Die Auswirkungen KI-gestützten Feedbacks im Kontext adaptiver Lernsysteme
TüDiLab: Das Tübingen Digital Teaching Lab
Veränderung von Fehlvorstellungen durch Refutational Text und bildhafte Darstellungen
Adaptive Blickbewegungsmodellierung von Strategien
Der Einfluss von Textcharakteristika auf die Verarbeitung multimedialen Materials
Der Einsatz von Gesten beim Lernen mit Visualisierungen
Die Bedeutung von Schwierigkeiten beim Textverstehen für das Lernen mit Multimedia
Die Erklärung des Multimediaeffekts
Die Funktion der (initialen) Bildbetrachtung beim Lernen mit Multimedia
Die Rolle mentaler Vorstellungsprozesse beim Lernen mit Text und Bild
Dr. Tide: Digital Research Tailored Information Detector
Erkennen von Widersprüchen zwischen Text und Bild
Gelingensbedingungen von Lernen durch Erklären
Gestaltung multimedialen Lernmaterials in Klassenraum-Settings
Kognitive Grundlagen des Modalitätseffektes
Maßnahmen zur Förderung der Kompetenzentwicklung bei Schüler/-innen und Lehrkräften
Metakognitive Einflüsse beim multimedialen Lernen
Orchestrierung von virtuellen Experimenten im naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht
Unterstützung metakognitiver Prozesse während des Lernens mit multiplen Repräsentationen
Untersuchungen zur Integration verbaler und piktorialer Informationen im Arbeitsgedächtnis
Hoch, E., Scheiter, K., & Sassenberg, K. (2024). Promotion focus, but not prevention focus of teachers and students matters when shifting towards technology-based instruction in schools. Scientific Reports, 14, Article 22030. https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-73463-z
Open Access
Odontides, L., Scheiter, K., Shiozawa, T., Fischer, M. R., Kugelmann, D., & Berndt, M. (2024). Influence of learning strategies and motivation on anatomy test performance of undergraduate medical students. Annals of Anatomy - Anatomischer Anzeiger, 256, Article 152320. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aanat.2024.152320
Open Access
Borchers, C., Eder, T. F., Richter, J., Keutel, C., Huettig, F., & Scheiter, K. (2023). A time slice analysis of dentistry students’ visual search strategies and pupil dilation during diagnosing radiographs. PLOS ONE, 18(6), Article e0283376. https://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0283376 [Data]
Open Access
Flegr, S., Kuhn, J., & Scheiter, K. (2023). When the whole is greater than the sum of its parts: Combining real and virtual experiments in science education. Computers & Education, 197, Article 104745. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2023.104745
Open Access
Flegr, S., Kuhn, J., & Scheiter, K. (2023). How to foster STEM learning during Covid-19 remote schooling: Combining virtual and video experiments. Learning and Instruction, 86, Article 101778. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.learninstruc.2023.101778
Open Access
Froehlich, L., Sassenberg, K., Jonkmann, K., Scheiter, K., & Stürmer, S. (2023). Student diversity and e‐exam acceptance in higher education. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 39(4), 1196-1210. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jcal.12794
Open Access
Fütterer, T., Hoch, E., Lachner, A., Scheiter, K., & Stürmer, K. (2023). High-quality digital distance teaching during COVID-19 school closures: Does familiarity with technology matter? Computers & Education, 199, Article 104788. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2023.104788
Open Access
Hoch, E., Scheiter, K., & Stalbovs, K. (2023). How to support learning with multimedia instruction: Implementation intentions help even when load is high. British Journal of Psychology, 114(2), 315-334. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/bjop.12620
Open Access
Hoch, E., Sidi, Y., Ackerman, R., Hoogerheide, V., & Scheiter, K. (2023). Comparing mental effort, difficulty, and confidence appraisals in problem-solving: a metacognitive perspective. Educational Psychology Review, 35(2), Article 61. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10648-023-09779-5 [Data]
Open Access
Styn, A., Scheiter, K., Fischer, M. R., Shiozawa, T., Behrmann, F., Steffan, A., Kugelmann, D., & Berndt, M. (2023). Effects of tablet‐based drawing and paper‐based methods on medical students' learning of gross anatomy. Anatomical Sciences Education, 16(2), 266-279. https://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ase.2237
Ebersbach, M., Lachner, A., Scheiter, K., & Richter, T. (2022). Using spacing to promote lasting learning in educational contexts promises and challenges. Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie, 54(4), 151-163. https://dx.doi.org/10.1026/0049-8637/a000259
Open Access
Eder, T. F., Scheiter, K., Richter, J., Keutel, C., & Hüttig, F. (2022). I see something you do not: Eye movement modelling examples do not improve anomaly detection in interpreting medical images. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 38(2), 379-391. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jcal.12619
Open Access
Fütterer, T., Scheiter, K., Cheng, X., & Stürmer, K. (2022). Quality beats frequency? Investigating students’ effort in learning when introducing technology in classrooms. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 69, Article 102042. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cedpsych.2022.102042
Open Access
Jacob, L., Lachner, A., & Scheiter, K. (2022). Do school students’ academic self-concept and prior knowledge constrain the effectiveness of generating technology-mediated explanations? Computers & Education, 182, Article 104469. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2022.104469
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Omarchevska, Y., Lachner, A., Richter, J., & Scheiter, K. (2022). Do video modeling and metacognitive prompts improve self-regulated scientific inquiry? Educational Psychology Review, 34(2), 1025-1061. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10648-021-09652-3
Open Access
Omarchevska, Y., Lachner, A., Richter, J., & Scheiter, K. (2022). It takes two to tango: How scientific reasoning and self-regulation processes impact argumentation quality. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 31(2), 237-277. https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10508406.2021.1966633
Open Access
Richter, J., Lachner, A., Jacob, L., Bilgenroth, F., & Scheiter, K. (2022). Self‐concept but not prior knowledge moderates effects of different implementations of computer‐assisted inquiry learning activities on students' learning. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 38(4), 1141-1159. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jcal.12673
Open Access
Richter, T., Berger, R., Ebersbach, M., Eitel, A., Endres, T., Ferri, R. B., Hänze, M., Lachner, A., Leutner, D., Lipowsky, F., Nemeth, L., Renkl, A., Roelle, J., Rummer, R., Scheiter, K., Schweppe, J., Aufschnaiter, C. v., & Vorholzer, A. (2022). How to promote lasting learning in schools. Theoretical approaches and an agenda for research. Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie, 54(4), 135-141. https://dx.doi.org/10.1026/0049-8637/a000258
Open Access
Ring, M., Brahm, T., Richter, J., Scheiter, K., & Randler, C. (2022). Does active or passive signaling support integration of text and graphs? Applied Cognitive Psychology, 36(1), 43-58. https://dx.doi.org/10.1002/acp.3896
Open Access
Roelle, J., Schweppe, J., Endres, T., Lachner, A., Aufschnaiter, C. v., Renkl, A., Eitel, A., Leutner, D., Rummer, R., Scheiter, K., & Vorholzer, A. (2022). Combining retrieval practice and generative learning in educational contexts promises and challenges. Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie, 54(4), 142-150. https://dx.doi.org/10.1026/0049-8637/a000261
Open Access
Rögele, A., Scheiter, K., & Randler, C. (2022). Can involvement induced by guidance foster scientific reasoning and knowledge of participants of a Citizen Science project? International Journal of Science Education, Part B, 12(2), 94-110. https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/21548455.2022.2043567
Volltext anfordern
Scheiter, K., & Eder, T. F. (2022). Digitale Medien als Anstoß für Schulentwicklung. Pädagogik, 6, 18-21. https://dx.doi.org/10.3262/PAED2206018
Wörner, S., Becker, S., Küchemann, S., Scheiter, K., & Kuhn, J. (2022). Development and validation of the ray optics in converging lenses concept inventory. Physical Review Physics Education Research, 18(2), Article 020131. https://dx.doi.org/10.1103/physrevphyseducres.18.020131
Open Access
Wörner, S., Kuhn, J., & Scheiter, K. (2022). The best of two worlds: A systematic review on combining real and virtual experiments in science education. Review of Educational Research, 92(6), 911-952. https://dx.doi.org/10.3102/00346543221079417
Open Access
Ainsworth, S., & Scheiter, K. (2021). Learning by drawing visual representations: Potential, purposes, and practical implications. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 30(1), 61-67. https://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0963721420979582
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Backfisch, I., Lachner, A., Stürmer, K., & Scheiter, K. (2021). Variability of teachers’ technology integration in the classroom: A matter of utility! Computers & Education, 166, Article 104159. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2021.104159
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Backfisch, I., Scherer, R., Siddiq, F., Lachner, A., & Scheiter, K. (2021). Teachers’ technology use for teaching: Comparing two explanatory mechanisms. Teaching and Teacher Education, 104, Article 103390. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2021.103390
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Coppens, L. C., Postema, C. E. S., Schüler, A., Scheiter, K., & Van Gog, T. (2021). Development of attention and accuracy in learning a categorization task. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, Article 544135. https://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.544135
Open Access
Eder, T. F., Richter, J., Scheiter, K., Huettig, F., & Keutel, C. (2021). Comparing radiographs with signaling improves anomaly detection of dental students: An eye‐tracking study. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 35, 909-923. https://dx.doi.org/10.1002/acp.3819
Open Access
Eder, T. F., Richter, J., Scheiter, K., Keutel, C., Castner, N., Kasneci, E., & Huettig, F. (2021). How to support dental students in reading radiographs: effects of a gaze-based compare-and-contrast intervention. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 26(1), 159-181. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10459-020-09975-w
Open Access
Fütterer, T., Hoch, E., Stürmer, K., Lachner, A., Fischer, C., & Scheiter, K. (2021). Was bewegt Lehrpersonen während der Schulschließungen? – Eine Analyse der Kommunikation im Twitter-Lehrerzimmer über Chancen und Herausforderungen digitalen Unterrichts. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 24(2), 443-477. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11618-021-01013-8
Open Access
Hammer, H., Scheiter, K., & Stürmer, K. (2021). New technology, new role of parents: How parents' beliefs and behavior affect students' digital media self-efficacy. Computers in Human Behavior, 116, Article 106642. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2020.106642
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Hammer, M., Göllner, R., Scheiter, K., Fauth, B., & Stürmer, K. (2021). For whom do tablets make a difference? Examining student profiles and perceptions of instruction with tablets. Computers & Education, Article 104147. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2021.104147
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Hoch, E., Scheiter, K., Stalbovs, K., & Gerjets, P. (2021). The intention was good: How promoting strategy use does not improve multimedia learning for secondary students. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 91(4), 1291-1309. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/bjep.12417
Open Access
Jacob, L., Lachner, A., & Scheiter, K. (2021). Does increasing social presence enhance the effectiveness of writing explanations? PLOS ONE, 16(4), Article e0250406. https://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0250406
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Jaekel, A.-K., Scheiter, K., & Göllner, R. (2021). Distance teaching during the COVID-19 crisis: Social connectedness matters most for teaching quality and students’ learning. AERA Open, 7(1), 1-14. https://dx.doi.org/10.1177/23328584211052050
Open Access
Krebs, M.-C., Schüler, A., & Scheiter, K. (2021). Do prior knowledge, model-observer similarity and social comparison influence the effectiveness of eye movement modeling examples for supporting multimedia learning? Instructional Science, 49(5), 607-635. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11251-021-09552-7
Open Access
Richter, J., Wehrle, A., & Scheiter, K. (2021). How the poor get richer: Signaling guides attention and fosters learning from text‐graph combinations for students with low, but not high prior knowledge. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 35(3), 632-645. https://dx.doi.org/10.1002/acp.3786
Open Access
Scheiter, K. (2021). Lernen und Lehren mit digitalen Medien: Eine Standortbestimmung. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 24(5), 1039-1060. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11618-021-01047-y
Open Access
Scheiter, K. (2021). The Cambridge handbook of cognition and education (book review). British Journal of Psychology, 112(1), 368-370. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/bjop.12489
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Scheiter, K., & Gogolin, I. (2021). Editorial: Bildung für eine digitale Zukunft. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 24(5), 1033-1037. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11618-021-01049-w
Open Access
Wörner, S., Fischer, C., Kuhn, J., Scheiter, K., & Neumann, I. (2021). Video analysis to examine Kepler’s laws of planetary motion. The Physics Teacher, 59(8), 660-661. https://dx.doi.org/10.1119/10.0006924
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Backfisch, I., Lachner, A., Hische, C., Loose, F., & Scheiter, K. (2020). Professional knowledge or motivation? Investigating the role of teachers’ expertise on the quality of technology-enhanced lesson plans. Learning and Instruction, 66, Article 101300. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.learninstruc.2019.101300 [Data, Data1]
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Castner, N., Appel, T., Eder, T. F., Richter, J., Scheiter, K., Keutel, C., Hüttig, F., Duchowski, A., & Kasneci, E. (2020). Pupil diameter differentiates expertise in dental radiography visual search. PLOS ONE, 15(5), e0223941. https://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0223941
Open Access
Emhardt, S. N., Wermeskerken, M., Scheiter, K., & Van Gog, T. (2020). Inferring task performance and confidence from displays of eye movements. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 34(6), 1430-1443. https://dx.doi.org/10.1002/acp.3721
Open Access
Hoch, E., Scheiter, K., & Schüler, A. (2020). Implementation Intentions for Improving Self-Regulation in Multimedia Learning: Why Don’t They Work? The Journal of Experimental Education, 88(4), 536-558. https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00220973.2019.1628693
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Hoch, E., Scheiter, K., & Schüler, A. (2020). Implementation intentions related to self-regulatory processes do not enhance learning in a multimedia environment. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, Article 46. https://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00046
Open Access
Jacob, L., Lachner, A., & Scheiter, K. (2020). Learning by explaining orally or in written form? Text complexity matters. Learning and Instruction, 68, Article 101344. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.learninstruc.2020.101344
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Kollmer, J., Schleinschok, K., Scheiter, K., & Eitel, A. (2020). Is drawing after learning effective for metacognitive monitoring only when supported by spatial scaffolds? Instructional Science, 48(5), 569-589. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11251-020-09521-6
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Ludewig, U., Lambert, K., Dackermann, T., Scheiter, K., & Moeller, K. (2020). Influences of basic numerical abilities on graph reading performance. Psychological Research, 84(5), 1198-1210. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00426-019-01144-y
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Richter, J., Scheiter, K., Eder, T. F., Huettig, F., & Keutel, C. (2020). How massed practice improves visual expertise in reading panoramic radiographs in dental students: An eye tracking study. PLOS ONE, 15(12): e0243060. https://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0243060 [Data]
Open Access
Scheiter, K. (2020). Embracing complexity in research on learning from examples and from problem solving. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 34(4), 906-911. https://dx.doi.org/10.1002/acp.3702
Volltext anfordern
Scheiter, K., Ackerman, R., & Hoogerheide, V. (2020). Looking at Mental Effort Appraisals through a Metacognitive Lens: Are they Biased? Educational Psychology Review, 32(4), 1003-1027. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10648-020-09555-9
Open Access
Scheiter, K., Brucker, B., & Ainsworth, S. (2020). “Now move like that fish”: Can enactment help learners come to understand dynamic motion presented in photographs and videos? Computers & Education, 155, Article 103934. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2020.103934
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Schmidgall, S. P., Scheiter, K., & Eitel, A. (2020). Can we further improve tablet-based drawing to enhance learning? An empirical test of two types of support. Instructional Science, 48(4), 453-474. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11251-020-09513-6
Open Access
Arndt, J., Schüler, A., & Scheiter, K. (2019). Investigating the Influence of Simultaneous– Versus Sequential–Text-Picture Presentation on Text-Picture Integration. The Journal of Experimental Education, 87(1), 116-127. https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00220973.2017.1363690
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Hoch, E., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2019). Hilft eine Unterstützung der Anstrengungsregulation, das Lernen mit statischen und dynamischen Visualisierungen zu verbessern? Unterrichtswissenschaft, 47(4), 427-450. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s42010-019-00045-8
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Krebs, M.-C., Schüler, A., & Scheiter, K. (2019). Just follow my eyes: The influence of model-observer similarity on Eye Movement Modeling Examples. Learning and Instruction, 61, 126-137. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.learninstruc.2018.10.005
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Richter, J., & Scheiter, K. (2019). Studying the expertise reversal of the multimedia signaling effect at a process level: evidence from eye tracking. Instructional Science, 47, 627–658. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11251-019-09492-3
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Scheiter, K., & Lachner, A. (2019). DigitalPakt – was nun? Eine Positionierung aus Sicht der Lehr-Lernforschung. Unterrichtswissenschaft, 47(4), 547-564. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s42010-019-00059-2
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Scheiter, K., Schubert, C., Schüler, A., Schmidt, H., Zimmermann, G., Wassermann, B., Krebs, M.-C., & Eder, T. F. (2019). Adaptive multimedia: Using gaze-contingent instructional guidance to provide personalized processing support. Computers & Education, 139, 31-47. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2019.05.005
Volltext anfordern
Schmidgall, S. P., Eitel, A., & Scheiter, K. (2019). Why do learners who draw perform well? Investigating the role of visualization, generation and externalization in learner-generated drawing. Learning and Instruction, 60, 138-153. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.learninstruc.2018.01.006
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Schüler, A., Arndt, J., & Scheiter, K. (2019). Does text–picture integration also occur with longer text segments? Applied Cognitive Psychology, 33(6), 1137-1146. https://dx.doi.org/10.1002/acp.3558
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Schüler, A., Pazzaglia, F., & Scheiter, K. (2019). Specifying the boundary conditions of the multimedia effect: The influence of content and its distribution between text and pictures. British Journal of Psychology, 110, 126-150. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/bjop.12341
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Weidenauer, C., Vollmer, C., Scheiter, K., & Randler, C. (2019). Weak Associations of Morningness-Eveningness and Stability with Skin Temperature and Cortisol Levels. Journal of Circadian Rhythms, 17(1), Article 8. https://dx.doi.org/10.5334/jcr.182
Open Access
Richter, J., Scheiter, K., & Eitel, A. (2018). Signaling text–picture relations in multimedia learning: The influence of prior knowledge. Journal of Educational Psychology, 110, 544-560. https://dx.doi.org/10.1037/edu0000220
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Rop, G., Schüler, A., Verkoeijen, P. P. J. L., Scheiter, K., & Van Gog, T. (2018). Effects of task experience and layout on learning from text and pictures with or without unnecessary picture descriptions. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 34, 458-470. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jcal.12287
Open Access
Rop, G., Schüler, A., Verkoeijen, P. P. J. L., Scheiter, K., & Van Gog, T. (2018). The effect of layout and pacing on learning from diagrams with unnecessary text. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 32, 610-621. https://dx.doi.org/10.1002/acp.3445
Open Access
Scheiter, K., Schubert, C., & Schüler, A. (2018). Self-regulated learning from illustrated text: Eye Movement Modeling to support use and regulation of cognitive processes during learning from multimedia. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 88, 80-94. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/bjep.12175
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Wille, E., Gaspard, H., Trautwein, U., Oschatz, K., Scheiter, K., & Nagengast, B. (2018). Gender stereotypes in a children's television program: Effects on girls' and boys' stereotype endorsement, math performance, motivational dispositions, and attitudes. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, Article 2435. https://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02435
Open Access
Eitel, A., Benito, S. M., & Scheiter, K. (2017). Do it twice! Test-taking fosters repeated but not initial study of multimedia instruction. Learning and Instruction, 52, 36-45. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.learninstruc.2017.04.003
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Kant, J., Scheiter, K., & Oschatz, K. (2017). How to sequence video modeling examples and inquiry tasks to foster scientific reasoning. Learning and Instruction, 52, 46-58. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.learninstruc.2017.04.005
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Mason, L., Scheiter, K., & Tornatora, C. (2017). Using eye movements to model the sequence of text-picture processing for multimedia comprehension. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 33, 443-460. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jcal.12191
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Renkl, A., & Scheiter, K. (2017). Studying visual displays: How to instructionally support learning. Educational Psychology Review, 29, 599-621. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10648-015-9340-4
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Scheiter, K., Schleinschok, K., & Ainsworth, S. (2017). Why sketching may aid learning from science texts: Contrasting sketching with written explanations. Topics in Cognitive Science, 9, 866-882. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/tops.12261
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Schleinschok, K., Eitel, A., & Scheiter, K. (2017). Do drawing tasks improve monitoring and control during learning from text? Learning and Instruction, 51, 10-25. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.learninstruc.2017.02.002
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Richter, J., Scheiter, K., & Eitel, A. (2016). Signaling text-picture relations in multimedia learning: A comprehensive meta-analysis. Educational Research Review, 17, 19-36. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.edurev.2015.12.003
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Scheiter, K., Eitel, A., & Schüler, A. (2016). Lernen mit Texten und Bildern: Die frühzeitige wechselseitige Beeinflussung kognitiver Prozesse bei der Konstruktion eines integrierten mentalen Modells. Themenheft: Psychologie und Wissensmedien. Psychologische Rundschau, 67, 87-93. https://dx.doi.org/10.1026/0033-3042/a000300
Strukelj, A., Scheiter, K., Nyström, M., & Holmqvist, K. (2016). Exploring the lack of a disfluency effect: evidence from eye movements. Metacognition and Learning, 11, 71-88. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11409-015-9146-2
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Arndt, J., Schüler, A., & Scheiter, K. (2015). Text- picture integration: How delayed testing moderates recognition of pictorial information in multimedia learning. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 29, 702-712. https://dx.doi.org/10.1002/acp.3154
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Eitel, A., & Scheiter, K. (2015). Picture or text first? Explaining sequence effects when learning with pictures and text. Educational Psychology Review, 27, 153-180. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10648-014-9264-4
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Scheiter, K., & Eitel, A. (2015). Signals foster multimedia learning by supporting integration of highlighted text and diagram elements. Learning and Instruction, 36, 11-26. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.learninstruc.2014.11.002
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Scheiter, K., Schubert, C., Gerjets, P., & Stalbovs, K. (2015). Does a strategy training foster students’ ability to learn from multimedia? The Journal of Experimental Education, 83, 266-289. https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00220973.2013.876603
Volltext anfordern
Schüler, A., Arndt, J., & Scheiter, K. (2015). Processing multimedia material: Does integration of text and pictures result in a single or two interconnected mental representations? Learning and Instruction, 35, 62-72. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.learninstruc.2014.09.005
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Stalbovs, K., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2015). Implementation intentions during multimedia learning: Using if-then plans to facilitate cognitive processing. Learning and Instruction, 35, 1-15. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.learninstruc.2014.09.002
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Brucker, B., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2014). Learning with dynamic and static visualizations: Realistic details only benefit learners with high visuospatial abilities. Computers in Human Behavior, 36, 330-339. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2014.03.077
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Eitel, A., Kühl, T., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2014). Disfluency meets cognitive load in multimedia learning: Does harder-to-read mean better-to-understand? Applied Cognitive Psychology, 28(4), 488-501. https://dx.doi.org/10.1002/acp.3004
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Kühl, T., Eitel, A., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2014). A call for an unbiased search for moderators in disfluency research: Reply to Oppenheimer and Alter (2014). Applied Cognitive Psychology, 28, 805-806. https://dx.doi.org/10.1002/acp.3030
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Sassenrath, C., Sassenberg, K., Ray, D. G., Scheiter, K., & Jarodzka, H. M. (2014). A motivational determinant of facial emotion recognition: Regulatory focus affects recognition of emotions in faces. PLOS ONE, 9(11): e112383. https://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0112383
Open Access
Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P., & Heise, E. (2014). Distraction during learning with hypermedia: difficult tasks help to keep task goals on track. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, Article 268. https://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00268
Volltext anfordern
Scheiter, K., Schrader, J., Trautwein, U., & Hesse, F. W. (2014). Analyse und Förderung effektiver Lehr-Lernprozesse im Kontext evidenzbasierter Bildungsreform - Beiträge der Tübinger Forschergruppe für Empirische Bildungsforschung. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 17, 189-192.
