Educational and Cognitive Perspectives on Mathematics. Tübingen. [Poster]

Krieg, A., Laicher, H., Bahnmueller, J., Nuerk, H.-C., & Soltanlou, M. (2018, September). Probing Attentional Control Theory in Math Anxiety. Workshop Integrating Educational and Cognitive Perspectives on Mathematics. Tübingen. [Poster]

Bahnmueller, J., Göbel, S. M., Pixner, S., Dresen, V., & Moeller, K. (2017, September). Linguistic influences on place-value processing in arithmetic fact retrieval. 20th Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology. Potsdam, Germany. [Poster]

Bieck, S. M., Bahnmueller, J., Huber, S., Keuler, M., Moeller, K., & Nuerk, H.-C. (2017, September). Strategies in negative fraction comparison. Workshop on Linguistic and Cognitive Influences on Numerical Cognition. Tübingen. [Poster]

Bieck, S. M., Klein, E., Huber, S., Bloechle, J., Bahnmueller, J., Mock, J., & Moeller, K. (2017, January). Math anxiety - it’s all about emotion regulation. 35th European Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology. Bressanone, Italy. [Talk]

Bloechle, J., Dietrich, J. F., Klein, E., Bahnmueller, J., Rennig, J., Moeller, K., & Huber, S. (2017, January). Spatial arrangement and set size influence the coding of non-symbolic quantities in intraparietal sulcus. 35th European Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology. Bressanone, Italy. [Poster]

Bloechle, J., Dietrich, J. F., Klein, E., Bahnmueller, J., Rennig, J., Moeller, K., & Huber, S. (2017, June). Dots and Dice - Coding of non-symbolic quantities in the Intraparietal sulcus. 23rd Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping. Vancouver, BC, Canada. [Poster]

Maier, C. A., Bahnmueller, J., Moeller, K., & Goebel, S. M. (2017, September). Inversion effects on mental arithmetic in English-speaking participants. Workshop Linguistic and Cognitive Influences on Numerical Cognition. Tüibingen. [Poster]

Rennig, J., Bloechle, J., Klein, E., Huber, S., Bahnmueller, J., & Moeller, K. (2017, June). Neuronal Mechanisms of Gestalt Perception in visual Quantification. 23rd Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping. Vancouver, BC, Canada. [Poster]

Klein, E., Mock, J., Dietrich, J. F., Bloechle, J., Bahnmueller, J., Huber, S., & Moeller, K. (2016, March). A common neural substrate of processing symbolic and non-symbolic proportions - Evidence from fMRI. 58th Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TeaP). Heidelberg. [Talk]

Mock, J., Huber, S., Bahnmueller, J., Bloechle, J., Dietrich, J. F., Klein, E., & Moeller, K. (2016, June). A common neural substrate for processing symbolic and non-symbolic proportions. European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Special Interest Group (SIG) 22. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Poster]

Mock, J., Huber, S., Dietrich, J. F., Bloechle, J., Bahnmueller, J., Klein, E., & Moeller, K. (2016, January). Same same, but different - on the neural correlates of processing symbolic and non-symbolic proportions. 34th European Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology. Bressanone, Italy. [Talk]

Sitnikova, M., Artemenko, C., Bahnmueller, J., Dresler, D., & Nuerk, H.-C. (2016, June). Parietal activation during exact calculation tasks in left- and right-handed students assessed with functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS). European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Special Interest Group (SIG) 22. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Poster]

Sitnikova, M., Artemenko, C., Soltanlou, M., Bahnmueller, J., Dresler, D., & Nuerk, H.-C. (2016, September). Parietal activation during approximate calculation tasks in left- and right-handed students assessed with functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS). Workshop on Domain-General and Domain-Specific Foundations of Numerical and Arithmetic Processing. Tübingen. [Poster]

Bahnmueller, J., Bloechle, J., Huber, S., Dackermann, T., Roesch, S., Moeller, K., & Klein, E. (2015, June). Time matters – Temporal dynamics of number magnitude processing and arithmetic fact retrieval. 21st Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping. Honolulu, HI, USA. [Poster]

Bahnmueller, J., Dackermann, T., Dietrich, J. F., Mock, J., Huber, S., & Moeller, K. (2015, January). The bounded number line task - A reliable measure? 33th European Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology. Bressanone, Italy. [Talk]

