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Communicating Politicized Science

WorkgroupPerception and Action
FundingIWM budget resources
Project description

How should we communicate politiczed science such as climate change or COVID-19? We explore how metacognition, the insight that citizens have into the reliability and fallibility of their own knowledge, interacts with science communication to shape behavior and beliefs, and how metacognition is shaped back by science communication.

Can science communication affect the accuracy with which citizens indicate what they know and do not know about politiczed science such as climate change or COVID-19? That is, can science communication affect not only what citizens know, but also their awareness for what they know? In a joint project with the Deutsches Museum, München, we anwer that question using a novel exhibition on inflation and planetary health. And how relevant is metacognition for forming beliefs when citizens are confronted with noisy information that mixes scientifically accurate information with misinformation?

  • Fabienne Will, Deutsches Museum München

  • Lorenz Kampschulte, Deutsches Museum München


Holford, D., Fasce, A., Tapper, K., Demko, M., Lewandowsky, S., Hahn, U., Abels, C. M., Al-Rawi, A., Alladin, S., Boender, T. S., Bruns, H., Fischer, H., Gilde, C., Hanel, P. H. P., Herzog, S. M., Kause, A., Lehmann, S., Nurse, M. S., Orr, C., Pescetelli, N., Petrescu, M., Sah, S., Schmid, P., & Wulf, M. (2023). Science communication as a collective intelligence endeavor: A manifesto and examples for implementation. Science Communication, 45(4), 539-554. Open Access

Fischer, H., Huff, M., & Said, N. (2022). Polarized climate change beliefs: No evidence for science literacy driving motivated reasoning in a U.S. national study. American Psychologist, 77(7), 822-835. [Data] request document


Dr. Helen Fischer Dr. Helen Fischer
Tel.: +49 7071 979-282

Project team

Prof. Dr. Markus Huff