Volltext anfordern
Scheiter, K., Schüler, A., Gerjets, P., Huk, T., & Hesse, F. W. (2014). Extending multimedia research: How do prerequisite knowledge and reading comprehension affect learning from text and pictures. Computers in Human Behavior, 31, 73-84.
Volltext anfordern
Scheiter, K., Schüler, A., Gerjets, P., Stalbovs, K., Schubert, C., Huk, T., & Hesse, F. W. (2014). Welche Rolle spielt neben Merkmalen des Instruktionsdesigns die fachspezifische und aufgabenspezifische Motivation beim Lernen mit Multimedia im naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht? Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 17, 279-296.
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Van Genuchten, E., van Hooijdonk, C., Schüler, A., & Scheiter, K. (2014). The role of working memory when "learning how" with multimedia learning material. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 28, 327-335.
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Eitel, A., Scheiter, K., & Schüler, A. (2013). How inspecting a picture affects processing of text in multimedia learning. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 27, 451-461. https://dx.doi.org/10.1002/acp.2922
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Eitel, A., Scheiter, K., Schüler, A., Nyström, M., & Holmqvist, K. (2013). How a picture facilitates the process of learning from text: Evidence for scaffolding. Learning and Instruction, 28, 48-63. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.learninstruc.2013.05.002
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Imhof, B., Scheiter, K., Edelmann, J., & Gerjets, P. (2013). Learning about locomotion patterns: Effective use of multiple pictures and motion-indicating arrows. Computers & Education, 65, 45-55. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2011.05.004
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Jarodzka, H. M., Van Gog, T., Dorr, M., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2013). Learning to see: Guiding students' attention via a model's eye movements fosters learning. Learning and Instruction, 25, 62-70.
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Schüler, A., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2013). Is spoken text always better? Investigating the modality and redundancy effect with longer text presentation. Computers in Human Behavior, 29(4), 1590-1601. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2013.01.047
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Eitel, A., Scheiter, K., & Schüler, A. (2012). The time course of information extraction from instructional diagrams. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 115, 677-701. https://dx.doi.org/10.2466/22.23.PMS.115.6.677-701
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Imhof, B., Scheiter, K., Edelmann, J., & Gerjets, P. (2012). How temporal and spatial aspects of presenting visualizations affect learning about locomotion patterns. Learning and Instruction, 22, 193-205. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.learninstruc.2011.10.006
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Jarodzka, H. M., Baslev, T., Holmqvist, K., Nyström, M., Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P., & Eika, B. (2012). Conveying clinical reasoning based on visual observation via eye-movement modeling examples. Instructional Science, 40, 813-827.
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Kühl, T., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2012). Enhancing learning from dynamic and static visualizations by means of cueing. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 21, 71-88.
Open Access
Pfeiffer, V. D. I., Scheiter, K., & Gemballa, S. (2012). Comparing and combining traditional teaching approaches and the use of video clips for learning how to identify species in an aquarium. Journal of Biological Education, 46, 140-148.
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Schüler, A., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2012). Verbal descriptions of spatial information can interfere with picture processing. Memory, 20, 682-699. https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09658211.2012.693935
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Schüler, A., Scheiter, K., Rummer, R., & Gerjets, P. (2012). Explaining the modality effect in multimedia learning: Is it due to a lack of temporal contiguity with written text and pictures? Learning and Instruction, 22, 92-102.
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Van Genuchten, E., Scheiter, K., & Schüler, A. (2012). Examining learning from text and pictures for different task types: Does the multimedia effect differ for conceptual, causal, and procedural tasks? Computers in Human Behavior, 28, 2209-2218. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2012.06.028
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Imhof, B., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2011). Learning about locomotion patterns from visualizations: Effects of presentation format and realism. Computers & Education, 57, 1961-1970. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2013.01.017
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Kühl, T., Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P., & Edelmann, J. (2011). The influence of text modality on learning with static and dynamic visualizations. Computers in Human Behavior, 27, 29-35.
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Kühl, T., Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P., & Gemballa, S. (2011). Can differences in learning strategies explain the benefits of learning from static and dynamic visualizations? Computers & Education, 56, 176-187.
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Pfeiffer, V. D. I., Scheiter, K., Kühl, T., & Gemballa, S. (2011). Learning how to identify species in a situated learning scenario: Using dynamic-static visualizations to prepare students for their visit to the aquarium. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 7, 135-147.
Open Access
Rummer, R., Schweppe, J., Fürstenberg, A., Scheiter, K., & Zindler, A. (2011). The perceptual basis of the modality effect in multimedia learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 17, 159-173.
Schmidt-Weigand, F., & Scheiter, K. (2011). The role of spatial descriptions in learning from multimedia. Computers in Human Behavior, 27, 22-28. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2010.05.007
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Schüler, A., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2011). Does the modality effect in multimedia learning appear only with text containing spatial information? Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie, 25, 257-267.
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Schüler, A., Scheiter, K., & Schmidt-Weigand, F. (2011). Boundary conditions and constraints of the modality effect. Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie, 25, 211-220.
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Schüler, A., Scheiter, K., & Van Genuchten, E. (2011). The role of working memory in multimedia instruction: Is working memory working during learning from text and pictures? Educational Psychology Review, 23, 389-411.
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Jarodzka, H. M., Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P., & Van Gog, T. (2010). In the eyes of the beholder: How experts and novices interpret dynamic stimuli. Learning and Instruction, 20, 146-154. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.learninstruc.2009.02.019
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Linek, S., Gerjets, P., & Scheiter, K. (2010). The speaker/gender effect: Does the speaker’s gender matter when presenting auditory text in multimedia messages? Instructional Science, 38, 503-521.
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Opfermann, M., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2010). Hypermedialeren: De invloed van instructieontwerp, leerlingkenmerken en ondersteuning [Hypermedia learning: The impact of instructional design, learner characteristics, and instructional support]. Pedagogische Studiën, 87, 9-26.
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Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2010). Cognitive and socio-motivational aspects in learning with animations: There is more to it than ‘do they aid learning or not’. Instructional Science, 38, 435-440.
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Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P., & Schuh, J. (2010). The acquisition of problem-solving skills in mathematics: How animations can aid understanding of structural problem features and solution procedures. Instructional Science, 38, 487-502.
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Van Gog, T., & Scheiter, K. (2010). Eye tracking as a tool to study and enhance multimedia learning. Learning and Instruction, 20, 95-99. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.learninstruc.2009.02.009
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Cierniak, G., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2009). Explaining the split-attention effect: Is the reduction of extraneous cognitive load accompanied by an increase in germane cognitive load? Computers in Human Behavior, 25 (2), 315-324. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2008.12.020
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Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K., & Cierniak, G. (2009). The scientific value of Cognitive Load Theory: A research agenda based on the Structuralist View of Theories. Educational Psychology Review, 21, 43-54. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10648-008-9096-1
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Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K., Opfermann, M., Hesse, F. W., & Eysink, T. H. S. (2009). Learning with hypermedia: The influence of representational formats and different levels of learner control on performance and learning behavior. Computers in Human Behavior, 25 (2), 360-370. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2008.12.015
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Pfeiffer, V. D. I., Gemballa, S., Jarodzka, H. M., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2009). Situated learning in the mobile age: Mobile devices on a field trip to the sea. Research in Learning Technology, 17, 187-199.
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Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P., Huk, T., Imhof, B., & Kammerer, Y. (2009). The effects of realism in learning with dynamic visualizations. Learning and Instruction, 19, 481-494. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.learninstruc.2008.08.001
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Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P., Vollmann, B., & Catrambone, R. (2009). The impact of learner characteristics on information utilization strategies, cognitive load experienced, and performance in hypermedia learning. Learning and Instruction, 19, 387-401.
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Scheiter, K., & Van Gog, T. (2009). Using eye tracking in applied research to study and stimulate the processing of information from multi-representational sources. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 23, 1209-1214.
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Van Gog, T., Jarodzka, H. M., Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P., & Paas, F. (2009). Attention guidance during example study via the model’s eye movements. Computers in Human Behavior, 25, 785-791.
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Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K., & Schuh, J. (2008). Information comparisons in example-based hypermedia environments: Supporting learners with processing prompts and an interactive comparison tool. Educational Technology Research and Development, 56, 73-92. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11423-007-9068-z
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Rummer, R., Schweppe, J., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2008). Lernen mit Multimedia: Die kognitiven Grundlagen des Modalitätseffekts. Psychologische Rundschau, 59, 98-107. https://dx.doi.org/10.1026/0012-1924.59.2.98
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Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2007). Learner control in hypermedia environments. Educational Psychology Review, 19 (3), 285-307. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10648-007-9046-3
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Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K., & Catrambone, R. (2006). Can learning from molar and modular worked-out examples be enhanced by providing instructional explanations and prompting self-explanations? Learning and Instruction, 16, 104-121.
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Keller, T., Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K., & Garsoffky, B. (2006). Information visualizations as tools for knowledge acquisition: The impact of dimensionality and color coding. Computers in Human Behavior, 22, 43-65. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2005.01.006
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Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K., & Schuh, J. (2005). Instruktionale Unterstützung beim Fertigkeitserwerb aus Beispielen in hypertextbasierten Lernumgebungen. Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie, 19, 23-38. https://dx.doi.org/10.1024/1010-0652.19.12.23
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Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K., & Catrambone, R. (2004). Designing instructional examples to reduce intrinsic cognitive load: Molar versus modular presentation of solution procedures. Instructional Science, 32, 33-58. https://dx.doi.org/10.1023/B:TRUC.0000021809.10236.71
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Gerjets, P., & Scheiter, K. (2003). Goal configurations and processing strategies as moderators between instructional design and cognitive load: Evidence from hypertext-based instruction. Educational Psychologist, 38, 33 - 41. https://dx.doi.org/10.1207/S15326985EP3801_5
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Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K., & Schorr, T. (2003). Modeling processes of volitional action control in multiple-task performance: How to explain effects of goal competition and task difficulty on processing strategies and performance within ACT-R. Cognitive Science Quarterly, 3, 355-400.
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Eitel, A., Scheiter, K., & Schüler, A. (2011). How brief initial inspection of a picture may foster comprehension of text. In L. Carlson, C. Hölscher, & T. F. Shipley (Eds.), Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 1358-1364). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.
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Eitel, A., Scheiter, K., & Schüler, A. (2010). Getting a clue: Gist extraction from scenes and causal systems. In A. K. Goel, M. Jamnik, & N. H. Narayanan (Eds.), Diagrammatic representation and inference – 6th International Conference, Diagrams 2010 (LNAI 6170, pp. 243-249). Heidelberg: Springer.
Eitel, A., Scheiter, K., & Schüler, A. (2010). What can information extraction from scenes and causal systems tell us about learning from text and pictures? In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone (Eds.), Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 2822-2827). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.
Imhof, B., Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P., & Edelmann, J. (2010). The role of dynamic visualizations and spatial layout of static visualizations for learning how to classify locomotion patterns. In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone (Eds.), Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 2039-2044). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.
Jarodzka, H., Balslev, T., Holmqvist, K., Nyström, M., Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P., & Eika, B. (2010). Learning perceptual aspects of diagnosis in medicine via eye movement modeling examples on patient video cases. In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone (Eds.), Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 1703-1708). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.
Scheiter, K., & Eitel, A. (2010). The effects of signals on learning from text and diagrams: How looking at diagrams earlier and more frequently improves understanding. In A. K. Goel, M. Jamnik, & N. H. Narayanan (Eds.), Diagrammatic representation and inference – 6th International Conference, Diagrams 2010 (LNAI 6170, pp. 264-270). Heidelberg: Springer.
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Cierniak, G., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2009). Expertise reversal in multimedia learning: Subjective load ratings and viewing behavior as cognitive process indicators. In N. A. Taatgen, & H. van Rijn (Eds.), Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 1906-1911). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.
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Kammerer, Y., Wollny, E., Gerjets, P., & Scheiter, K. (2009). How authority-related epistemological beliefs and salience of source information influence the evaluation of web search results – An eye tracking study. In N. A. Taatgen, & H. van Rijn (Eds.), Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 2158-2163). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.
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Jarodzka, H., Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P., & Gemballa, S. (2008). In the eyes of experts: Teaching dynamic features in biology by modeling experts’ eye movement strategies to novices. In P. A. Kirschner, F. Prins, V. Jonker, & G. Kanselaar (Eds.), International Perspectives in the Learning Sciences: Cre8ing a learning world. Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference for the Learning Sciences – ICLS 2008 (Vol. 1, pp. 390-397). Utrecht: The Netherlands: International Society of the Learning Sciences, Inc. (ISLS).
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Kohls, C., & Scheiter, K. (2008). The psychology of patterns. Proceedings of the 2008 conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP). Nashville, Tennessee: ACM.
Opfermann, M., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2008). The benefits of instructional support in hypermedia learning. In P. A. Kirschner, F. Prins, V. Jonker, & G. Kanselaar (Eds.), International Perspectives in the Learning Sciences: Cre8ing a learning world. Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference for the Learning Sciences – ICLS 2008 (Vol. 3, pp. 301-303). Utrecht, The Netherlands: International Society of the Learning Sciences, Inc. (ISLS).
Pfeiffer, V. D. I., Gemballa, S., Bizer, B., Jarodzka, H., Imhof, B., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2008). Enhancing students’ knowledge of biodiversity in a situated mobile learning scenario: Using static and dynamic visualizations in field trips. In P. A. Kirschner, F. Prins, V. Jonker, & G. Kanselaar (Eds.), International Perspectives in the Learning Sciences: Cre8ing a learning world. Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference for the Learning Sciences – ICLS 2008 (Vol. 2, pp. 204-212). Utrecht: The Netherlands: International Society of the Learning Sciences, Inc. (ISLS).
Scheiter, K., & Schmidt-Weigand, F. (2008). The influence of spatial text information on learning with visualizations. In A. Maes, & S. Ainsworth (Eds.), Proceedings EARLI Special Interest Group Text and Graphics: Exploiting the opportunities - Learning with textual, graphical, and multimodal representations (pp. 123-126). Tilburg, NL: Tilburg University.
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Schüler, A., Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P., & Rummer, R. (2008). The modality effect in multimedia learning: Theoretical and empirical limitations. In P. A. Kirschner, F. Prins, V. Jonker, & G. Kanselaar (Eds.), International Perspectives in the Learning Sciences: Cre8ing a learning world. Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference for the Learning Sciences – ICLS 2008 (Vol. 2, pp. 311-318). Utrecht: The Netherlands: International Society of the Learning Sciences, Inc. (ISLS).
Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K., & Schuh, J. (2006). Supporting information comparisons in example-based hypertext environments. In R. Sun, & N. Miyake (Eds.), Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 1364-1369). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
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Scheiter, K. (2017). Design of effective dynamic visualizations: A struggle between the beauty and the beast? Commentary on Parts I and II. In R. Lowe & R. Ploetzner (Eds.), Learning from dynamic visualization: Innovations in research and application (pp. 233-251). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
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Lachner, A., & Scheiter, K. (2021). Digitale Medien zur Umsetzung adaptiven Unterrichts. Schulmagazin, 2021(5), 5-10.
Richter, J., Lachner, A., & Scheiter, K. (2019). Lernen mit Simulationen im naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht – forschungsbasierte Entwicklung und Erprobung von digitalisierten Unterrichtskonzepten. Schulmanagement, 50(4), 25-27.
Scheiter, K. (2019). Erfassung von Lernprozessen im digitalen Klassenraum. Neue Möglichkeiten durch den Einsatz Künstlicher Intelligenz. Schulmanagement, 50, 18-20.
van Ackeren, I., Aufenanger, S., Eickelmann, B., Friedrich, S., Kammerl, R., Knopf, J., Mayrberger, K., Scheika, H., Scheiter, K., & Schiefner-Rohs, M. (2019). Digitalisierung in der Lehrerbildung - Herausforderungen, Entwicklungsfelder und Förderung von Gesamtkonzepten. DDS - Die Deutsche Schule, 111(1), 103-119.
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Schüler, A., & Scheiter, K. (2017). Verarbeitungsstrategien beim Lernen mit Multimedia und ihre Unterstützung. Lernpotenziale richtig nutzen. Weiterbildung, 1, 12-15.
Richter, J., Ulrich, N., Scheiter, K., & Schanze, S. (2016). eChemBook: Gestaltung eines digitalen Schulbuchs. Lehren & Lernen. Zeitschrift für Schule und Innovation aus Baden-Württemberg, 7, 23-29.
Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P., & Gemballa, S. (2016). Wie wirksam sind Filme und Animationen im Biologieunterricht? Ergebnisse der empirischen Lehr-Lernforschung. Praxis der Naturwissenschaften - Biologie in der Schule, 65, 5-10.