Bloechle, J., Huber, S., Bahnmueller, J., Rennig, J., Willmes, K., Moeller, K., & Klein, E. (2015, January). Fact learning in complex arithmetic – The role of the angular gyrus revisited. 33th European Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology. Bressanone, Italy. [Talk]

Bahnmueller, J., Göbel, S., Huber, S., & Nuerk, H.-C. (2014, January). Language effects in three-digit number processing - A cross-cultural eye tracking study. 32th European Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology. Bressanone, Italy. [Talk]

Woitscheck, C., Dresler, T., Bahnmueller, J., Cohen Kadosh, R., Ehlis, A.-C., & Nuerk, H.-C. (2014, April). Stimulation Intervention for Dyscalculics. Symposium of the LEAD Graduate School – Learning, Educational Achievement, and Life Course Development. Freudenstadt. [Poster]

Bahnmueller, J., Huber, S., Moeller, K., & Nuerk, H.-C. (2013, August). The relationship between number line estimation and arithmetic competencies depends on age, operation and skill. European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCoP). Budapest, Hungary. [Poster]

Bahnmueller, J., Huber, S., Moeller, K., & Nuerk, H.-C. (2013, October). Strategies in number line estimation: task dependency and influence of skills. Workshop on Development of Numerical Processing and Language. Tübingen. [Poster]


Bahnmueller, J., Ditrich, L., & Scharinger, C. (2019). Cognitive Conflicts in the Wild. Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien, Tübingen, 02.-03.04.2019.

Haase, V. G., Lopes Silva, J. B., Bahnmueller, J., & Moeller, K. e. a. (2019). Brazilian-German Winter School on Numerical Cognition. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brasilien, 05.-09.08.2019.

Artemenko, C., Bahnmueller, J., Bieck, S. M., Cipora, K., Daroczy, G., Dresler, T., Mihułowicz, U., Moeller, K., Nagengast, B., Nuerk, H. C., Schroeder, P. A., Soltanlou, M., & Trautwein, U. (2018). Integrating Educational and Cognitive Perspectives on Mathematics. Universität Tübingen, Tübingen., 26.-28.9.2018.

Nuerk, H.-C., Haman, M., Dresler, T., Artemenko, C., Bahnmueller, J., Bieck, S., Cipora, K., Lipowska, K., Mihulowicz, U., Milicevic, V., Schroeder, P., Soltanlou, M., & Vagvögli, R. (2017). Linguistic and Cognitive Influences on Numerical Cognition. Tübingen, 08.-09.09.2017.

Bahnmueller, J., Ciapora, K., Daroczy, G., Dresler, T., Mihulowicz, U., Milicevic, V., Patro, K., Schroeder, P. A., Soltanlou, M., & Vagvögli, R. (2016). Domain-General and Domain-Specific Foundations of Numerical and Arithmetic Processing. Tübingen, 28.-30.10.2016.

Nuerk, H.-C., Dresler, T., Artemenko, C., Bahnmueller, J., Daroczy, G., Mihulowicz, U., Milicevic, V., Schroeder, P., Soltanlou, M., & Vagvögli, R. (2015). Neuroeducation of Number Processing. Hannover, 21.10.-23.10.2015.

Nuerk, H.-C., Artemenko, C., Fischer, M., Dresler, T., Bahnmueller, J., Daroczy, G., & Soltanlou, M. (2014). Educational Neuroscience of Mathematics. Tübingen, 3.-4.10.2014.

Bahnmueller, J., Fischer, U., Häußinger, F., Huber, S., Link, T., Milicevic, V., Nuerk, H.-C., Schneider, S., Soltanlou, M., Wasner, M., Woitscheck, C., Yogarajah, B., & Dresler, T. (2013). Development of Numerical Processing and Language - From Neurocognitive Foundations to Educational Applications. Tübingen, 7.-8.10.2013.

Dürr, F., Landkammer, F., & Bahnmüller, J. (2013). Kognition und Kooperation - Überzeugungen in Gehirn und Gesellschaft. Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien. Tübingen, 14.-15.11.2013.

Open Data

Lewis, C. A., Bahnmueller, J., Wesierska, M., Moeller, K., & Göbel, S. M. (2018). Inversion effects on mental arithmetic in English- and Polish-speaking adults.

Bahnmueller, J., Göbel, S. M., Pixner, S., Dresen, V., & Moeller, K. (2017). Cross-linguistic differences in place-value processing in numerical fact retrieval. [Publication]

Dr. Julia Bahnmüller
Dr. Julia Bahnmüller