Following a debate on the DigitalPakt Schule that focused primarily on the school infrastructure, the project poses the central question of how the fundamental possibilities of digital learning contexts can be realized in the real school context for the effective digitalization of school education.
In the first project phase of ALEE, we set ourselves the challenge of designing and developing an adaptive AI-based learning platform for individual support in business lessons. We created a prototype learning platform for a selected subject area with over 700 different tasks of varying complexity and empirically evaluated it in a pilot study in the real world of education.
In the WoLKE project, which is funded by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts (MWK), AI methods are specifically analyzed in order to develop technically and didactically suitable teaching-learning formats for use in teacher training. The increasing spread of AI in education and society requires teachers to develop not only technical skills, but also a deep understanding of the ethical and didactic implications of AI tools. Without sound training, there is a risk that AI will be used without reflection, which can lead to unforeseeable consequences in the classroom.