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Scheiter, K., & Sassenberg, K. (2015). Kein Psychologiestudium ohne Geschichte der Psychologie – innerhalb der Teildisziplinen aber nicht als eigenständiges Fach (Diskussionsforum). Psychologische Rundschau, 66, 179.
Scheiter, K., & Schüler, A. (2012). Ein Bild sagt mehr als tausend Worte? Weiterbildung, 6, 25-27.
Fleig, K., Hoch, E., Lachner, A., Padó, U., & Scheiter, K. (2022, März 30). Implementierung einer automatischen Auswertung offener Antwortformate. Jahrestagung Leibniz-Forschungsverbund Bildungspotenziale (LERN) (virtuelle Konferenz). Frankfurt am Main. [Poster]
Fleig, K., Hoch, E., Lachner, A., Padó, U., & Scheiter, K. (2022, April 27-29). NLP-based learner assessment for feedback generation. Retreat of the LEAD (Learning, Educational Achievement, and Life Course Development) Graduate School & Research Network. Untermarchtal. [Poster]
Fleig, K., Padó, U., Hoch, E., Lachner, A., & Scheiter, K. (2022, März 9-11). Evidenzbasierte Entwicklung eines KI-Systems. 9. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF). Bamberg (virtuelle Konferenz). [Vortrag]
Franke, U., Backfisch, I., Fabian, A., Scheiter, K., & Lachner, A. (2022, März 9-11). „Ich weiß, dass ich (noch) nichts weiß?“ – Metakognitive Akkuratesse moderiert die Validität von Selbsteinschätzungen technologisch-pädagogischen Wissens (TPK). 9. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF). Bamberg (virtuelle Konferenz). [Vortrag]
Hoch, E., Sassenberg, K., & Scheiter, K. (2022, März 9-11). Wie hängen Selbstregulationsstrategien von SchülerInnen mit ihrer Wahrnehmung digitaler Medien zusammen? 9. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF). Bamberg (virtuelle Konferenz). [Vortrag]
Omarchevska, Y., Lachner, A., Richter, J., & Scheiter, K. (2022, March 30). The effectiveness of video modeling examples and metacognitive prompts for guiding self-regulated inquiry learning. Jahrestagung Leibniz-Forschungsverbund Bildungspotenziale (LERN). Frankfurt am Main (virtuelle Konferenz). [Talk]
Scheiter, K. (2022, März 9-11). Virtuelle Realitäten in der empirischen Lehr-Lernforschung: Ein Werkstattbericht aus dem Tübinger Virtual Reality Research on Education (VRE) Lab. 9. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF). Bamberg (virtuelle Konferenz). [Symposium Diskussion]
Scheiter, K. (2022, Januar 11). Eingeladener Vortrag zum Thema „Bildung in der Digitalen Welt“. Tagung der Landesfachkoordinatorinnen und Landesfachkoordinatoren des Referats 33 (Aus- und Fortbildung Allgemein bildender Gymnasien). Zentrum für Schulqualität und Lehrerbildung (ZSL) des Landes Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart. [Vortrag]
Scheiter, K. (2022, März 9-11). Selbstregulation beim Lernen in digitalen Umgebungen: Von Problemen zu Lösungen. 9. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF). Bamberg (virtuelle Konferenz). [Symposium Diskussion]
Scheiter, K. (2022, April 8). Eingeladener Vortrag zum Thema „Guter“ Unterricht und digitale Medien – wie geht das zusammen? 7. LEAD-Tag der Wissenschaft „Bildung und Digitalisierung: Quo vadis?“ des LEAD Graduate School & Research Networks- Programm „Schule & Wissenschaft“. Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen. Stuttgart. [Vortrag]
Schneider, J., Backfisch, I., Lachner, A., Breil, P., Bohl, T., & Scheiter, K. (2022, März 9-11). Tübinger digitale Bibliothek aufbereiteter Forschungssynthesen – TüDi-BASE. 9. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF). Bamberg (virtuelle Konferenz). [Vortrag]
Stürmer, K., Fütterer, T., Hoch, E., Lachner, A., & Scheiter, K. (2022, März 9-11). Kann digitaler Unterricht auf Distanz lernwirksam sein? Eine Studie zur kognitiven Aktivierung während der Schulschließungen. 9. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF). Bamberg (virtuelle Konferenz). [Vortrag]
Stürmer, K., Fütterer, T., Hoch, E., Lachner, A., & Scheiter, K. (2022, März 30). Kann digitaler Unterricht auf Distanz lernwirksam sein? Eine Studie zur kognitiven Aktivierung während der Schulschließungen. Jahrestagung Leibniz-Forschungsverbund Bildungspotenziale (LERN). Frankfurt am Main (virtuelle Konferenz). [Vortrag]
Wörner, S., & Scheiter, K. (2022, März 30). Forschendes Lernen im naturwissenschaftlichen Distanzunterricht mit virtuellen und Videoexperimenten. Jahrestagung Leibniz-Forschungsverbund Bildungspotenziale (LERN). Frankfurt am Main (virtuelle Konferenz). [Vortrag]
Hoch, E., Scheiter, K., Hoogerheide, V., & Ackerman, R. (2021, September 14-16). Wie hängen subjektive Urteile mit objektiver Aufgabenschwierigkeit und Antwortzeit zusammen? 18. Tagung der Fachgruppe Pädagogische Psychologie (PaePsy) 2021. Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg. [Vortrag]
Jacob, L., Lachner, A., & Scheiter, K. (2021, August 23-27). Does inducing social presence enhance the effectiveness of teaching in written form? 19th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Session N. Gothenburg, Sweden. [Talk]
Omarchevska, Y., Lachner, A., & Scheiter, K. (2021, August 23-27). Effects of video modeling and metacognitive prompts on scientific reasoning and self-regulation. 19th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Gothenburg, Sweden. [Talk]
Omarchevska, Y., Lachner, A., & Scheiter, K. (2021, June 8-11). Supporting learning with virtual experiments using video modeling examples and monitoring prompts. International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS) Annual Meeting 2021: Reflecting the past and embracing the future. Symposium 1, Science learning with virtual experiments. Bochum. [Talk]
Omarchevska, Y., Lachner, A., & Scheiter, K. (2021, September 14-16). Individual predictors of inquiry behavior and their impact on learning outcomes. 18. Tagung der Fachgruppe Pädagogische Psychologie (PaePsy) 2021. Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg. [Talk]
Scheiter, K. (2021, Januar 15). We need to talk about AI: Lernende Systeme vs. Lernende Subjekte. Ringvorlesung der Landeshochschulen Sachsen-Anhalts. [Vortrag]
Scheiter, K. (2021, März 18). Erfolgreich Lehren und Lernen mit digitalen Medien – quo vadis? 7. interdisziplinärer Thementag Theorie-Praxis des Regensburger Universitätszentrums für Lehrerbildung (RUL). Regensburg. [Vortrag]
Scheiter, K. (2021, May 11). Boundary conditions for effective learning and teaching with technology. Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsverläufe (LIfBi). Bamberg. [Talk]
Scheiter, K. (2021, August 23-27). How are appraisals of effort, confidence, and task difficulty related to objective task performance. 19th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Session D. Gothenburg, Sweden. [Talk]
Scheiter, K. (2021, Oktober 4-5). Baustellen in der digitalen Bildung. Digitales Lernforum zum Thema „Schule im digitalen Wandel gestalten“. Regionalbüro Jena und Regionalbüro Berlin des Deutschen Schulpreises und der Deutschen Schulakademie – Initiativen der Robert Bosch Stiftung GmbH. Stuttgart. [Vortrag]
Scheiter, K. (2021, Juni 18). Basisdimensionen von Unterrichtsqualität und Digitalisierung – passt das zusammen? Fachtagung „Unterricht beobachten und weiterentwickeln“ des Zentrums für Schulqualität und Lehrerbildung Baden-Württemberg. Stuttgart. [Vortrag]
Scheiter, K. (2021, November 10-12). Didaktisches Design digitaler Medien – Wie eine lernförderliche Gestaltung digitaler Medien guten Unterricht unterstützen kann. Keynote auf der Konferenz Bildung Digitalisierung (KonfBD) 2021 des Forum Bildung Digitalisierung e. V. Berlin. [Vortrag]
Scheiter, K. (2021, Juni 18). Die Perspektive der Digitalisierung. Impulsvortrag auf der bundesweiten Fachtagung „Unterricht beobachten und weiterentwickeln“ des Zentrums für Schulqualität und Lehrerbildung (ZSL) des Landes Baden-Württemberg. Stuttgart. [Vortrag]
Scheiter, K. (2021, November 1). Bildung in der Digitalen Welt. Tagung der Landesfachkoordinatorinnen und Landesfachkoordinatoren des Referats 33 (Aus- und Fortbildung allgemein bildender Gymnasien). Zentrum für Schulqualität und Lehrerbildung (ZSL) des Landes Baden-Württemberg. Stuttgart. [Vortrag]
Scheiter, K. (2021, May 11-27). Self-regulation and online learning. European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Special Interest Group (SIG) 16 Metacognition. Maastricht, the Netherlands. [Roundtable]
Scheiter, K. (2021, September 28-30). Learning from visual displays: Processes and interventions. Invited talk at the 12th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Diagrams (Diagrams Virtual Conference 2021). [Talk]
Scheiter, K. (2021, Mai 12). Lehren und Lernen mit digitalen Medien. Eingeladener Vortrag bei Jugend präsentiert / Wissenschaft im Dialog. Berlin. [Vortrag]
Scheiter, K. (2021, Juni 14-15). Zeitgemäße Unterrichtsentwicklung. Fachtagung „Dimension Digitalisierung – Schulleitungen stärken". Forum Bildung Digitalisierung in Kooperation mit der Kultusministerkonferenz (KMK) und dem Sächsischen Staatsministerium für Kultus, Berlin. [Vortrag]
Scheiter, K. (2021, September 22). Die Nutzung digitaler Medien in Unterrichtsprozesse und deren Gelingensbedingungen auf Ebene der Schule, der Klasse und der Lernenden. Thementagung „Digitalisierung im Bildungsbereich. Potenziale und Herausforderungen“ im Rahmen des digitalen Jahres der Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (digiGEBF). Forschungs- und Transferzentrum Digitalisierung in der Lehrerbildung (TüDiLB). Tübingen. [Symposium Diskussion]
Scheiter, K. (2021, Oktober 28-29). Bildung in der digitalen Welt – neue Akzente. Eingeladener Vortrag auf der Jahrestagung des Zentrums für Schulqualität und Lehrerbildung (ZSL). Land Baden-Württemberg. Bad Wildbad. [Vortrag]
Scheiter, K. (2021, Januar 19). Internetangebote zur Digitalisierung in der Lehrerbildung empfehlen und kennenlernen. e-teaching.org goes Lehrerbildung: Internetangebote zur Digitalisierung in der Lehrerbildung empfehlen und kennenlernen. Tübingen. [Vortrag]
Scheiter, K. (2021, Mai 5). Fit for Future? Ein Webtalk über die Schule der Zukunft. FNFMasterclass. Friedrich Naumann Stiftung. Bonn. [Talk]
Scheiter, K. (2021, Juni 24). Lehren und Lernen mit Multimedia – eine Perspektivenerweiterung vom Labor in die Praxis. Eingeladener Vortrag auf dem 1. Symposium der Transferreihe neuroDidactX – Talking Future Education der Freien Universität Berlin. [Vortrag]
Scheiter, K. (2021, Juli 5). Das Primat des Pädagogischen im digitalen Wandel – Ein Vorschlag zur Konkretisierung. Eingeladener Vortrag im Rahmen der Abschlussveranstaltung der vom Ministerium für Bildung, Jugend und Sport (MBJS) geförderten Pilotierungsphase der HPI Schul-Cloud Brandenburg. Hasso-Plattner-Institut (HPI), Potsdam. [Vortrag]
Scheiter, K. (2021, September 12-16). Drittmittelakquise. Pre-Conference-Workshop auf der 18. Tagung der Fachgruppe Pädagogische Psychologie (PaePsy 2021). Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg. [Workshop Organisation]
Schneider, J., Backfisch, I., Lachner, A., & Scheiter, K. (2021, August 23-27). Another jangle fallacy? Validity of technological pedagogical content knowledge self-reports. 19th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Session O. Gothenburg, Sweden. [Talk]
Wörner, S., Kuhn, J., & Scheiter, K. (2021, September 14-16). Helfen virtuelle und Videoexperimente im naturwissenschaftlichen Distanzunterricht beim Lernen? 18. Tagung der Fachgruppe Pädagogische Psychologie (PaePsy) 2021. Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg. [Vortrag]
Wörner, S., Kuhn, J., & Scheiter, K. (2021, August 23-27). 20 years of combining physical and virtual experiments in science education: A systematic review. 19th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Gothenburg, Sweden. [Talk]
Wörner, S., Kuhn, J., & Scheiter, K. (2021, June 8-11). Combining physical and virtual experiments in physics education. International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS) Annual Meeting 2021: Reflecting the past and embracing the future. Symposium 1, Science learning with virtual experiments. Bochum. [Talk]
Wörner, S., Scheiter, K., & Kuhn, J. (2021, August 30-September 3). Virtual and video experiments during covid-19 homeschooling: Do they help or hinder learning? 14th Conference of the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA 2021). University of Minho, Braga, Portugal. [Talk]
Backfisch, I., Jacob, L., Lachner, A., Plicht, C., Bohl, T., Stürmer, K., & Scheiter, K. (2020, August). Research-practice collaboration for technology-enhanced adaptive teaching: A design-based study. European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Special Interest Group (SIG) 6 & 7 (online conference). Tübingen, Germany. [Talk]
Backfisch, I., Lachner, A., Stürmer, K., & Scheiter, K. (2020, April). Effects of teachers’ self-efficacy and Utility-value on the Quality of Technology Integration. The American Educational Research Association (AERA). San Francisco, USA. (Conference cancelled). https://www.aera.net/ [Roundtable]
Chenk, X., Fütterer, T., Scheiter, K., Fauth, B. C., & Stürmer, K. (2020, April). ICT-Integrated Classrooms: Effects of tablet-based instruction on students’ individual learning activities. The American Educational Research Association (AERA). San Francisco, USA. (Conference cancelled). https://www.aera20.net/ [Poster]
Coppens, L. C., Postema, C., Schüler, A., Scheiter, K., & van Gog, T. (2020, August). Effects of gaze feedback and stimuli order on learning and attention in a categorization task. European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Special Interest Group (SIG) 6 & 7 (online conference). Tübingen, Germany. [Talk]
Eder, T., Richter, J., Scheiter, K., Hüttig, F., & Keutel, C. (2020, August). How dental students improve in diagnosing radiographs. European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Special Interest Group (SIG) 6 & 7 (online conference). Tübingen, Germany. [Talk]
Eder, T. F., Scheiter, K., Keutel, C., Huettig, F., Kasneci, E., & Richter, J. (2020, May). How dental students learn to diagnose radiographs. Virtuelles Symposium „What’s Cognitive About Cognitive Interfaces?” zum Abschluss des Leibniz-WissenschaftsCampus Tübingen. Tübingen. [Talk]
Fütterer, T., Cheng, X., Scheiter, K., & Stürmer, K. (2020, August). Quality Beats Quantity: Investigating Learning Related Effort in Computer-Based Learning Environments. European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Special Interest Group (SIG) 6 & 7 (online conference). Tübingen. [Talk]
Hammer, M., Scheiter, K., Fauth, B. C., & Stürmer, K. (2020, April). How do parents’ beliefs and behavior affect students’ media self-efficacy? The American Educational Research Association (AERA). San Francisco, USA. (Conference cancelled). https://www.aera20.net/ [Poster]
Hammer, M., Scheiter, K., & Stürmer, K. (2020, August). How do parents’ beliefs and behavior regarding digital media affect students’ digital media self-efficacy? European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Special Interest Group (SIG) 6 & 7 (online conference). Tübingen, Germany. [Talk]
Hoch, E., Sassenberg, K., & Scheiter, K. (2020, März). The impact of students’ self-regulatory preferences on their perception of digital media. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF) 2020. Potsdam. (Konferenz abgesagt). [Talk]
Hoch, E., Sassenberg, K., & Scheiter, K. (2020, August). The impact of students’ self-regulatory preferences on their perception of digital media. European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Special Interest Group (SIG) 6 & 7 (online conference). Tübingen, Germany. [Talk]
Jacob, L., Lachner, A., & Scheiter, K. (2020, August). Self-concept moderates the effectiveness of learning by teaching. European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Special Interest Group (SIG) 6 & 7 (online conference). Tübingen, Germany. [Talk]
Jacob, L., Lachner, A., & Scheiter, K. (2020, April). Explaining orally holds lead over writing explanations: Text difficulty and Self-Concept matter. The American Educational Research Association (AERA). San Francisco, USA. (Conference cancelled). https://www.aera.net/ [Talk]
Omarchevska, Y., Richter, J., & Scheiter, K. (2020, August). Effects of video modeling and metacognitive prompting on hypothesis and argumentation quality. European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Special Interest Group (SIG) 6 & 7 (online conference). Tübingen, Germany. [Talk]
Rögele, A., Scheiter, K., & Randler, C. (2020, May). Linking out-of-school and in-classroom instruction using a Citizen Science approach to learning. Virtuelles Symposium „What’s Cognitive About Cognitive Interfaces?” zum Abschluss des Leibniz-WissenschaftsCampus Tübingen. Tübingen, Deutschland. [Talk]
Scheiter, K. (2020, August). From basic psychology research to technology-enhanced science learning in real-world educational contexts: Linking different levels of granularity. Invited talk at European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Special Interest Group (SIG) 6 & 7 (online conference). Tübingen, Germany. [Talk]
Scheiter, K. (2020, August). Hat Covid-19 die digitale Schule vorangebracht? Podcast der Zeitschrift Technology Review. [Talk]
Scheiter, K., Hoch, E., Lachner, A., & Backfisch, I. (2020, Dezember). Unterrichten mit digitalen Medien: Eine Brücke zwischen Forschung und Praxis. 5. Hildesheimer CeLeB-Tagung zur Bildungsforschung #digital. Hildesheim, Deutschland (online Konferenz). [Poster]
Stürmer, K., Scheiter, K., Lachner, A., Fütterer, T., & Hoch, E. (2020, Dezember). Gelingensbedingungen für das Unterrichten mit digitalen Medien – Zugänge aus dem tabletBW-Projekt. 5. Hildesheimer CeLeB-Tagung zur Bildungsforschung. Hildesheim, Deutschland (online Konferenz). [Poster]
Wörner, S., Kuhn, J., & Scheiter, K. (2020, August). Combining real and virtual experiments in physics education. European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Special Interest Group (SIG) 6 & 7 (online conference). Tübingen, Germany. [Talk]
Backfisch, I., Lachner, A., Hische, C., Loose, F., & Scheiter, K. (2019, August). Effects of teachers’ professional competence on technology-enhanced teaching quality. 18th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Aachen, Germany. [Talk]
Backfisch, I., Lachner, A., Hische, C., & Scheiter, K. (2019, February). Does a utility-value intervention foster preservice teachers’ instructional reasoning for technology-enhanced teaching? REASON Winter School. Munich, Germany. [Talk]
Backfisch, I., Lachner, A., Scheiter, K., & Stürmer, K. (2019, Februar). Förderliche motivationale Faktoren für den effektiven Einsatz von Tablets im Unterricht. 7. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF) 2019. Köln, Deutschland. [Vortrag]
Backfisch, I., Lachner, A., Stürmer, K., & Scheiter, K. (2019, August). Modelling and supporting teachers’ technology-integration with a self-monitoring reflection tool. 18th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Aachen, Germany. [Talk]
Cheng, X., Futterer, T., Stürmer, K., Fauth, B., & Scheiter, K. (2019, August). Does ICT matter for student learning activities in mathematics instruction? 18th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Aachen, Germany. [Poster]
Hammer, M., Stürmer, K., Scheiter, K., & Fauth, B. (2019, August). How do student learning prerequisites affect perceptions of supportive climate in ICT instruction? 18th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Aachen, Germany. [Talk]
Hoch, E., Sassenberg, K., & Scheiter, K. (2019, September). Welche Rolle spielen Selbstregulationsstrategien für die Innovationsbereitschaft von Lehrpersonen? Gemeinsame Tagung der Fachgruppen Pädagogische Psychologie und Entwicklungspsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (paEpsy) 2019. Leipzig, Deutschland. [Vortrag]
Hoch, E., Schmidgall, S., Sassenberg, K., & Scheiter, K. (2019, August). The role of selfregulatory preferences in teachers' willingness to innovate. 18th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Aachen, Germany. [Talk]
Jacob, L., Lachner, A., & Scheiter, K. (2019, September). Lernen durch Erklären: Die Schwierigkeit des Lernmaterials moderiert den Effekt des mündlichen und schriftlichen Erklärens. Gemeinsame Tagung der Fachgruppen Pädagogische Psychologie und Entwicklungspsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (PaePsy) 2019. Leipzig, Deutschland. [Vortrag]
Jacob, L., Lachner, A., & Scheiter, K. (2019, August). Is generating oral explanations more effective than writing explanations? Text difficulty matters. 18th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Aachen, Germany. [Talk]
Lachner, A., Richter, J., Jacob, L., Bilgenroth, F., & Scheiter, K. (2019, August). Detrimental effects of constructive learning activities on students’ learning. 18th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Aachen, Germany. [Talk]
Omarchevska, Y., Richter, J., Lachner, A., & Scheiter, K. (2019, September). The influence of scientific reasoning processes on argumentation quality during inquiry learning. Gemeinsame Tagung der Fachgruppen Pädagogische Psychologie und Entwicklungspsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (PaePsy) 2019. Leipzig, Deutschland. [Poster]
Omarchevska, Y., Scheiter, K., & Richter, J. (2019, February). Sequencing learning activities to promote active learning and comprehension in science education. REASON Winter School. München, Germany. [Poster]
Rögele, A., Scheiter, K., & Randler, C. (2019, September). Verknüpfung von außerschulischen Unterrichtseinheiten und Klassenraumunterricht mithilfe eines Citizen Science Ansatz. Internationale Jahrestagung der der Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Chemie und Physik (GSCP) und der Fachsektion Didaktik der Biologie (FDdB im VBio) 2019. Wien, Österreich. [Vortrag]
Rögele, A., Scheiter, K., & Randler, C. (2019, August). Linking out-of-school and inclassroom instruction using a citizen science approach to learning. 18th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Aachen, Germany. [Poster]
Scheiter, K. (2019, Januar). Lernen mit multiplen Repräsentationen in naturwissenschaftlichen Kontexten: Die Nutzung von Blickbewegungen als Forschungs- und Instruktionsmethode. Eingeladener Vortrag am Interdisziplinären Zentrum für Empirische Bildungsforschung. Berlin, Deutschland. [Vortrag]
