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TüDiLab: The Tübingen Digital Teaching Lab

Workgroup Multiple Representations
Duration 07/2016–open
Funding Funding line „Leuchttürme der Lehrerbildung ausbauen“, program ”Teacher Training in Baden-Württemberg“, Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and Arts (MWK), IWM Budget resources
Project description

The Tübingen Digital Teaching Lab (TüDiLab) simulates a classroom equipped with up-to-date digital media and data collection instruments. The project has two aims: (1) practice-oriented professionalization of teachers related to their media competence in the context of the Tübingen School of Education, and (2) research on the effects of teaching with digital media.

On the one hand, the TüDiLab is open for courses related to the media competence training of pre- and in-service teachers. In these courses up-to-date equipment such as interactive whiteboards, laptops, tablets, a beamer and a visualizer can be used. Teachers can learn about the potential of digital media for teaching and learning, how they can use digital media in a didactically meaningful way in their teaching, and what kind of competences they themselves and their students need in order to profit from this potential.

On the other hand, the TüDiLab is open for research on the effects and characteristics of media-based teaching. For this purpose, the TüDiLab simulates a classroom with various data collection instruments. These instruments provide data that allows a temporally high-resolution description of teaching and learning processes in a real teaching setting. Teachers are invited to teach their classes in the TüDiLab. Video cameras are available for the recording of teaching processes. Moreover, 30 eye tracking devices are available to recording the eye movement of each student. Due to the flexible and mobile schoolroom furniture, the TüDiLab can easily be rearranged for different teaching scenarios.


Tübingen School of Education

LEAD Graduate School and Research Network

Tübingen Center for Digital Education (TüCeDE)

  • Scheiter, K., & Eder, T. F. (2022). Digitale Medien als Anstoß für Schulentwicklung. Pädagogik, 6, 18-21.
  • Scheiter, K., Hoch, E., & Drewes, S. (2021). Lehren und Lernen mit digitalen Medien. In K. Seifried, S. Drewes, & M. Hasselhorn (Eds.), Handbuch Schulpsychologie - Psychologie für die Schule (3. Aufl., pp. 317-325). Kohlhammer.
  • Richter, J., Lachner, A., & Scheiter, K. (2019). Lernen mit Simulationen im naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht – forschungsbasierte Entwicklung und Erprobung von digitalisierten Unterrichtskonzepten. Schulmanagement, 50, 25-27.