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Everyday Media

In everyday life, (mobile) media play an increasingly important role. Many people are online almost all the time: They use social media, listen to podcasts, participate in video conferences, or use voice-based agents like Alexa. The Everyday Media Lab investigates how digital media influence knowledge processes in everyday private and professional life.

For example, the lab examines how YouTube videos or podcasts are used to find answers for knowledge questions and for knowledge acquisition more generally. In particular, the research group is interested in the extent to which parasocial relationships with media persons (i.e., asymmetric relationships) influence these processes. Another research focus is the interaction with voice-based agents such as chatbots.

As algorithms become increasingly significant in everyday media by, for instance, influencing what news are displayed in newsfeeds on social media, the lab also investigates under which conditions people accept algorithmic decisions.

Especially since the Corona pandemic, mobile and hybrid forms of work have become part of everyday (professional) life for many people. The lab investigates, for example, under which circumstances videoconferencing has positive effects for the individual user and the group. In addition, it focuses on the effects of work-related social media use. To do so, it combines experiments and longitudinal survey studies. These research results are relevant for the application field knowledge work with digital media.



A longitudinal study on the perceptions and dynamics of human-AI interaction

Our interdisciplinary longitudinal study investigates the evolving dynamics of human-AI interaction over six waves spanning one year. By examining individual, behavioral, and task-related variables, the project aims to uncover how users' trust in, perceptions of, self-efficacy, and willingness to engage with AI systems develop and interrelate over time. The insights gained from this research are essential for better understanding human-machine interaction, a critical foundation for fostering effective collaboration between users and AI systems. This knowledge will inform user-centered AI design and guide the ethical integration of these technologies into various aspects of everyday life. 

Better informed or more creative by using ChatGPT?

Since the introduction of ChatGPT in November 2022, the use of artificial intelligence (AI), especially AI-based chatbots, has become accessible to many people. This project investigates how people use ChatGPT and comparable chatbots for knowledge search and as a creativity tool, both in professional and private settings. The studies thus contribute to the practice fields knowledge work with digital media and internet use.

Egocentric Biases Meet Biased Algorithms

Different individuals favor different notions of fairness. This PhD project therefore delves into how egocentric biases affect judgments of algorithmic fairness, an issue that often goes unnoticed in the discussion of AI discrimination cases. By understanding the influence of biases on fairness assessments, this project offers insights into improving AI decision-making in diverse domains.

Exploring the Effect of Voice Variation in Human – Agent Interaction

The utilization of AI-powered voice assistants (VAs) has recently become more prevalent as an emerging digital technology that aids users in their daily activities, leading also to the emergence of various forms of communication with users beyond simple commands. Therefore, it is crucial to understand how people perceive and relate to disembodied, intelligent and voice-assisted technologies in communication. Given that a significant part of communication with these virtual actors revolves around information, factors such as the credibility and perceived intelligence of the source have become more important.

Informal learning with YouTube

The video-sharing platform YouTube is meanwhile the 2nd largest search engine. “How to…” videos can be found for almost any topic – ranging from make-up tips over solutions for software problems to reparing washing machines. These videos can provide an easy and cheap access to learning opportunities for everybody. How frequently are they used for informal learning and which role does the instructor play?

NewOrder – Understanding The Erosion of The Traditional Knowledge Order In Scientific Online Discourse

Scientific discourse is vital to make informed decisions about pressing societal issues. Especially in times of crisis, risks arise from over-simplification, generalization, and instrumentalization of scientific knowledge. The „NewOrder“ project will examine the changing knowledge order of the digital society, in particular, motivated through the increasingly controversial discourse about science in online news and social media.

Social Bots and Human-Robot Interaction in Online Science Communication

This PhD project studies the behaviors of social bots, i.e., social media accounts controlled by software or algorithms rather than humans, in online science communication, especially their interactions with human accounts, and the effect of these behaviors: what kind of content are social bots more likely to (re-)post? How and to what extent does social bot activity influence the public perception of science? And how could human users detect social bots to avoid their influence?

Virtual Meetings in Private, Educational, and Professional Contexts – Effects and Success Factors

With the beginning of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, many meetings in personal, educational, and professional contexts have been moved to the virtual realm. In a series of experiments and survey studies, this project aimed at identifying and better understanding both effects and success factors of virtual meetings. One primary focus of the investigations was individual camera use and its positive and negative effects.

VREUNDE – Feeling connected to friends over distance

High mobility and frequent moves pose a challenge for friendships. How do groups of friends who live in different places stay connected? Existing media such as WhatsApp or Zoom provide limited opportunities to feel close to one's own friends, while still requiring the users' complete attention. In the VREUNDE project, hybrid tools are to be created with which groups of friends can easily perform their social activities even over distance and thus create a feeling of connectedness as a group.

Former Projects