Scheiter, K. (2019, März). Orchestrierung digitaler Bildungsprozesse – von digitalen Insellösungen zu umfassenden Lehr-Lernkonzepten. Eingeladenes Impulsreferat auf der Tagung Bildungswelten der Zukunft - BMBF-Bildungsforschungstagung 2019. Berlin, Deutschland. [Vortrag]
Scheiter, K. (2019, August). Lernen mit multiplen Repräsentationen: Herausforderungen und Implikationen für die Unterrichtsgestaltung. Eingeladener Vortrag auf der SH-Sommeruniversität. Leck, Deutschland. [Vortrag]
Scheiter, K. (2019, August). Teachers´professional vision: how teachers look at their students. 18th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Aachen, Germany. [Symposium Discussion]
Scheiter, K. (2019, September). Wissen, was man weiß: Vielversprechende Maßnahmen zur Förderung metakognitiver Überwachung. Gemeinsame Tagung der Fachgruppen Pädagogische Psychologie und Entwicklungspsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (PaePsy) 2019. Leipzig, Deutschland. [Symposium Diskussion]
Scheiter, K. (2019, März). Lehren und Lernen mit digitalem Multimediamaterial – eine Perspektivenerweiterung aus dem Labor in die Bildungspraxis. Eingeladener Vortrag im Forschungskolloquium des Instituts für Psychologie der Universität Augsburg. Augsburg, Deutschland. [Vortrag]
Scheiter, K. (2019, September). Lehren und Lernen mit digitalen Medien – Nutzeninspirierte Grundlagenforschung und Transfer in die Praxis. Eingeladener Vortrag auf dem Individual Development and Adaptive Education (IDeA)-Retreat. Langenselbold, Deutschland. [Vortrag]
Scheiter, K., Eder, T., Richter, J., Hüttig, F., & Keutel, C. (2019, August). Seeing is not knowing. Detection errors do not explain poor performance in reading dental x-rays. 18th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Aachen, Germany. [Talk]
Scheiter, K., Eder, T., Richter, J., Hüttig, F., & Keutel, C. (2019, August). Dental medical students’ competencies for identifying anomalies in X-rays: When do they develop? 18th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Aachen, Germany. [Talk]
Scheiter, K., Lachner, A., & Stürmer, K. (2019, Februar). Professionelle Kompetenzen von Lehrkräften für das Unterrichten mit digitalen Medien. 7. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF) 2019: Lehren und Lernen in Bildungsinstitutionen. Köln, Deutschland. [Symposium Organisation]
Scheiter, K., Richter, J., Eder, T. F., Hüttig, F., & Keutel, C. (2019, August). Do dental medical students develop visual diagnostic expertise already during their studies? An International Association for Medical Education (AMEE) 2019. Vienna, Austria. [Talk]
Scheiter, K., Schmidgall, S., & Sassenberg, K. (2019, Februar). Welche Rolle spielen selbstregulatorische Orientierungen für die Innovationsbereitschaft von Lehrkräften? 7. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF) 2019. Köln, Deutschland. [Vortrag]
Van Gog, T., Postema, C., Meier, J., Schüler, A., Niehorster, D., & Scheiter, K. (2019, August). Using gaze displays to foster self-monitoring. 18th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Aachen, Germany. [Talk]
Van Wermeskerken, T., Richter, J., Van Gog, T., & Scheiter, K. (2019, August). Can eye see what you did? Effects of signaling on the interpretation of dynamic gaze displays. 18th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Aachen, Germany. [Talk]
Wörner, S., Kuhn, J., Richter, J., & Scheiter, K. (2019, September). Orchestrierung von virtuellen und realen Experimenten im Physik-Unterricht. Internationale Jahrestagung der der Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Chemie und Physik (GDCP) und der Fachsektion Didaktik der Biologie (FDdB im VBio) 2019. Wien, Österreich. [Poster]
Backfisch, I., Lachner, A., Hammer, M., Stürmer, K., & Scheiter, K. (2018, April). Mediendidaktische Kompetenzen von Lehrerinnen und Lehrern. Jahrestagung Leibniz-Forschungsverbund Bildungspotenziale (LERN). Tübingen. [Poster]
Backfisch, I., Lachner, A., Scheiter, K., Hische, C., & Loose, F. (2018, Juni). What Makes Teachers Act Competently in Technology-Enhanced Instruction? Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Perceived Utility matter. European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Special Interest Group (SIG) 11: Teaching and Teacher Education in a Changing Society. Kristiansand, Norwegen. [Talk]
Backfisch, I., Lachner, A., Scheiter, K., Hische, C., & Loose, F. (2018, September). Erfassung mediendidaktischer Kompetenzen von Lehrkräften und Effekte auf den Einsatz von digitalen Medien im Unterricht. Einfluss von Lehrexpertise auf die Qualität medienbasierter Unterrichtskonzepte. 51. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Frankfurt am Main. [Symposium Organisation]
Castner, N., Kübler, T. C., Kasneci, E., Scheiter, K., Richter, J., Eder, T., Huettig, F., & Keutel, C. (2018, June). Scanpath comparison in medical image reading skills of dental students: Distinguishing stages of expertise development. ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications (ETRA) 2018. Warsaw, Poland. [Talk]
Eder, T. F., Scheiter, K., Richter, J., Keutel, C., Castner, N., Kasneci, E., & Hüttig, F. (2018, August). Do gaze visualisations foster the diagnostic performance and gaze behaviour of dental students? European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Special Interest Group (SIG) 2: Comprehension of Text and Graphics. Freiburg. [Talk]
Eder, T. F., Scheiter, K., Richter, J., Keutel, C., Castner, N., Kasneci, E., & Hüttig, F. (2018, June). Do eye movement visualisations foster the interpretation of radiology images and gaze behaviour of dental medicine students? European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Special Interest Group (SIG) 27: Online Measures of Learning Processes. Warsaw, Poland. [Talk]
Eder, T. F., Scheiter, K., Richter, J., Keutel, C., Castner, N., Kasneci, E., & Hüttig, F. (2018, September). Ich sehe was, was du nicht siehst: Verändern statische Blickbewegungsvisualisierungen das Blickverhalten und die Befundungsleistung von Zahnmedizinstudierenden bei der Interpretation von Röntgenbildern? 51. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Frankfurt am Main. [Vortrag]
Hammer, M., Stürmer, K., Scheiter, K., & Fauth, B. (2018, July). Student characteristics and their perceptions in tablet-instruction. Conference of the JUnior REsearchers (JURE) of European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Antwerp, The Netherlands. [Poster]
Hoch, E., Stalbovs, K., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2018, September). Unterstützung kognitiver Verarbeitungsstrategien beim Lernen mit Multimedia: eine Feldstudie. 51. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Frankfurt am Main. [Poster]
Jacob, L., Lachner, A., & Scheiter, K. (2018, August). Oral explaining holds lead over written explaining? Task difficulty matters. European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Special Interest Group (SIG) 6 & 7: Instructional Design and Technology for 21st Century Learning: Challenges, Solutions, and Future Directions. Bonn, Germany. [Talk]
Krebs, M.-C., Schüler, A., & Scheiter, K. (2018, August). Eye Movement Modeling Examples vs. Cuing: Does the Human Factor Matter? European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Special Interest Group (SIG) 2: Comprehension of Text and Graphics. Freiburg. [Talk]
Richter, J., Scheiter, K., Eder, T. F., Hüttig, F., Castner, N., Kasneci, E., & Keutel, C. (2018, August). How massed practice improves reading radiographs: An eye-tracking study in dental education. European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Special Interest Group (SIG) 2: Comprehension of Text and Graphics. Freiburg. [Talk]
Richter, J., Scheiter, K., Eder, T. F., Hüttig, F., Castner, N., Kasneci, E., & Keutel, C. (2018, September). Effekte massierten Übens bei der Betrachtung von Röntgenbildern: Eine Blickbewegungsuntersuchung in der zahnmedizinischen Ausbildung. 51. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Frankfurt am Main. [Vortrag]
Richter, J., Wehrle, A., & Scheiter, K. (2018, June). Signaling text-graph combinations: Shedding light on the expertise reversal effect by means of eye tracking? European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Special Interest Group (SIG) 27: Online Measures of Learning Processes. Warsaw, Poland. [Poster]
Scheiter, K. (2018, Oktober). Lernen mit multiplen Repräsentationen: Herausforderungen und Implikationen für die Unterrichtsgestaltung. Eingeladener Vortrag auf der Tagung Formen der (Re-)Präsentation fachlichen Wissens. Ansätze und Methoden für die Lehrerbildung in den Fachdidaktiken und in den Bildungswissenschaften. Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel. [Vortrag]
Scheiter, K. (2018, November). Erfassung von Interaktionen im Klassenraum. Eingeladener Vortrag auf der Fachtagung "Künstliche Intelligenz - Chancen und Herausforderungen für Schule und Unterricht". Berlin. [Vortrag]
Scheiter, K. (2018, September). Learning with multiple representations: From cognitive foundations to educational practice. Invited talk at the Symposium "The Science of Learning. Convergence of educational science, developmental psychology and cognitive neuroscience perspectives". Max-Planck-Institut, Berlin. [Talk]
Scheiter, K. (2018, July). Using gaze displays to enhance self-regulated learning from illustrated texts: Are cognitive, meta-cognitive and/or social factors at play? Invited talk at the EYE LEARN Symposium. Utrecht, The Netherlands. [Talk]
Scheiter, K. (2018, September). Learning with multiple representations: From cognitive foundations to educational practice. Invited talk at The Science of Learning. Convergence of educational science, developmental psychology and cognitive neuroscience perspectives. Berlin. [Talk]
Scheiter, K. (2018, März). Lehr-Lernprozesse mit digitalen Medien optimal gestalten. Arbeitskreis Schule 4.0 (Südwestmetall). Stuttgart. [Vortrag]
Scheiter, K. (2018, June). Offline and online gaze-based interventions: From fundamental lab research to real-world learning tools. Invited talk at the Meeting of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Special Interest Group (SIG) 27: Online Measures of Learning Processes. Warsaw, Poland. [Talk]
Scheiter, K. (2018, Juni). Eingeladener Kommentar zur Tagung „Dimension Digitalisierung – Lehrkräfte stärken“. Kultusministerkonferenz. Hamburg. [Vortrag]
Scheiter, K., Stürmer, K., Lachner, A., & Fauth, B. (2018, April). Lehren und Lernen mit dem Tablet – der Schulversuch tabletBW. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung LERN 2018 „Digitalisierung und Bildung: Potenziale und Herausforderungen aus der Perspektive der Bildungsforschung. Tübingen. [Symposium Organisation]
Stieff, M., Scheiter, K., Ainsworth, S., Bohrmann-Linde, C., & Schall, M. (2018, June). Drawing for learning from dynamic visualizations in science. International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2018. London, UK. [Talk]
Backfisch, I., Lachner, A., Scheiter, K., Hische, C., & Loose, F. (2017, September). Kognitiv aktivierender Mathe-Unterricht mit Tablets – Was benötigen Lehrkräfte? Tagung der Sektion Empirische Bildungsforschung 2017. Tübingen. [Vortrag]
Eitel, A., & Scheiter, K. (2017, August). Twice is good! Tast-taking fosters repeated but not initial study of multimedia materials. 17th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Tampere, Finland. [Talk]
Hoch, E., Scheiter, K., & Schüler, A. (2017, August). Using implementation intentions to support self-regulation in multimedia learning. 17th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Tampere, Finland. [Talk]
Hoch, E., Scheiter, K., & Schüler, A. (2017, September). Wenn-Dann-Pläne zur Unterstützung der Selbstregulation beim Lernen mit Multimedia. Gemeinsame Tagung der Fachgruppen Entwicklungspsychologie und pädagogische Psychologie (PAEPSY). Münster. [Vortrag]
Kant, J., Scheiter, K., & Oschatz, K. (2017, September). Wie sollten videobasierte Lösungsbeispiele und Experimentieraufgaben kombiniert werden, um wissenschaftliches Denken zu fördern? Gemeinsame Tagung der Fachgruppen Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie (PAEPSY). Münster. [Vortrag]
Kollmer, J., Eitel, A., Schleinschok, K., & Scheiter, K. (2017, September). Effects of (supported) drawing on self-regulated learning. 17th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Tampere, Finland. [Talk]
Krebs, M.-C., Eder, T. F., Schüler, A., & Scheiter, K. (2017, August). When (no) more help is needed: Using eye movements to individually support multimedia learning. 17th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Tampere, Finland. [Talk]
Krebs, M.-C., Schüler, A., & Scheiter, K. (2017, August). Using Eye Movement Modeling Examples as an instructional tool for learning with multimedia: The influence of model and learner characteristics. 19th European Conference on Eye Movements (ECEM). Wuppertal. [Talk]
Krebs, M.-C., Schüler, A., & Scheiter, K. (2017, September). Blickbewegungsmodellierung als instruktionale Unterstützung beim Lernen mit multiplen Repräsentationen – Einfluss von Lerner- und Modelleigenschaften. Gemeinsame Tagung der Fachgruppen Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (PAEPSY). Münster. [Vortrag]
Ludewig, U., & Scheiter, K. (2017, August). Pathways to integration – contrasting a text-centered vs. a multiple-representations perspective. 17th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Tampere, Finland. [Talk]
Ludewig, U., Scheiter, K., & Kelava, A. (2017, September). Kognitive Prozesse bei der Bearbeitung von Lesekompetenzaufgaben mit komplexen Diagrammen. Gemeinsame Tagung der Fachgruppen Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie (PAEPSY). Münster. [Vortrag]
Richter, J., & Scheiter, K. (2017, August). Expertise reversal of the signaling effect: Evidence from eye tracking. 17th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Tampere, Finland. [Talk]
Richter, J., & Scheiter, K. (2017, September). Untersuchung des Expertise Reversal Effect beim Signaling von Text-Bild-Korrespondenzen: Eine Betrachtung der Prozessebene mittels Blickbewegungsmessung. Gemeinsame Tagung der Fachgruppen Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie (PAEPSY). Münster. [Vortrag]
Riekert, M., Utz, S., & Scheiter, K. (2017, May). Does the axial length of scatter plots influence decision making under risk? 3rd International Conference on Decision Support System Technology (ICDSST). Namur, Belgium. [Poster]
Riekert, M., Utz, S., & Scheiter, K. (2017, September). Risikoentscheidungen mit Datenvisualisierungen: Der Einfluss des Designs auf die Risikoaversion. 16. Tagung der Fachgruppe Sozialpsychologie. Ulm. [Poster]
Rop, G., Schüler, A., Verkoeijen, P., Scheiter, K., & Van Gog, T. (2017, August). Task experience and layout influence the negative effect of unnecessary information on learning. 17th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Tampere, Finland. [Talk]
Scheiter, K. (2017, Februar). Lernen mit digitalen Medien. Lehrerfortbildung Lernen und Gedächtnis. Tübingen. [Vortrag]
Scheiter, K. (2017, Oktober). Lehr-Lernprozesse mit digitalen Medien in Schule optimal gestalten. MINT Zukunft schaffen: "Digitale Transformation: Schule und Unterricht 4.0 gestalten!". Karlsruhe. Karlsruhe. [Vortrag]
Scheiter, K. (2017, November). (Wie) verändert Digitalisierung das schulische Lernen? Einsatz von Tablets in der Schule. Informationsveranstaltung der GEW, Plochingen. [Vortrag]
Scheiter, K. (2017, Juni). Lernen mit multiplen Repräsentationen - der Nutzen von Eyetracking. Forschungskolloquium des Instituts für Erziehungswissenschaften der Universität Freiburg, Freiburg. [Vortrag]
Scheiter, K. (2017, Januar). Lernen mit digitalen Medien - Randbedingungen für eine erfolgreiche Nutzung. Lehrerfortbildung des Schülerlabors Neurowissenschaften: Lernen und Gedächtnis. Centrum für Integrative Neurowissenschaften, Tübingen. [Vortrag]
Schleinschok, K., Eitel, A., & Scheiter, K. (2017, März). Verbessern Zeichnungen Selbsteinschätzungen und das Lernverhalten beim Lernen mit Texten? 5.Tagung der Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung. Heidelberg. [Vortrag]
Schleinschok, K., Eitel, A., & Scheiter, K. (2017, September). Are drawings more effective than summaries to support students’ monitoring and control processes? 17th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Tampere, Finland. [Talk]
Schleinschok, K., Eitel, A., & Scheiter, K. (2017, September). Verbessern Zeichnungen Selbsteinschätzungen und das Lernverhalten beim Lernen mit Texten? Gemeinsame Tagung der Fachgruppen Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie (PAEPSY). Münster. [Vortrag]
Schmidgall, S., Eitel, A., & Scheiter, K. (2017, September). Die Rolle von Generierung, Visualisierung und Externalisierung auf Effekte von Zeichnen als Lernstrategie. Gemeinsame Tagung der Fachgruppen Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie (PAEPSY). Münster. [Vortrag]
Schmidgall, S., Eitel, A., & Scheiter, K. (2017, September). What degree of instructional support is helpful for learner-generated drawing? 17th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Tampere, Finland. [Talk]
Schüler, A., Krebs, M.-C., Eder, T. F., & Scheiter, K. (2017, August). Adapting instruction to learners' gaze behavior: Does an adaptive multimedia system support learning? 19th European Conference on Eye Movements. Wuppertal. [Talk]
Eitel, A., & Scheiter, K. (2016, June). Implementation intentions to process pictures early foster comprehension – for those who follow them. International Cognitive Load Conference. Bochum. [Talk]
Hoch, E., & Scheiter, K. (2016, September). Der Einsatz von Vorsätzen im pädagogischen Kontext. Arbeitsgruppe auf dem 50. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Leipzig. [Symposium Organisation]
Hoch, E., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2016, July). Instructing learning strategies to support learning with static and dynamic visualizations. European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Special Interest Group (SIG) 2. Geneva, Switzerland. [Talk]
Hoch, E., Scheiter, K., & Schüler, A. (2016, August). Implementation intentions for self-regulating multimedia learning. European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Special Interest Group (SIG) 16. Nijmegen, The Netherlands. [Talk]
Hoch, E., Scheiter, K., & Schüler, A. (2016, September). Ein Vergleich motivationaler und kognitiver Vorsätze zur Unterstützung multimedialen Lernens. 50. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Leipzig. [Vortrag]
Krebs, M.-C., Schüler, A., & Scheiter, K. (2016, September). Beispielbasiertes Lernen mithilfe von Eye-Tracking - Einfluss von Lerner- und Modelleigenschaften auf die Wirkung von Eye Movement Modeling Examples. 50. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Leipzig. [Vortrag]
Krebs, M.-C., Schüler, A., & Scheiter, K. (2016, July). Eye Movement Modeling Examples as an instructional tool: The influence of model and learner characteristics. European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Special Interest Group (SIG) 2. Geneva, Switzerland. [Poster]
Richter, J., Scheiter, K., & Eitel, A. (2016, July). Signaling text-picture relations in multimedia learning: The influence of prior knowledge. 26th Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse. Kassel. [Talk]
Richter, J., Scheiter, K., & Eitel, A. (2016, July). Signaling text-picture relations in multimedia learning: The influence of prior knowledge. Meeting of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Special Interest Group (SIG) 2. Geneva, Switzerland. [Talk]
Richter, J., Scheiter, K., Ulrich, N., & Schanze, S. (2016, März). Digitalisierung im Bildungsbereich: Ein evidenzbasierter Ansatz für die Gestaltung digitaler Schulbücher. 4. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF). Berlin. [Poster]
Scheiter, K. (2016, Juni). Ambiguität beim Verstehen multimodaler Repräsentationsformate - Psychologische Perspektiven. Eingeladener Vortrag auf dem Workshop „Ambiguität und Medien” des Graduiertenkollegs 1808: Ambiguität – Produktion und Rezeption. Tübingen. [Vortrag]
Scheiter, K. (2016, March). How to help students learn from multiple representations using material-focused and learner-focused interventions. Invited talk at the Learning Sciences Research Institute. University of Nottingham, UK. [Talk]
Scheiter, K. (2016, March). Self-regulated learning from multiple representations: Using eye-tracking to uncover and support students’ processing in online learning environments. Invited talk at the Seminar of the Network on Intrapersonal Research in Education (NIRE). University of York, UK. [Talk]
Scheiter, K. (2016, Januar). Lehr-Lernforschung trifft auf Bildungspraxis. Evidenzbasierte Gestaltung digitaler Unterrichtsmaterialien am Beispiel des eChemBook. Eingeladener Vortrag auf der MINT Digital Lehrertagung der Joachim-Herz Stiftung. Hamburg. [Vortrag]
Scheiter, K. (2016, September). Diskussion der Arbeitsgruppe “Emotions in Multimedia Learning”. 50. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Leipzig. [Vortrag]
Scheiter, K. (2016, July). Integrating information from multiple representations: From basic research to designing digital textbooks. Invited Talk at the Meeting of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Special Interest Group (SIG) 2. Geneva, Switzerland. [Talk]
Scheiter, K., & Stalbovs, K. (2016, September). Sind Vorsätze die besseren Prompts, um die Anwendung von Strategien beim Lernen aus Text und Bild zu unterstützen? 50. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Leipzig. [Vortrag]
Schleinschok, K., Eitel, A., & Scheiter, K. (2016, July). Does drawing support monitoring and control processes during learning from text? Meeting of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Special Interest Group (SIG) 2. Geneva, Switzerland. [Talk]
Schleinschok, K., Eitel, A., & Scheiter, K. (2016, September). Führt das Anfertigen einer Zeichnung zu einer akkurateren Selbsteinschätzung des Wissens und dadurch zu einer besseren Regulierung des Lernverhaltens? 50. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Leipzig. [Vortrag]
Schmidgall, S., Eitel, A., & Scheiter, K. (2016, July). Drawing to learn: Is it essential to self-construct? European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Special Interest Group (SIG) 2. Geneva, Schweiz. [Poster]
Schmidgall, S., Eitel, A., & Scheiter, K. (2016, July). How much help do you need? Investigating the role of support for learner-generated drawing. Meeting of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Special Interest Group (SIG) 2. Geneva, Switzerland. [Talk]
Schmidgall, S., Eitel, A., & Scheiter, K. (2016, September). Zeichnen als Lernstrategie - Welche Rolle spielt der Anteil der Eigenleistung beim Anfertigen von Zeichnungen? 50. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Leipzig. [Vortrag]
Eitel, A., & Scheiter, K. (2015, August). Multimedia effects at repeated studying and testing: Evidence for adaptation to task demands. 16th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Limassol, Cyprus. [Talk]
Hoch, E., Scheiter, K., & Mack, M. (2015, September). Vorsätze beim Lernen mit statischen und dynamischen Visualisierungen. 15. Fachtagung Pädagogische Psychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Kassel. [Vortrag]
Kant, J., Scheiter, K., & Oschatz, K. (2015, August). Fostering scientific reasoning with worked examples in a simulation-based learning environment. 16th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Limassol, Cyprus. [Talk]
Mason, L., & Scheiter, K. (2015, August). Using eye movements to model the sequence of text-picture processing in multimedia learning. 16th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Limassol, Cyprus. [Talk]
Renkl, A., & Scheiter, K. (2015, September). Selbstregulation und Fremdregulation in multimedialen Lernumgebungen. Fachtagung Pädagogische Psychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Kassel. [Symposium Organisation]
Richter, J., Eitel, A., & Scheiter, K. (2015, August). Learning with digital textbooks: Investigating the Effectiveness of signaling textpicture relations. 16th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Limassol, Cyprus. [Poster]
Richter, J., & Scheiter, K. (2015, August). Signaling text-picture relations: A comprehensive meta-analytic review. 16th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Limassol, Cyprus. [Talk]
Richter, J., Scheiter, K., & Eitel, A. (2015, September). Signaling multiple external representations: A comprehensive meta-analytic review. 11th Conference of the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA). Helsinki, Finland. [Talk]
Richter, J., Scheiter, K., & Eitel, A. (2015, September). Signaling von Text-Bild- Korrespondenzen: Eine metaanalytische Betrachtung. 15. Fachgruppentagung Pädagogische Psychologie (PAEPS). Kassel. [Vortrag]
Richter, J., Ulrich, N., Scheiter, K., & Schanze, S. (2015, October). Bridging Research and Practice - the eChemBook Project. Mobilising and Transforming Teacher Education Pedagogies (MTTEP) Mini Conference. Karlsruhe. [Poster]
Scheiter, K., Schanze, S., & Richter, J. (2015, August). Bridging research and practice: An evidence-based approach to designing digital textbooks. 16th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Limassol, Cyprus. [Talk]
Scheiter, K., Schubert, C., & Schüler, A. (2015, September). Lernen mit Multimedia: Wie die Beobachtung des Blickverhaltens eines erfolgreichen Lerners Strategieanwendung und Lernerfolg unterstützt. 15. Fachtagung Pädagogische Psychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Kassel. [Vortrag]
Schleinschok, K., & Scheiter, K. (2015, September). Kann die Lernstrategie des Zeichnens durch vorgefertigte Bilder unterstützt werden? 15. Fachtagung Pädagogische Psychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Kassel. [Vortrag]
Schmidgall, S., Eitel, A., & Scheiter, K. (2015, September). Learning with tablets: Can drawing help understanding? Invited talk at 9th Conference of the DGPs Media Psychology Division. Tübingen. [Talk]
Schmidgall, S., Eitel, A., & Scheiter, K. (2015, September). Hilft Zeichnen während des Lernens? Ein Vergleich verschiedener Lernstrategien. 15. Fachtagung Pädagogische Psychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Kassel. [Vortrag]
Schmidgall, S., Scheiter, K., & Eitel, A. (2015, August). Do learners who draw perform better? A comparison of different learning strategies. 16th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Limassol, Cyprus. [Roundtable]
Schubert, C., Scheiter, K., & Schüler, A. (2015, August). Can adaptivity based on students’ eye movements improve self-regulation in multimedia learning? 16th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Limassol, Cyprus. [Talk]
Schüler, A., & Scheiter, K. (2015, August). Investigating text-picture integration during processing of multimedia materials. 16th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Limassol, Cyprus. [Talk]
Schüler, A., Schubert, C., & Scheiter, K. (2015, September). Can adaptive learning systems improve the effectiveness of multimedia instructions? 9th Conference of the DGPs Media Psychology Division. Tübingen. [Talk]
Arndt, J., Schüler, A., & Scheiter, K. (2014, March). Text-picture integration when learning with multimedia. 56. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TEAP). Gießen. [Poster]
Arndt, J., Schüler, A., & Scheiter, K. (2014, August). How do we integrate text and pictures? Meeting of the EARLI SIG2 Text and Graphics Comprehension. Rotterdam, The Netherlands. [Talk]
Eitel, A., Kühl, T., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2014, August). Disfluency meets cognitive load in multimedia learning: Does harder to read mean better to understand? Meeting of the EARLI SIG 6&7 Instructional Design & Learning with Computers. Rotterdam, The Netherlands. [Talk]
Eitel, A., Richter, J., & Scheiter, K. (2014, June). How to design digital textbooks for natural sciences education. Collaborative Workshop "Digital Media in Education". University of Alberta, Canada. [Talk]
Eitel, A., & Scheiter, K. (2014, März). Müssen hervorgehobene Elemente in Texten und Bildern korrespondieren, um lernförderlich zu sein? 2. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF). Frankfurt am Main. [Vortrag]
Eitel, A., & Scheiter, K. (2014, August). Amplifying multimedia effects by repeating the study-test cycle: Evidence for underconfidence with practice? Meeting of the EARLI SIG2 Text and Graphics Comprehension. Rotterdam, The Netherlands. [Talk]
Eitel, A., & Scheiter, K. (2014, September). Ist wiederholtes Lernen und Testen besonders hilfreich für das Lernen mit Multimedia? 49. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Bochum. [Vortrag]
Gerjets, P., & Scheiter, K. (2014, März). Die Nutzung von Tablet Computern im Unterricht: Segen oder Grund zur Sorge? didacta. Stuttgart. [Vortrag]
Richter, J., Scheiter, K., Ulrich, N., & Schanze, S. (2014, August). eChemBook: A Digital Textbook for Introductory Chemistry Education. Meeting of the EARLI SIG 6&7 Instructional Design & Learning with Computers. Rotterdam, The Netherlands. [Talk]
Scheiter, K. (2014, März). Potential von Tablets im Unterricht: Empirische Eindrücke und konzeptionelle Überlegungen am Beispiel. Lehrerbegegnung des Universitätstages Tübingen. Ellwangen. [Vortrag]
Scheiter, K., & Eitel, A. (2014, May). Mental model construction from text and pictures: Evidence for construction of a spatial scaffold. METU Informatics Institute Cognitive Science Seminars V: CogSci in Germany, CogSci in Turkey. Ankara, Turkey. [Talk]
Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2014, März). Tablet-Computer im Unterricht: Segen oder Grund zur Sorge? didacta. Stuttgart. [Vortrag]
Scheiter, K., Plötzer, R., Renkl, A., Schüler, A., & Zimmermann, G. (2014, März). Adaptierbarkeit und Adaptivität beim Lernen mit Multimedia. 2. Fachtagung der Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF). Frankfurt am Main. [Vortrag]
Scheiter, K., Richter, J., Ulrich, N., & Schanze, S. (2014, März). Forschungsbasierte Entwicklung eines digitalen Schulbuchs für den Chemieunterricht. Fachtagung Rhetorik der Evidenz. Epistemologische Modelle und rhetorische Praxis in Wissenschaft, Unterricht und Kultur. Heidelberg. [Vortrag]
Scheiter, K., & Schleinschok, K. (2014, August). The quest for improving drawing quality to enhance learning outcomes is not over yet. Meeting of the EARLI SIG2 Text and Graphics Comprehension. Rotterdam, The Netherlands. [Talk]
Scheiter, K., Schleinschok, K., & Bodemer, D. (2014, November). How to learn about art in a museum setting using multitouch technology: Providing affordances for collaboration and comparison. 22nd International Conference on Computers in Education
(ICCE 2014). Nara, Japan. [Poster]
Schleinschok, K., & Scheiter, K. (2014, September). Besser Zeichnen, besser Lernen? Randbedingungen für die Lerneffektivität von Zeichnen als konstruktive Lernstrategie. 49. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Bochum. [Vortrag]
Schubert, C., Scheiter, K., & Schüler, A. (2014, August). Modeling eye movements to support multimedia learning. Meeting of the EARLI SIG2 Text and Graphics Comprehension. Rotterdam, The Netherlands. [Poster]
Ulrich, N., Richter, J., Scheiter, K., & Schanze, S. (2014, Februar). eChemBook: ein interaktives, digitales Schulbuch für den Chemieunterricht. Das elektronische Schulbuch. Siegen. [Vortrag]
Ainsworth, S., & Scheiter, K. (2013, August). What can drawings tell us about drawing to learn? 15th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). München. [Symposium Organisation]
Arndt, J., Schüler, A., & Scheiter, K. (2013, März). Lernen mit Texten und Bildern: Werden verbale und piktoriale Informationen integriert? 55. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TEAP). Wien, Österreich. [Vortrag]
Arndt, J., Schüler, A., & Scheiter, K. (2013, August). Learning with multimedia: Evidence for text-picture integration. 15th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). München. [Talk]
Arndt, J., Schüler, A., & Scheiter, K. (2013, September). Text-Bild-Integration beim Lernen mit Multimedia. 14. Fachtagung Pädagogische Psychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Hildesheim. [Vortrag]
Eitel, A., & Scheiter, K. (2013, September). Müssen hervorgehobene Elemente in Texten und Bildern korrespondieren um lernförderlich zu sein? 14. Fachtagung Pädagogische Psychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Hildesheim. [Vortrag]
Eitel, A., Scheiter, K., & Schüler, A. (2013, August). How a picture fosters comprehension of text: Evidence from eye movements on blank screen. 15th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). München. [Talk]
Eitel, A., Scheiter, K., Schüler, A., Nyström, M., & Holmqvist, K. (2013, August). How a picture fosters comprehension of text: Evidence from eye movements on blank screen. 17th European Conference on Eye Movement Research. Lund, Sweden. [Talk]
Kühl, T., Eitel, A., Damnik, G., Scheiter, K., & Körndle, H. (2013, August). Introducing perceptual difficulties might actually hamper learning with narrated visualizations. 15th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). München. [Talk]
Scheiter, K., Ainsworth, S., Stalbovs, K., & Schubert, C. (2013, August). Why Drawing Aids Learning from Science Texts: Contrasting Drawing with Self-Explanations. 15th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). München. [Talk]
Scheiter, K., Dickhäuser, O., & Schwinger, M. (2013, September). Karrierewege in der Pädagogischen Psychologie. 14. Fachtagung Pädagogische Psychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Hildesheim. [Workshop Organisation]
Scheiter, K., & Plötzner, R. (2013, September). Beschreibung und Optimierung multimedialer Lernprozesse auf der Basis von Blickbewegungen – pädagogisch-psychologische Forschung und technologische Implementierung. 14. Fachtagung Pädagogische Psychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Hildesheim. [Symposium Organisation]
Scheiter, K., Schubert, C., & Schüler, A. (2013, September). Sagt das Blickverhalten den Lernerfolg in einer multimedialen Lernumgebung vorher? 14. Fachtagung Pädagogische Psychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Hildesheim. [Vortrag]
Scheiter, K., Stalbovs, K., Schubert, C., & Gerjets, P. (2013, März). Förderung der Kenntnis und Nutzung multimediaspezifischer kognitiver Strategien. Erste Tagung der Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF). Kiel. [Vortrag]
Schubert, C., Scheiter, K., & Schüler, A. (2013, August). Does viewing behavior predict learning success in a multimedia learning environment? 15th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). München. [Talk]
Schubert, C., Scheiter, K., & Schüler, A. (2013, August). Viewing behavior during multimedia learning: Can eye tracking measures predict learning success? 17th European Conference on Eye Movement Research. Lund, Sweden. [Talk]
Schüler, A., & Scheiter, K. (2013, August). Do pictures facilitate mental imagery during text processing? 35th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Berlin. [Poster]
Schüler, A., & Scheiter, K. (2013, September). Lernen mit Multimedia: Erleichtern Bilder mentale Vorstellungsprozesse während der Textverarbeitung? 14. Fachtagung Pädagogische Psychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Hildesheim. [Vortrag]
Schüler, A., & Scheiter, K. (2013, August). Are pictures helpful for learning because they facilitate imagery? 15th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). München. [Talk]
Stalbovs, K., Eitel, A., & Scheiter, K. (2013, August). Which cognitive processes predict successful learning with multimedia? 15th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). München. [Talk]
Arndt, J., Schüler, A., & Scheiter, K. (2012, September). Integration von Texten und Bildern beim multimedialen Lernen. 48. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Bielefeld. [Vortrag]
Arndt, J., Schüler, A., & Scheiter, K. (2012, August). Examining the integration of text and pictures. Meeting of the EARLI SIG2 Text and Graphics Comprehension. Grenoble, Frankreich. [Talk]
Arndt, J., Schüler, A., & Scheiter, K. (2012, July). Investigations about the integration of text and pictures. 16th Conference of Junior Researchers of EARLI. Regensburg. [Poster]
Balslev, T., Jarodzka, H., Holmqvist, K., Nyström, M., Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P., & Eika, B. (2012, May). Enhancing learners’ visual search in video cases. 12th International Child Neurology Congress. Brisbane, Australia. [Poster]
DeLeeuw, K., Scheiter, K., & Hesse, F. W. (2012, September). Selektions-, Organisations- und Integrationsprozesse bei der kollaborativen Nutzung multimedialer Repräsentationsformate. 48. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Bielefeld. [Vortrag]
Eitel, A., & Scheiter, K. (2012, September). Prozesse beim Lernen mit Text und/oder Bild. Symposium auf dem 48. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Bielefeld. [Symposium Organisation]
Eitel, A., Scheiter, K., & Schüler, A. (2012, September). Wie eine kurze initiale Bildbetrachtung nachfolgende Textverarbeitung beeinflusst. 48. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Bielefeld. [Vortrag]
Eitel, A., Scheiter, K., Schüler, A., Nyström, M., & Holmqvist, K. (2012, May). How a picture can foster comprehension of text: Evidence for scaffolding. Scandinavian Workshop on Applied Eye-Tracking (SWAET). Stockholm, Sweden. [Talk]
Eitel, A., Scheiter, K., Schüler, A., Nyström, M., & Holmqvist, K. (2012, August). How a picture can scaffold comprehension of text. Meeting of the EARLI SIG2 Text and Graphics Comprehension. Grenoble, France. [Talk]
Kühl, T., Eitel, A., Damnik, G., Kapp, F., Proske, A., & Scheiter, K. (2012, September). Die Rolle von disfluent gesprochenem Text beim Lernen mit Multimedia. 48. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Bielefeld. [Vortrag]
Kühl, T., Eitel, A., Damnik, G., Proske, A., Scheiter, K., & Körndle, H. (2012, May). Disfluency research meets cognitive load theory in learning with narrated visualizations. Meeting of the EARLI SIG 6&7 Instructional Design & Learning with Computers. Bari, Italy. [Talk]
Philippon, L., Scheiter, K., & Bodemer, D. (2012, July). Implicit and explicit guidance for collaborative learning at the museum. 16th Conference of Junior Researchers of EARLI. Regensburg. [Roundtable]
Philippon, L., Scheiter, K., & Bodemer, D. (2012, August). Implicit and explicit guidance for collaborative learning at the museum. Meeting of the EARLI SIG2 Text and Graphics Comprehension. Grenoble, Frankreich. [Poster]
Scheiter, K. (2012, Juli). Lernen mit statischen und dynamischen Visualisierungen im naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht: Wie kann man Visualisierungen lernförderlich gestalten und eine tiefer gehende Verarbeitung sicherstellen? Praxisnetzwerk Fachdidaktiken. Universität Göttingen. [Vortrag]
Scheiter, K. (2012, July). The mutual interplay between processing of text and pictures in learning with multimedia. 16th Conference of Junior Researchers of EARLI. Regensburg. [Talk]
Scheiter, K., Arndt, J., Imhof, B., & Ainsworth, S. (2012, August). Move like a fish: Do gestures aid learning from photographs and videos? Meeting of the EARLI SIG 2 Comprehension of Text and Graphics. Grenoble, France. [Talk]
Schubert, C., Scheiter, K., & Schüler, A. (2012, September). Die Beziehung zwischen kognitiven Prozessen und Blickbewegungen beim Lernen mit Text und Bild. Fachtagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Bielefeld. [Poster]
Schubert, C., Scheiter, K., & Schüler, A. (2012, July). Unwinding the relationship between cognitive processes and gaze behaviour during multimedia learning. JURE Conference. Regensburg. [Poster]
Schubert, C., Scheiter, K., & Schüler, A. (2012, August). Unwinding the relationship between cognitive processes and gaze behaviour during multimedia learning. Meeting of the EARLI SIG2 Text and Graphics Comprehension. Grenoble, France. [Poster]
Schüler, A., Pazzaglia, F., & Scheiter, K. (2012, September). Erleichtern Bilder räumliche Kognitionsprozesse, nicht aber nicht-räumliche Kognitionsprozesse? 48. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Bielefeld. [Vortrag]
Schüler, A., & Scheiter, K. (2012, September). Raumkognition – von der Grundlagenforschung zur Anwendung. Arbeitsgruppe auf dem 48. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Bielefeld. [Symposium Organisation]
Schüler, A., Scheiter, K., & Pazzaglia, F. (2012, August). What pictures are good for. Meeting of the EARLI SIG2 Text and Graphics Comprehension. Grenoble, Frankreich. [Poster]
Stalbovs, K., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2012, September). Vorsätze unterstützen die Nutzung kognitiver Strategien beim Multimedialernen. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Bielefeld. [Vortrag]
Stalbovs, K., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2012, September). Delegating metacognitive control of cognitive strategy use: the effect of implementation intentions in multimedia learning. Meeting of the EARLI SIG16 Metacognition. Milan, Italy. [Talk]
van Genuchten, E., Schüler, A., & Scheiter, K. (2012, August). Studying and executing procedures: Do pictures facilitate visuo-spatial reasoning during learning? Meeting of the EARLI SIG2 Text and Graphics Comprehension. Grenoble, France. [Talk]
Arndt, J., Schüler, A., & Scheiter, K. (2011, August). Is there an integration process of pictures and words in working memory? Round table at the 14th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Exeter, Great Britain. [Roundtable]
DeLeeuw, K. E., Mayer, R. E., Giesbrecht, B., & Scheiter, K. (2011, August). Measuring perceptual load in multimedia learning. 14th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Exeter, Great Britain. [Talk]
DeLeeuw, K. E., Scheiter, K., & Hesse, F. (2011, July). Individual and collaborative learning from text and pictures: A task analysis. 33rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Boston, MA, USA. [Poster]
Eitel, A., Kühl, T., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2011, July). When harder to read means better to understand! Cognitive load theory meets disfluency research when learning with multimedia. 21st Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse. Poitiers, France. [Talk]
Eitel, A., Scheiter, K., & Schüler, A. (2011, August). Getting a clue: How initially attending to a picture fosters learning from subsequent text. 14th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Exeter, Great Britain. [Talk]
Eitel, A., Scheiter, K., & Schüler, A. (2011, July). Comprehension of text fostered by short initial presentation of picture. 21st Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse. Poitiers, France. [Poster]
Eitel, A., Scheiter, K., & Schüler, A. (2011, July). How brief initial inspection of a picture may foster comprehension of text. 33rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Boston, MA, USA. [Talk]
Eitel, A., Scheiter, K., & Schüler, A. (2011, September). Die lernförderliche Funktion einer kurzen, initialen Bildbetrachtung beim Lernen mit Multimedia. 13. Fachtagung Pädagogische Psychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Erfurt. [Vortrag]
Imhof, B., Scheiter, K., Edelmann, J., von Ulardt, J., & Gerjets, P. (2011, July). Is enriching static-simultaneous visualizations with motion-indicating arrows helpful for learning about locomotion patterns? 33rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Boston, MA, USA. [Poster]
Imhof, B., Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P., & Edelmann, J. (2011, August). Learning about locomotion patterns with static-simultaneous visualizations and motion-indicators. 14th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Exeter, Great Britain. [Talk]
Imhof, B., Scheiter, K., von Ulardt, J., & Gerjets, P. (2011, September). Lernen mit statisch-simultanen Visualisierungen: Der Einfluss von bewegungsanzeigenden Pfeilen und dem räumlichen Vorstellungsvermögen. 13. Fachtagung Pädagogische Psychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Erfurt. [Vortrag]
Kühl, T., Eitel, A., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2011, August). Disfluency research meets cognitive load theory in multimedia learning: When a bad layout leads to good performance. 14th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Exeter, Great Britain. [Talk]
Kühl, T., Eitel, A., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2011, September). Wenn schlechte Leserlichkeit zu tieferem Verständnis führt: Disfluency-Forschung versus Cognitive Load Theory beim Lernen mit Multimedia. 13. Fachtagung Pädagogische Psychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Erfurt. [Vortrag]
Kühl, T., Gerjets, P., & Scheiter, K. (2011, September). Die Rolle textlicher Information über dynamische Eigenschaften beim Lernen mit dynamischen oder statischen Visualisierungen. 13. Fachtagung Pädagogische Psychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Erfurt. [Vortrag]
Kühl, T., Gerjets, P., & Scheiter, K. (2011, August). The role of textual information on dynamics in learning with dynamic or static visualizations. 14th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Exeter, Great Britain. [Talk]
Opfermann, M., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2011, April). Can representational fading enhance multimedia learning? Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). New Orleans, LA, USA. [Talk]
Pfeiffer, V. D. I., Scheiter, K., Sandmann, A., & Gemballa, S. (2011, April). Hands-on activities and the use of video clips for learning how to identify fish species in an aquarium. Annual International Conference of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST). Orlando, FL, USA. [Talk]
Scheiter, K. (2011, Mai). Lernen mit Multimedia im naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht: Voraussetzungen und Förderung. Kolloquium des Graduiertenkollegs Naturwissenschaftlicher Unterricht (nwu). Universität Duisburg-Essen. [Vortrag]
Scheiter, K. (2011, Mai). Teaching perceptual skills in clinical diagnostics using digital media. 2nd International Conference “Research in Medical Education”: Shaping diamonds from bench to bedside. Universität Tübingen. [Talk]
Scheiter, K. (2011, October). The mutual interplay between text processing and picture processing in learning with multimedia. University of Padova, Italy. [Talk]
Scheiter, K. (2011, Mai). Lernen mit Multimedia im naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht: Voraussetzungen und Förderung. Kolloquium des Zentrums für empirische Unterrichts- und Schulforschung (ZEUS). Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. [Vortrag]
Scheiter, K., & Cromley, J. (2011, August). Multimedia goes to school: Studying learning from text and pictures beyond the lab. Symposium at the 14th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Exeter, Great Britain. [Symposium Organisation]
Scheiter, K., & Schüler, A. (2011, August). Fortune favors the bold (and the italicized), but why? Revisiting the disfluency effect. 14th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Exeter, Great Britain. [Talk]
Scheiter, K., Schüler, A., & Gerjets, P. (2011, August). The relative importance of learner characteristics and instructional design in multimedia learning. 14th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Exeter, Great Britain. [Talk]
Schubert, C., Scheiter, K., & Schüler, A. (2011, December). Using gaze patterns to design an adaptive access to multiple representations. Workshop "Adaptive and adaptable multimedia systems". Institut für Wissensmedien, Tübingen. [Talk]
Schubert, C., Scheiter, K., Stalbovs, K., & Gerjets, P. (2011, September). Fördert ein Training kognitiver Strategien das Lernen mit Multimedia? 13. Fachtagung Pädagogische Psychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Erfurt. [Vortrag]
Schüler, A., Arndt, J., & Scheiter, K. (2011, September). Gibt es einen Integrationsprozess beim Lernen mit Multimedia? 13. Fachtagung Pädagogische Psychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Erfurt. [Vortrag]
Schüler, A., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2011, August). Do spatial text contents interfere with picture processing? 14th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Exeter, Great Britain. [Talk]
Schüler, A., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2011, September). The role of the visuo-spatial sketchpad when learning with text and pictures. 17th Meeting of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP). San Sebastian, Spain. [Poster]
Stalbovs, K., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2011, August). How implementation intentions in multimedia learning can improve the use of learning strategies. 14th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Exeter, Great Britain. [Talk]
Stalbovs, K., Scheiter, K., Sassenberg, K., & Gerjets, P. (2011, September). Können Vorsätze die Nutzung von Lernstrategien beim Multimedialernen fördern? 13. Fachtagung Pädagogische Psychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Erfurt. [Vortrag]
Van Genuchten, E., Scheiter, K., & Schüler, A. (2011, August). How do different task types affect the multimedia effect and what role does working memory play in it? 14th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Exeter, Great Britain. [Talk]
Van Genuchten, E., Scheiter, K., & Schüler, A. (2011, September). Working memory involvement during learning with text and pictures: A dual-task approach. 17th Meeting of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP). San Sebastian, Spain. [Poster]
Van Genuchten, E., Scheiter, K., & Schüler, A. (2011, September). Welche Rolle spielen der Inhaltsbereich und die Arbeitsgedächtniskapazität beim Lernen mit Multimedia? 13. Fachtagung Pädagogische Psychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Erfurt. [Vortrag]
Eitel, A., Scheiter, K., & Schüler, A. (2010, August). Getting a clue: How initially attending to a picture fosters learning from subsequent text. Meeting of the EARLI SIG2 Text and Graphics Comprehension. Tübingen. [Talk]
Eitel, A., Scheiter, K., & Schüler, A. (2010, July). Getting a clue: Rapid information extraction from instructional material. 12th JURE Conference (Junior Researchers of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, EARLI). Frankfurt am Main. [Poster]
Eitel, A., Scheiter, K., & Schüler, A. (2010, August). Getting a clue: Gist extraction from scenes and causal systems. Sixth International Conference on the Theory and Application of Diagrams. Portland, OR, USA. [Talk]
Eitel, A., Scheiter, K., & Schüler, A. (2010, August). What can information extraction from scenes and causal systems tell us about learning from text and pictures? 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Portland, OR, USA. [Talk]
Gerjets, P., & Scheiter, K. (2010, November). And I still haven’t found what I’m looking for? Cognitive load theory revisited. The 4th International Cognitive Load Theory Conference. Hong Kong and Macau, China. [Talk]
Imhof, B., Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P., & Edelmann, J. (2010, September). Der Einfluss des zeitlichen und räumlichen Präsentationsformates statischer Visualisierungen auf den Vergleich zu dynamischen Visualisierungen beim Lernen. 47. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Bremen. [Vortrag]
Imhof, B., Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P., & Edelmann, J. (2010, August). The role of dynamic visualizations and spatial layout of static visualizations for learning how to classify locomotion patterns. 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Portland, OR, USA. [Poster]
Jarodzka, H., Balslev, T., Holmqvist, K., Nyström, M., Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P., & Eika, B. (2010, May). Learning perceptual skills for medical diagnosis via eye movement modeling examples on patient video cases. The Scandinavian Workshop on Applied Eye-Tracking (SWAET). Lund, Sweden. [Talk]
Jarodzka, H., Balslev, T., Holmqvist, K., Nyström, M., Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P., & Eika, B. (2010, August). Learning perceptual aspects of diagnosis in medicine via eye movement modeling examples on patient video cases. 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Portland, OR, USA. [Poster]
Jarodzka, H., Balslev, T., Holmqvist, K., Scheiter, K., Nyström, M., Gerjets, P., & Eika, B. (2010, August). Fostering perceptual skills in medical diagnosis. Meeting of the EARLI SIG2 Text and Graphics Comprehension. Tübingen. [Talk]
Kühl, T., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2010, August). Can text compensate differences in types of graphics? Meeting of the EARLI SIG2 Text and Graphics Comprehension. Tübingen. [Poster]
Kühl, T., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2010, September). Der Einfluss aufmerksamkeitslenkender Maßnahmen auf das Lernen mit dynamischen und statischen Visualisierungen. 47. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Bremen. [Vortrag]
Opfermann, M., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2010, November). Fading of representations in multimedia learning: Can it really prevent overload? The 4th International Cognitive Load Theory Conference. Hong Kong and Macau, China. [Talk]
Scheiter, K. (2010, Januar). Lernen mit Multimedia: Kognitive Grundlagen und Anwendungen in der Praxis. Universität Würzburg. [Vortrag]
Scheiter, K., & Eitel, A. (2010, August). The effects of signals on learning from text and diagrams: How looking at diagrams earlier and more frequently improves understanding. 6th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Diagrams. Portland, OR, USA. [Talk]
Scheiter, K., & Eitel, A. (2010, August). How to foster the integration of text and diagrams: An eye-tracking study on the use of signals in multimedia learning. 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Portland, OR, USA. [Poster]
Scheiter, K., & Eitel, A. (2010, September). Förderung der Integration von Text- und Bildinformation durch Hinweisreize: Blickbewegungen als Mediatoren des Lernerfolgs. 47. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Bremen. [Vortrag]
Schüler, A., & Scheiter, K. (2010, September). Organisation: Prozesse und Verarbeitungsstrategien beim Lernen mit multiplen Repräsentationen. Arbeitsgruppe auf dem 47. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Bremen. [Symposium Organisation]
Schüler, A., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2010, Februar). Die Rolle des visuell-räumlichen Notizblocks bei der Verarbeitung von Texten und Bildern. Wintertreffen Arbeitsgedächtnis. Heidelberg. [Vortrag]
Schüler, A., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2010, August). Can text content influence the effectiveness of diagrams? Sixth International Conference on the Theory and Application of Diagrams. Portland, OR, USA. [Poster]
Schüler, A., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2010, August). Does spatial verbal information interfere with picture processing in working memory? The role of the visuo-spatial sketchpad in multimedia learning. 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Portland, OR, USA. [Talk]
Schüler, A., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2010, September). Die Rolle des visuell-räumlichen Notizblocks bei der Verarbeitung multimedialen Lernmaterials. 47. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Bremen. [Poster]
Schüler, A., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2010, August). Can text content influence the effectiveness of diagrams? Graduate Symposium of the 6th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Diagrams. Portland, OR, USA. [Talk]
Schüler, A., Scheiter, K., & Maes, A. (2010, July). EARLI SIG 2: Comprehension of text and graphics. 12th JURE Conference (Junior Researchers of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, EARLI). Frankfurt am Main. [Poster]
Stalbovs, K., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2010, July). Implementation intentions to support strategy use in multimedia learning. 12th JURE Conference (Junior Researchers of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, EARLI). Frankfurt am Main. [Poster]
Stalbovs, K., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2010, August). Do implementation intentions foster the use of effective strategies in learning with text and graphics? Meeting of the EARLI SIG2 Text and Graphics Comprehension. Tübingen. [Talk]
Stalbovs, K., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2010, August). Implementation intentions to support strategy use in multimedia learning. Meeting of the EARLI SIG6 Instructional Design & SIG7 Learning and Instruction with Computers. Ulm. [Talk]
Van Genuchten, E., Scheiter, K., & Schüler, A. (2010, August). Working memory involvement in causal, conceptual and procedural multimedia learning tasks. Meeting of the EARLI SIG2 Text and Graphics Comprehension. Tübingen. [Poster]
Van Genuchten, E., Scheiter, K., & Schüler, A. (2010, August). How do different working memory components contribute to multimedia learning? Meeting of the EARLI SIG2 Text and Graphics Comprehension. Tübingen. [Talk]
Van Genuchten, E., Scheiter, K., & Schüler, A. (2010, February). How do different working memory components contribute to multimedia learning? Wintertreffen Arbeitsgedächtnis. Heidelberg. [Talk]
Van Genuchten, E., Scheiter, K., & Schüler, A. (2010, July). How do different working memory components contribute to multimedia learning? A dual task study. Roundtable at the 12th JURE Conference (Junior Researchers of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, EARLI). Frankfurt am Main. [Talk]
Cierniak, G., Ayres, P., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2009, August). Expertise reversal effect: Do cognitive load measures support the extraneous load assumption? 13th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Talk]
Cierniak, G., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2009, July). Which type of cognitive load underlies the interaction of prior knowledge and instructional format in multimedia learning? 19th Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse. Rotterdam, The Netherlands. [Poster]
Cierniak, G., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2009, July). Expertise reversal in multimedia learning: Subjective load ratings and viewing behavior as cognitive process indicators? 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Poster]
Imhof, B., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2009, July). Realism in dynamic, static-sequential, and static-simultaneous visualizations during knowledge acquisition on locomotion patterns. 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Poster]
Imhof, B., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2009, September). Beeinflussen das Präsentationsformat statischer und dynamischer Visualisierungen und das räumliche Vorstellungsvermögen die Prozesse beim Lernen dynamischer Inhalte? 12. Fachtagung Pädagogische Psychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Saarbrücken. [Vortrag]
Imhof, B., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2009, June). Presentation formats of visualizations. Workshop "Resource-adaptive design of visualizations for supporting the comprehension of complex dynamics in the Natural Sciences". Cap Roig, Spain. [Talk]
Imhof, B., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2009, March). Do simultaneous presentation formats of static visualizations lead to different processes and effects than sequential static or dynamic formats? 3rd International Cognitive Load Theory Conference. Heerlen, The Netherlands. [Talk]
Imhof, B., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2009, August). Do simultaneous static visualizations lead to the same processes and effects as dynamic or sequential static visualizations? 13th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Talk]
Jarodzka, H., Holmqvist, K., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2009, May). The relation of dispersion of eye movements during mental imagery and accuracy of memory - A new integrated multilevel approach to scanpath similarity. The Scandinavian Workshop on Applied Eye-Tracking (SWAET). Stavanger, Norway. [Poster]
Jarodzka, H., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2009, October). Eye movements in processing complex, dynamic visualizations. Aarhus University. Denmark. [Talk]
Jarodzka, H., Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P., Van Gog, T., & Dorr, M. (2009, July). How to convey perceptual skills by displaying experts' gaze data. 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Poster]
Jarodzka, H., Van Gog, T., Dorr, M., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2009, March). Training perceptual skills in the Natural Sciences by eye movement modeling. 3rd International Cognitive Load Theory Conference. Heerlen, The Netherlands. [Talk]
Jarodzka, H., Van Gog, T., Dorr, M., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2009, August). Teaching conceptual and perceptual skills in the natural sciences by eye movement modeling. 13th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Talk]
Jarodzka, H., Van Gog, T., Dorr, M., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2009, May). Attention guidance via eye movements in example-based learning - Part 2: A perceptual task. The Scandinavian Workshop on Applied Eye-Tracking (SWAET). Stavanger, Norway. [Talk]
Jarodzka, H., Van Gog, T., Dorr, M., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2009, June). Attention guidance via eye movements in example-based learning: A perceptual task. Workshop "Resource-adaptive design of visualizations for supporting the comprehension of complex dynamics in the Natural Sciences". Cap Roig, Spain. [Talk]
Kammerer, Y., Wollny, E., Gerjets, P., & Scheiter, K. (2009, July). How authority-related epistemological beliefs and salience of source information influence the evaluation of web search results – An eye tracking study. 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Talk]
Kühl, T., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2009, June). Learning with dynamic and static visualizations: Roles of learning strategies, text modality and cueing methods. Workshop "Resource-adaptive design of visualizations for supporting the comprehension of complex dynamics in the Natural Sciences". Cap Roig, Spain. [Talk]
Kühl, T., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2009, September). Der Einfluss der Textmodalität auf das Lernen mit dynamischen und statischen Visualisierungen. 12. Fachtagung Pädagogische Psychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Saarbrücken. [Vortrag]
Kühl, T., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2009, September). Der Einfluss aufmerksamkeitslenkender Maßnahmen auf das Lernen mit dynamischen und statischen Visualisierungen. 12. Fachtagung Pädagogische Psychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Saarbrücken. [Poster]
Kühl, T., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2009, March). The influence of text modality on learning with static and dynamic visualizations. 3rd International Cognitive Load Theory Conference. Heerlen, The Netherlands. [Talk]
Kühl, T., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2009, Juli). Lernen mit dynamischen und statischen Visualisierungen. Kolloquium der Abteilung Kognitionspsychologie & Kognitive Ergonomie der Technischen Universität Berlin. Berlin. [Vortrag]
Kühl, T., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2009, August). Effects of cueing in learning with static and dynamic visualizations. Roundtable at the 13th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Talk]
Kühl, T., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2009, August). Does the modality effect moderate the effectiveness of learning with either static or dynamic visualizations? 13th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Talk]
Maes, F., Scheiter, K., de Vries, E., & van Meter, P. (2009, August). Organization: Future and Vision. Symposium at the 13th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Symposium Organisation]
Scheiter, K. (2009, Dezember). Lernen mit Multimedia: Kognitive Grundlagen und Anwendung im schulischen Kontext. Universität Göttingen. [Vortrag]
Scheiter, K. (2009, April). Unter welchen Bedingungen unterstützen dynamische Visualisierungen das Verstehen mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlicher Zusammenhänge? Institut für die Pädagogik der Naturwissenschaften. Kiel. [Vortrag]
Scheiter, K. (2009, July). Adaptive design of visualizations for supporting the comprehension of complex dynamics in the Natural Sciences. Gordon Research Conference: Visualization in Science and Education. Oxford, GB. [Talk]
Scheiter, K. (2009, March). Discussant: Handling visio-spatial information in multimedia learning environments. Symposium at the 3rd International Cognitive Load Theory Conference. Heerlen, The Netherlands. [Symposium Discussion]
Scheiter, K. (2009, August). The cognitive foundations of theories of multimedia learning: Are we at an impasse? 13th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Talk]
Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P., & Gemballa, S. (2009, März). Lernen mit (statischen und dynamischen) Visualisierungen aus instruktions- und kognitionspsychologischer Sicht. Tagung „Bilder - Sehen - Denken - Zum Verhältnis von begrifflich-philosophischen und empirisch-psychologischen Ansätzen in der bildwissenschaftlichen Forschung“. Chemnitz. [Vortrag]
Scheiter, K., & Schmidt-Weigand, F. (2009, March). Using eye tracking to investigate processes in learning from text and pictures: The role of redundant visuo-spatial information. 3rd International Cognitive Load Theory Conference. Heerlen, The Netherlands. [Talk]
Schmidt-Weigand, F., & Scheiter, K. (2009, September). Von der (Un)-Möglichkeit, den Modalitätseffekt zu beeinflussen - wenn man ihn denn (nicht) findet. 12. Fachtagung Pädagogische Psychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Saarbrücken. [Vortrag]
Schüler, A., & Scheiter, K. (2009, September). Organisation: Randbedingungen für die Entstehung des Modalitätseffekts beim Lernen mit Multimedia. Arbeitsgruppe auf der 12. Fachtagung Pädagogische Psychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Saarbrücken. [Symposium Organisation]
Schüler, A., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2009, März). Gestaltung multimedialen Lernmaterials in Klassenraum-Settings. 72. Tagung der Arbeitsgruppe für empirische pädagogische Forschung (AEPF). Landau. [Vortrag]
Schüler, A., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2009, September). Besitzen Modalitätsprinzip und Redundanzprinzip auch im Klassenzimmer Gültigkeit? 12. Fachtagung Pädagogische Psychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Saarbrücken. [Vortrag]
Schüler, A., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2009, August). The influence of spatial text content on the modality principle in multimedia learning. 13th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Talk]
Schüler, A., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2009, July). The role of the visuo-spatial sketchpad in multimedia learning: Do spatial text contents interfere with picture processing? 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Poster]
Schüler, A., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2009, September). Moderieren die im Text enthaltenen Informationen den Modalitätseffekt? 12. Fachtagung Pädagogische Psychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Saarbrücken. [Vortrag]
Stalbovs, K., Jarodzka, H., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2009, September). Fördern videobasierte Modelling-Beispiele und die Aufforderung zum Selbsterklären das Lernen über komplexe dynamische Prozesse? 12. Fachtagung Pädagogische Psychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Saarbrücken. [Vortrag]
Van Gog, T., Jarodzka, H., Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P., & Paas, F. (2009, May). Attention guidance via eye movements in example-based learning - Part 1: A procedural task. The Scandinavian Workshop on Applied Eye-Tracking (SWAET). Stavanger, Norway. [Talk]
Van Gog, T., Jarodzka, H., Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P., & Paas, F. (2009, April). Attention guidance during worked-example study via eye movements. Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). San Diego, CA, USA. [Talk]
Cierniak, G., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2008, March). How does cognitive load mediate the split-attention effect? 92nd Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). New York, NY, USA. [Talk]
Gerjets, P., Cierniak, G., & Scheiter, K. (2008, October). The scientific value of cognitive load theory: A research agenda based on the structuralist view of theories. Workshop “Cognitive Load Theory and its Application to Instructional Design”, University of Macau. Macao, China. [Talk]
Gerjets, P., & Scheiter, K. (2008, November). Adaptive design of visualizations for supporting the comprehension of complex dynamics in the Natural Sciences. CNRS-Workshop: Cognition and Learning Technologies. Poitiers, France. [Talk]
Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K., Imhof, B., Kühl, T., Pfeiffer, V., & Gemballa, S. (2008, September). Adaptive design of visualizations for supporting the comprehension of complex dynamics in the natural sciences. Workshop "Use of (external) representations in mathematical and scientific reasoning and problem solving: Analysis and improvement" des FWO Networks „Developing critical and flexible thinking”. University of Leuven, Belgium. [Talk]
Imhof, B., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2008, July). Realism in understanding fish locomotion from dynamic or static visualizations. XXIX International Congress of Psychology (ICP). Berlin. [Talk]
Imhof, B., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2008, May). Classifying fish locomotion patterns: Effects of realism and dynamism in visualizations. Workshop "Resource-adaptive design of visualizations for supporting the comprehension of complex dynamics in the Natural Sciences". Cap Roig, Spain. [Talk]
Imhof, B., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2008, May). Using new materials (3D-models) in teaching fish locomotion. Workshop "Resource-adaptive design of visualizations for supporting the comprehension of complex dynamics in the Natural Sciences". Cap Roig, Spain. [Talk]
Imhof, B., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2008, March). Classifying fish locomotion patterns: Effects of realism and dynamism in visualizations. 92nd Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). New York, NY, USA. [Talk]
Imhof, B., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2008, August). Realism in dynamic, sequential-static, and simultaneous-static presented visualizations. Meeting of the EARLI SIG 2 Comprehension of Text and Graphics. Tilburg, Niederlande. [Poster]
Jarodzka, H., Gerjets, P., & Scheiter, K. (2008, June). Eye movement modeling: How to teach experts perceptual and conceptual strategies to novices. Workshop „Four Eyes: Eye tracking methods in collaborative / learning research“ at the 8th International Conference of the Learning Sciences. Utrecht, Niederlande. [Talk]
Jarodzka, H., Gerjets, P., & Scheiter, K. (2008, Juni). Blickbewegungs-Modeling: Wie man Novizen kognitive und perzeptuelle Strategien von Experten vermitteln kann. Forschungskolloquium „Lehr- und Lernforschung“. Pädagogische Hochschule Ludwigsburg. [Vortrag]
Jarodzka, H., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2008, May). In the eyes of the beholder: How experts and novices classify dynamic stimuli. Workshop "Resource-adaptive design of visualizations for supporting the comprehension of complex dynamics in the Natural Sciences". Cap Roig, Spanien. [Talk]
Jarodzka, H., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2008, May). Eye movement modeling: How to teach experts perceptual and conceptual strategies to novices. Kolloquium des Instituts für Neuro- und Bioinformatik. Lübeck. [Talk]
Jarodzka, H., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2008, July). A process-oriented approach to natural sciences by means of eye-tracking and verbal protocols. XXIX International Congress of Psychology (ICP). Berlin. [Talk]
Jarodzka, H., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2008, September). How does it swim? Comparing strategies of experts and novices in fish locomotion classification. Meeting of EARLI SIG 7 Learning and Instruction with Computers & SIG 6 Instructional Design. Salzburg, Österreich. [Talk]
Jarodzka, H., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2008, April). Detailed analysis of expertise differences in a visual classification task. The Scandinavian Workshop on Applied Eye-Tracking (SWAET). Lund, Schweden. [Talk]
Jarodzka, H., Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P., & Gemballa, S. (2008, June). In the eyes of experts: Teaching dynamic features in biology by modeling experts’ eye movement strategies to novices. Eighth International Conference of the Learning Sciences - ICLS 2008. Utrecht, Niederlande. [Talk]
Kammerer, Y., Scheiter, K., & Beinhauer, W. (2008, April). How to improve gaze-based menu selection by menu design and multimodal input. The Scandinavian Workshop on Applied Eye-Tracking (SWAET). Lund, Sweden. [Talk]
Kammerer, Y., Scheiter, K., & Beinhauer, W. (2008, March). Looking my way through the menu: The impact of menu design and multimodal input on gaze-based menu selection. Eye Tracking Research & Application Symposium (ETRA). Savannah, Georgia, USA. [Talk]
Kühl, T., Gerjets, P., & Scheiter, K. (2008, August). Does the modality effect moderate the effectiveness of learning with either static or dynamic visualizations? Meeting of the EARLI SIG 2 Comprehension of Text and Graphics. Tilburg, Niederlande. [Poster]
Kühl, T., Gerjets, P., & Scheiter, K. (2008, March). The effects of static and dynamic visualizations for understanding Natural Sciences. 92nd Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). New York, NY, USA. [Talk]
Kühl, T., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2008, May). Does the modality effect moderate the effectiveness of learning with either static or dynamic visualizations? Workshop "Resource-adaptive design of visualizations for supporting the comprehension of complex dynamics in the Natural Sciences". Cap Roig, Spain. [Talk]
Kühl, T., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2008, July). Effects of dynamic and static visualizations in understanding natural science phenomena. XXIX International Congress of Psychology (ICP). Berlin. [Talk]
Kühl, T., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2008, May). Effects of cueing in learning with static and dynamic visualizations. Workshop "Resource-adaptive design of visualizations for supporting the comprehension of complex dynamics in the Natural Sciences". Cap Roig, Spain. [Talk]
Kühl, T., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2008, May). Understanding natural sciences: Effects of dynamic and static visualizations. Workshop "Resource-adaptive design of visualizations for supporting the comprehension of complex dynamics in the Natural Sciences". Cap Roig, Spain. [Talk]
Opfermann, M., Gerjets, P., & Scheiter, K. (2008, May). The role of metacognitive strategies and metacognitive support in learning combinatorics with hypermedia. Third Biennial Meeting of the EARLI Special Interest Group 16 Metacognition. Ioannina, Griechenland. [Talk]
Opfermann, M., Krewinkel, J., Zentel, P., & Scheiter, K. (2008, March). Multimedia learning and the World Wide Web: Making them beneficial for learners with learning disabilities. 92nd Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). New York, NY, USA. [Talk]
Pfeiffer, V. D. I., Gemballa, S., Bizer, B., Jarodzka, H., Imhof, B., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2008, June). Enhancing students’ knowledge of biodiversity in a situated mobile learning scenario: Using static and dynamic visualizations in field trips. Eighth International Conference of the Learning Sciences. Utrecht, Niederlande. [Talk]
Scheiter, K., Cierniak, G., & Gemballa, S. (2008, August). Which one is which? Learning to classify fish based on either realistic or schematic pictures and verbal cueing. Meeting of the EARLI SIG 2 Comprehension of Text and Graphics. Tilburg, Niederlande. [Talk]
Scheiter, K., & Schmidt-Weigand, F. (2008, August). The influence of spatial text information on learning with visualizations. Meeting of the EARLI SIG 2 Comprehension of Text and Graphics. Tilburg, Niederlande. [Talk]
Schmidt-Weigand, F., & Scheiter, K. (2008, September). The influence of spatial text information on the multimedia effect. Meeting of EARLI SIG 7 Learning and Instruction with Computers & SIG 6 Instructional Design. Salzburg, Österreich. [Talk]
Schubert, C., Ayres, P., Scheiter, K., & Sweller, J. (2008, February). Putting the ‘x’ back into goal-free problems: a brainstorming approach. University of Wollongong Conference on Cognitive Load Theory. Sydney, Australien. [Talk]
Schubert, C., Ayres, P., Scheiter, K., & Sweller, J. (2008, February). Putting the x back into goal-free problems: A brain-storming approach. 2nd International Conference on Cognitive Load Theory. Wollongong, Australia. [Talk]
Schüler, A., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2008, July). Investigating the validity of the modality and redundancy principle in multimedia learning for complex texts. XXIX International Congress of Psychology (ICP). Berlin. [Poster]
Schüler, A., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2008, August). Does the modality effect in multimedia learning only arise with spatial text content? Meeting of the EARLI SIG 2 Comprehension of Text and Graphics. Tilburg, Niederlande. [Poster]
Schüler, A., Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P., & Rummer, R. (2008, June). The modality effect in multimedia learning: Theoretical and empirical limitations. Eighth International Conference of the Learning Sciences - ICLS 2008. Utrecht, Niederlande. [Talk]
Schüler, A., Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P., & Rummer, R. (2008, July). Does a lack of contiguity with visual text cause the modality effect in multimedia learning? 30th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Washington, D.C., USA. [Poster]
Schüler, A., Schmidt-Weigand, F., & Scheiter, K. (2008, July). How does the distribution of spatial information across representations affect visual attention in multimedia learning? XXIX International Congress of Psychology (ICP). Berlin. [Talk]
Taraszow, T., Laouris, Y., Wahl, J., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2008, June). A matter of modality: Do multimedia learning environments really support students with reading difficulties? Multimodality and Learning. London, GB. [Talk]
Van Gog, T., Jarodzka, H., Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P., & Paas, F. (2008, September). Guiding students’ attention during example study by showing the model’s eye movements. Meeting of EARLI SIG 7 Learning and Instruction with Computers & SIG 6 Instructional Design. Salzburg, Österreich. [Talk]
Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2007, Dezember). Lernen mit Multimedia. Institut für Qualitätssicherung im Bildungswesen. Berlin. [Vortrag]
Cierniak, G., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2007, November). Viewing Behavior of Beginners and Advanced Learners during Learning with Integrated or Split-Source Format. Eye Tracking and Multimedia Workshop. University of Burgundy, Dijon, France. [Talk]
Jarodzka, H., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2007, November). Challenges in the Diagnosis and Training of Visual Strategies in Inspecting Dynamic Scenes. Workshop "Eye-Tracking". Dijon, France. [Talk]
Jarodzka, H., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2007, November). Using mobile devices to link formal and informal learning. Kaleidoscope VDS Workshop "Design Challenges for Future Mobile Learning Environments". Växjö, Sweden. [Talk]
Scheiter, K., & Schmidt-Weigand, F. (2007, November). Learning with text and animation: How does the representation of spatial information affect eye movements in constructing a mental model? Eye Tracking and Multimedia Workshop. University of Burgundy, Dijon, France. [Talk]
Jarodzka, H., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2007, Oktober). Praktischer Umgang mit dynamischem Stimulusmaterial. Workshop "Eye-Tracking". Freiburg. [Vortrag]
Cierniak, G., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2007, September). Split-Attention Effekt: Kognitive Überlastung oder mentale Anstrengung? 11. Fachtagung Pädagogische Psychologie. HU, Berlin. [Poster]
Jarodzka, H., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2007, September). Durch die Augen eines Experten blicken - Modelling basierend auf Blickbewegungen. 11. Fachtagung Pädagogische Psychologie. Berlin. [Talk]
Kühl, T., Gerjets, P., & Scheiter, K. (2007, September). Der Einfluss statischer und dynamischer Visualisierungen auf das Verständnis naturwissenschaftlicher Zusammenhänge. 11. Fachtagung Pädagogische Psychologie. Berlin. [Vortrag]
Opfermann, M., Gerjets, P., & Scheiter, K. (2007, September). Selbstgesteuertes Lernen mit Hypermedia: Der Einfluss von metakognitivem Modelling und Prompting von Repräsentationswahl. 11. Fachtagung Pädagogische Psychologie. Berlin. [Vortrag]
Scheiter, K., & Rummer, R. (2007, September). Theoretische und empirische Ausdifferenzierungen zum Modalitätseffekt in der Multimedia-Forschung. Symposium auf der 11. Fachtagung Pädagogische Psychologie. Berlin. [Vortrag]
Schüler, A., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2007, September). Die Ursache des Modalitätseffekts: Modalität oder zeitliche Kontiguität? 11. Fachtagung Pädagogische Psychologie. Berlin. [Vortrag]
Betrancourt, M., Scheiter, K., & Tabbers, H. (2007, August). Learning with dynamic visualizations (Part I): When and why dynamic visualizations help. Symposium auf der 12th Biennial Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Budapest, Hungary. [Talk]
Cierniak, G., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2007, August). Eye Movements of Different Knowledgeable Learners during Learning with Split-Source or Integrated Format. 12th Earli Conference. Budapest, Hungary. [Talk]
Gerjets, P., Rummer, R., Scheiter, K., & Schweppe, J. (2007, August). Reconsidering the modality principle in multimedia learning. 29th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Society. Nashville, Tennessee, USA. [Poster]
Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K., & Imhof, B. (2007, August). Understanding locomotion of fish from static and dynamic visualizations. 12th Biennial Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Budapest, Hungary. [Talk]
Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K., Vollmann, B., & Catrambone, R. (2007, August). Beyond media comparison studies: The role of learner characteristics, information utilization strategies - an instructional approach in hypermedia learning. 12th Biennial Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Budapest, Hungary. [Talk]
Opfermann, M., Gerjets, P., & Scheiter, K. (2007, August). Supporting navigational and representational choices in hypermedia learning environments. 12th Biennial Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Budapest, Hungary. [Talk]
Scheiter, K. (2007, August). Discussion - Learning with Dynamic Visualizations: When and Why Dynamic Visualizations Help. 12th Biennual Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Budapest, Hungary. [Talk]
Scheiter, K., Cierniak, G., & Gerjets, P. (2007, August). Is it a Tuna or a Mackerel? Learning to Categorize Fishes. 12th EARLI Conference. Budapest, Hungary. [Poster]
Scheiter, K., Cierniak, G., & Gerjets, P. (2007, August). Is it a Tuna or a Mackerel? Learning to Categorize Fishes. 12th EARLI Conference. Budapest, Hungary. [Talk]
Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P., Huk, T., Imhof, B., & Kammerer, Y. (2007, August). The effects of realistic detail in learning from dynamic visualizations. 12th Biennial Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Budapest, Hungary. [Talk]
Scheiter, K., & Tabbers, H. (2007, August). Learning with dynamic visualizations (Part II): Enhancing the learning experience. Symposium auf der 12th Biennial Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Budapest, Hungary. [Talk]
Scheiter, K., van Gog, T., & Gerjets, P. (2007, August). Eye tracking as a means for detailed analyses of multimedia learning processes. Symposium auf der 12th Biennial Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Budapest, Hungary. [Talk]
Taraszow, T., Wahl, J., Laouris, Y., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2007, August). Using dynamic visualization with written explanation to by-pass information processing deficits of children with reading difficulties. 12th Biannual Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Budapest, Hungary. [Poster]
Imhof, B., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2007, May). Realism in static or dynamic visualizations: Effects on the construction of mental models of fish locomotion. Workshop "Resource-adaptive design of visualizations for supporting the comprehension of complex dynamics in the Natural Sciences". Protaras, Cyprus. [Talk]
Jarodzka, H., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2007, May). In the eyes of experts - Capturing differences in visual strategies of experts and novices. Workshop "Resource-adaptive design of visualizations for supporting the comprehension of complex dynamics ion the Natural Sciences". Protaras, Cyprus. [Talk]
Kühl, T., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2007, May). The effects of illustrations in learning physical principles and forces of fish locomotion. Workshop "Resource-adaptive Design of Visualizations for Supporting the comprehension of complex dynamics ion the Natural Sciences". Protaras, Cyprus. [Talk]
Opfermann, M., Gerjets, P., & Scheiter, K. (2007, April). Learning with hypermedia - The influence of representational formats and different levels of learner control. 91st meeting of the American Education Research Association (AERA). Chicago, IL, USA. [Talk]
Scheiter, K. (2007, April). Discussion: Different Perspectives on Problem Solving and Learning. 91st Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). Chicago, IL, USA. [Talk]
Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2007, April). A taxonomy for animations in concrete and abstract domains - The use of realistic and schematic icons. 91st meeting of the American Education Research Association (AERA). Chicago, IL, USA. [Talk]
Scheiter, K., & Wiebe, E. (2007, April). Designing dynamic visualizations for learning: Empirical and methodological perspectives. Symposium auf dem 91st Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). Chicago, IL, USA. [Talk]
Cierniak, G., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2007, March). Subjective and objective load measures: Subjective load ratings vs. Dual-task methodology. Cognitive Load Theory Conference. UNSW, Sydney, Australia. [Talk]
Opfermann, M., Gerjets, P., & Scheiter, K. (2007, March). Online measurement of different types of cognitive load with an adjusted version of NASA-TLX. University of New South Wales Conference on Cognitive Load Theory. Sydney, Australia. [Talk]
Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P., Vollmann, B., & Catrambone, R. (2007, March). Learner characteristics, learner activities, and cognitive load patterns in Hypermedia Learning. University of New South Wales Conference on Cognitive Load Theory. Sydney, Australia. [Talk]
Scheiter, K., Schüler, A., & Gerjets, P. (2007, März). Die Auswirkung realistischer und schematischer Animationen auf das Lernergebnis. 4.Tagung der Sektion "Empirische Bildungsforschung" der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE). Wuppertal. [Vortrag]
Kammerer, Y., Scheiter, K., & Beinhauer, W. (2007, September). Just looking my way through the menu: Die Bedienung von Computermenues über Blickbewegungen. Usability Professionals. Weimar. [Vortrag]
Schmidt-Weigand, F., & Scheiter, K. (2007, September). Spatial information and multimedia effects. Meeting of EARLI SIG 7 Learning and Instruction with Computers & SIG 6 Instructional Design: Beyond knowledge: the legacy of competence - meaningful computer-based learning environments. Salzburg, Österreich. [Talk]
Opfermann, M., Gerjets, P., & Scheiter, K. (2006, December). How
does hypermedia support learning? The role of different
representational formats and varying levels of learner control for the
applicability of multimedia design principles. 23rd Annual Conference of the Australian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education. Sydney, Australia. [Talk]
Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K., & Schuh, J. (2006, September). Einsatz statischer und dynamischer Visualisierungen zur Förderung des Verständnisses von Lösungsprozeduren in der Mathematik. 45ter Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Nürnberg. [Poster]
Linek, S., Gerjets, P., & Scheiter, K. (2006, September). Speaker/Gender Effect: Der Einfluss des Sprechergeschlechts beim Lernen mit narrativen Animationen. 45ter Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Nürnberg. [Vortrag]
Rummer, R., Schweppe, J., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2006, September). Lernen mit Multimedia: Eine kognitionspsychologische Rekonstruktion des Modalitätseffekts. 45ter Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Nürnberg. [Vortrag]
Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P., Schuh, J., & Catrambone, R. (2006, September). Funktionen von Animationen bei der Vermittlung von Wissen in konkreten und abstrakten Domänen. 45ter Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Nürnberg. [Vortrag]
Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2006, August). Using icons and symbols for designing animations in concrete and abstract domains. Meeting of the EARLI SIG Text and Graphics Comprehension. Nottingham, GB. [Talk]
Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K., & Schuh, J. (2006, July). Supporting
information comparisons in example-based hypertext environments. 28th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Vancouver, Canada. [Poster]
Linek, S., Gerjets, P., & Scheiter, K. (2006, July). Speaker/Gender Effect: Impact of the speaker's gender on learning with narrated animations. 28th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Vancouver, Canada. [Talk]
Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P., Vollmann, B., & Catrambone, R. (2006, July). A methodological alternative to media comparison studies: Linking information utilization strategies and instructional approach in hypermedia learning. 28th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Vancouver, Canada. [Poster]
Opfermann, M., Gerjets, P., & Scheiter, K. (2006, June). Do
multimedia principles apply to hypermedia? The moderating role of
different levels of learner control for th validity of multimedia
design principles. 2nd Joint Meeting of the EARLI SIG Instructional Design and SIG Learning with Computers. Leuven, Belgium. [Talk]
Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2006, June). The acquisition of problem schemata: Limitations of multiple examples. 2nd Joint Meeting of the EARLI SIG Instructional Design and SIG Learning with Computers. Leuven, Belgium. [Talk]
Schuh, J., Gerjets, P., & Scheiter, K. (2006, June). Using an
interactive comparison tool and dynamic visualizations of solution
procedures to foster the acquisition of transferable problem-solving
knowledge. 2nd Joint Meeting of the EARLI SIG Instructional Design and SIG Learning with Computers. Leuven, Belgium. [Talk]
Gerjets, P., Schuh, J., & Scheiter, K. (2006, April). Augmenting
worked examples with an interactive comparison tool and dynamic
visualizations of solution procedures. 90th Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. San Francisco, CA, USA. [Talk]
Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P., Schuh, J., & Catrambone, R. (2006, April). Designing animation-based instructional materials to foster the
acquisition of mathematical problem-solving skills. 90th Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. San Francisco, CA, USA. [Talk]
Schüler, A., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2006, September). Der Einfluss der verfügbaren Lernzeit und des Testzeitpunkts auf den Modalitätseffekt. 45ter Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Nürnberg. [Vortrag]
Opfermann, M., Gerjets, P., & Scheiter, K. (2005, September). Exploration of hypermedia environments: Learner control and adaptive user strategies. 10. Fachtagung Pädagogische Psychologie. Halle. [Talk]
Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2005, September). Wie hilfreich sind multiple Beispiele für den Schemaerwerb?10. Fachtagung Pädagogische Psychologie. Halle. [Vortrag]
Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P., & Catrambone, R. (2005, September). Können Animationen das Verständnis von Lösungsprozeduren in der Mathematik fördern? 10. Fachtagung Pädagogische Psychologie. Halle. [Vortrag]
Scheiter, K., Vollmann, B., & Gerjets, P. (2005, September). Strategien der Informationsnutzung in beispielbasierten Hypermedia-Umgebungen als Determinanten des Wissenserwerbs. 67. Tagung der Arbeitsgruppe für Empirische Pädagogische Forschung (AEPF). Salzburg, Österreich. [Vortrag]
Schuh, J., Gerjets, P., & Scheiter, K. (2005, September). Förderung des Erwerbs transferierbaren Fertigkeitswissens durch den Einsatz eines interaktiven Vergleichstool und Visualsierungen von Lösungsprozeduren. 10. Fachtagung Pädagogische Psychologie. Halle. [Vortrag]
Vollmann, B., Gerjets, P., & Scheiter, K. (2005, September). Selbstgesteuertes Lernen aus Lösungsbeispielen in Hypertext-Umgebungen: Zusammenhänge zwischen Lernervariablen, kognitiven Belastungsfaktoren, Nutzungsstrategien und Lernerfolg. 10. Fachtagung Pädagogische Psychologie. Halle. [Vortrag]
Linek, S., Gerjets, P., & Scheiter, K. (2005, August). Gender-specific design of narrated animations? Effects of using male versus female voices for auditory text. 11th Biennial Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Nicosia, Cyprus. [Talk]
Opfermann, M., Gerjets, P., & Scheiter, K. (2005, August). Exploration of hypermedia environments: Learner control and adaptive user strategies. 11th Biennial Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Nicosia, Cyprus. [Talk]
Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P., & Catrambone, R. (2005, August). Can learning from molar and modular worked-out examples further be enhanced by prompting self-explanations and providing feedback? 11th Biennial Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Nicosia, Cyprus. [Talk]
Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P., & Catrambone, R. (2005, August). Concrete animations cannot facilitate the understanding of mathematical solution procedures, but what about abstract animations? 11th Biennial Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Nicosia, Cyprus. [Talk]
Schuh, J., Gerjets, P., & Scheiter, K. (2005, August). Fostering the acquisition of transferable problem-solving knowledge with an interactive comparison tool and dynamic visualizations of solution procedures. 11th Biennial Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Nicosia, Cyprus. [Talk]
Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K., & Catrambone, R. (2005, July). Augmenting worked-out examples by pictorial representations: When do they aid learning? 27th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Stresa, Italy. [Talk]
Gerjets, P., Schuh, J., & Scheiter, K. (2005, July). Interactive tools for acquiring transferable problem-solving knowledge. 4th Annual Interdisciplinary Conference. Briancon, France. [Poster]
Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2005, July). When less is sometimes more: Optimal learning conditions are required for schema acquisition from multiple examples. 27th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Stresa, Italy. [Talk]
Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2005, July). VGK/VDS Course. Current cognitive approaches to media-based learning. First International Kaleidoscope Symposium on Technology Enhanced Learning. Oberhausen. [Talk]
Schuh, J., Gerjets, P., & Scheiter, K. (2005, July). Fostering the acquisition of transferable problem-solving knowledge with an interactive comparison tool and dynamic visualizations of solution procedures. 27th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Stresa, Italy. [Talk]
Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2005, March). Designing animation-based instructional materials. Arizona State University, College of Education. Phoenix, AZ, USA. [Talk]
Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K., & Catrambone, R. (2004, September). Improving procedural transfer in mathematics with interactive animations. Workshop "Designing powerful learning environments to promote deep conceptual and strategic learning in major curricular domains: mathematics, science, and language" of the FWO Network "Design, development and implementation of powerful learning environments". Bruegge, Belgium. [Talk]
Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K., & Catrambone, R. (2004, September). Einsatz interaktiver Animationen zur Förderung des Verständnisses von Lösungsprozeduren in der Mathematik. 44. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Göttingen. [Vortrag]
Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2004, September). Der Einfluss von Oberflächenähnlichkeiten auf die Entstehung von Sequenzeffekten bei der Bearbeitung von Algebraaufgaben. 44. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Göttingen. [Vortrag]
Schuh, J., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2004, September). Wie hilfreich sind multiple Beispiele für den Schemaerwerb? 44. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Göttingen. [Poster]
Keller, T., Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K., & Garsoffky, B. (2004, August). Information visualizations for supporting knowledge acquisition: The impact of dimensionality and color coding. 26th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Chicago, IL, USA. [Poster]
Schuh, J., Gerjets, P., & Scheiter, K. (2004, August). Enhancing example-based learning in hypertext environments. 26th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Chicago, IL, USA. [Poster]
Keller, T., Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K., & Garsoffky, B. (2004, July). Information visualizations as learning tools. 1st joint meeting of the EARLI SIGs "Instructional Design" and "Learning and Instruction with Computers". Tübingen. [Poster]
Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P., & Catrambone, R. (2004, July). The use of visualizations to foster the acquisition of problem-solving skills in mathematics: Which kind of visualization works? 1st joint meeting of the EARLI SIGs "Instructional Design" and "Learning and Instruction with Computers". Tübingen. [Poster]
Schuh, J., Gerjets, P., & Scheiter, K. (2004, July). Enhancing example-based learning in hypertext environments. 1st Joint Meeting of the EARLI SIG Instructional Design and SIG Learning with Computers. Tübingen. [Poster]
Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K., & Catrambone, R. (2004, June). Learning from category-avoiding instructional examples reduces cognitive load and fosters cognitive skill acquisition. 6th International Conference of the Learning Sciences. Santa Monica, CA, USA. [Poster]
Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P., & Schuh, J. (2004, June). The impact of example comparisons on schema acquisition: Do learners really need multiple examples? 6th International Conference of the Learning Sciences. Santa Monica, CA, USA. [Talk]
Gerjets, P., & Scheiter, K. (2003, September). Beispielbasierter Erwerb von Problemlösefertigkeiten mit Hypermedia. 9. Fachgruppentagung Pädagogische Psychologie. Bielefeld. [Vortrag]
Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K., & Catrambone, R. (2003, September). Reducing cognitive load and fostering cognitive skill acquisition: Benefits of category-avoiding examples. European Cognitive Science Conference. Osnabrück. [Poster]
Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2003, September). Aufgabensequenzierung in nonlinearen Lern- und Problemlöseumgebungen als Möglichkeit zur Förderung einer tieferen Aufgabenverarbeitung? 9. Fachgruppentagung Pädagogische Psychologie. Bielefeld. [Vortrag]
Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2003, September). Sequence effects in solving knowledge-rich problems: The ambiguous role of surface similarities. European Cognitive Science Conference. Osnabrück. [Poster]
Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P., & Schuh, J. (2003, September). Are multiple examples necessary for schema induction? European Cognitive Science Conference. Osnabrück. [Talk]
Schorr, T., Gerjets, P., & Scheiter, K. (2003, September). Analyzing effects of goal competition and task difficulty in multiple-task performance: Volitional action control within ACT-R. European Cognitive Science Conference. Osnabrück. [Poster]
Schuh, J., Gerjets, P., & Scheiter, K. (2003, September). Supporting learning from worked-out examples in computer-based learning environments. European Cognitive Science Conference. Osnabrück. [Poster]
Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K., & Catrambone, R. (2003, August). Acquiring problem-type schemas versus understanding individual solution steps: Comparing learning outcomes and cognitive load for two formats of worked-out examples. Tenth Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction. Padova, Italy. [Talk]
Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K., & Catrambone, R. (2003, August). Reducing cognitive load and fostering cognitive skill acquisition: Benefits of category-avoiding examples. 25th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Boston, MA, USA. [Talk]
Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K., & Kleinbeck, S. (2003, August). Designing worked-out examples for better understanding: The case against problem-type schemas. Tenth Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction. Padova, Italy. [Talk]
Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2003, August). Sequence effects in solving knowledge-rich problems: The ambiguous role of surface similarities. 25th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Boston, MA, USA. [Poster]
Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2003, August). The impact of superficial and structural similarity on sequence effects in solving algebra word problems. Tenth Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction. Padova, Italy. [Talk]
Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P., & Catrambone, R. (2003, August). Using interactive animations to foster the understanding of solution procedures. Tenth Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction. Padova, Italy. [Talk]
Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P., & Schuh, J. (2003, August). Are multiple examples really helpful for schema acquisition? Tenth Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction. Padova, Italy. [Talk]
Schorr, T., Gerjets, P., & Scheiter, K. (2003, August). Analyzing effects of goal competition and task difficulty in multiple-task performance: Volitional action control within ACT-R. 25th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Boston, MA, USA. [Poster]
Schuh, J., Gerjets, P., & Scheiter, K. (2003, August). Supporting learning from worked-out examples in computer-based learning environments. Tenth Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction. Padova, Italy. [Talk]
Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K., & Catrambone, R. (2003, April). Designing example-based hypermedia environments: Molar versus modular presentation of solution steps. 84th Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Chicago, IL, USA. [Talk]
Schorr, T., Gerjets, P., & Scheiter, K. (2003, April). Volitional action control in multiple-task performance: Modeling effects of goal competition and task difficulty in ACT-R. 5th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling. Bamberg. [Talk]
Schorr, T., Gerjets, P., & Scheiter, K. (2003, März). Die Bedeutung von Lernzielen beim Design von Lernmaterial. 45. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen. Kiel. [Vortrag]
Schuh, J., Gerjets, P., & Scheiter, K. (2003, März). Instruktionale Unterstützung beim Wissenserwerb aus Beispielen in computerbasierten Lernumgebungen. 45. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen. Kiel. [Vortrag]
Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K., & Schuh, J. (2002, September). Nutzung ausgearbeiteter Beispielaufgaben in hypermedialen Lernumgebungen: Strategische Defizite und instruktionelle Förderungsmaßnahmen. 43. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Berlin. [Vortrag]
Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2002, September). Der Einfluss von Aufgabenreihenfolgen: Sequenzierung als Strategie zur Verbesserung der Bearbeitungsleistung. 43. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Berlin. [Vortrag]
Schorr, T., Gerjets, P., & Scheiter, K. (2002, September). Design instruktioneller Lernbeispiele in Abhängigkeit von Lernzielen. 43. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Berlin. [Poster]
Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K., Kleinbeck, S., & Schmid, U. (2002, August). Learning from transformational and derivational worked-out examples. 24th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Fairfax, VA, USA. [Poster]
Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2002, August). The impact of problem order: Sequencing problems as a strategy for improving ones performance. 24th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Fairfax, VA, USA. [Poster]
Schorr, T., Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K., & Laouris, Y. (2002, August). Designing sets of instructional examples to accomplish different goals of instruction. 24th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Fairfax, VA, USA. [Poster]
Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K., & Kleinbeck, S. (2002, June). Instructional examples in hypertext-based learning and problem-solving: Comparing transformational and derivational approaches to example design. Fifth Workshop of EARLI SIG 6: Instructional Design for Multimedia Learning. Erfurt. [Talk]
Gerjets, P., & Scheiter, K. (2002, February). Learning from worked-out examples using transformational and derivational example formats. Department of Counsel or Education and Educational Psychology, Mississippi State University. Starkville, MS, USA. [Talk]
Heise, E., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2002, Februar). Ablenkung und Abschirmung beim Lernen und Problemlösen in einer Hypertext-Umgebung. 5. Dortmunder Symposion für Pädagogische Psychologie. Dortmund. [Vortrag]
Gerjets, P., & Scheiter, K. (2002, January). Goal configurations and processing strategies as mediators between instructional design and cognitive load. Evidence from hypertext-based instruction. International Workshop on Cognitive Load Theory. Erfurt. [Talk]
Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K., & Tack, W. H. (2001, September). Cognitive load in hypertext-based learning: Prior knowledge, time pressure, and number of worked-out examples. 9th European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction. Fribourg, Switzerland. [Talk]
Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K., & Tack, W. H. (2001, September). Defizite der ressourcenadaptiven Informationsnutzung beim Lernen und Problemlösen in beispielbasierten Hypertext-Umgebungen. 5. Fachtagung der Gesellschaft für Kognitionswissenschaft. Leipzig. [Poster]
Kleinbeck, S., Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K., & Schmid, U. (2001, September). Impact of different example formats on solving isomorphic and novel problems. 9th European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction. Fribourg, Switzerland. [Talk]
Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P., & Tack, W. H. (2001, September). Der Einfluss von Aufgabenreihenfolgen: Sequenzierung als Strategie zur Verbesserung der Bearbeitungsleistung. 5. Fachtagung der Gesellschaft für Kognitionswissenschaft. Leipzig. [Poster]
Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P., & Tack, W. H. (2001, September). The impact of problem order: Sequencing problems as a strategy for improving one's performance. 9th European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction. Fribourg, Switzerland. [Talk]
Kleinbeck, S., Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K., & Schmid, U. (2001, April). Einfluss derivationaler und transformationaler Beispielformate auf Beispielnutzung und Problemlöseleistung. 43. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen. Regensburg. [Vortrag]
Gerjets, P., & Scheiter, K. (2001, Februar). Computer-based Learning: Problems of distraction and information selection in hypertext environments. 4. Computers & Dyslexia Conference. University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus. [Talk]
Gerjets, P., & Scheiter, K. (2000, September). Handlungssteuerung und Ressourcenadaptivität in Hypertext-Umgebungen. 42. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Jena. [Vortrag]
Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K., & Tack, W. H. (2000, August). Resource-adaptive selection of strategies in learning from worked-out examples. 17th Annual Workshop of the European Society for the Study of Cognitive Systems. Oxford, UK. [Talk]
Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K., & Tack, W. H. (2000, August). Resource-adaptive selection of strategies in learning from worked-out examples. 22nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Philadelphia, PA, USA. [Talk]
Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P., & Heise, E. (2000, August). Hypertext navigation and conflicting goal intentions: Using log files to study distraction and volitional protection in learning and problem solving. 17th Annual Workshop of the European Society for the Study of Cognitive Systems. Oxford, UK. [Talk]
Gerjets, P., Schuh, J., Scheiter, K., & Tack, W. H. (2000, April). Ressourcenadaptive Strategiewahl beim Wissenserwerb aus Beispielen in Hypertext-Umgebungen. 42. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen. Braunschweig. [Vortrag]
Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P., & Tack, W. H. (2000, April). Sequenzierung bei der Bearbeitung multipler Aufgaben. 42. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen. Braunschweig. [Vortrag]
Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K., & Tack, W. H. (2001). Problems of example selection and example processing in hypertext-based learning environments (CoPsy Paper 12). Saarbrücken: Fachrichtung Psychologie, Universität des Saarlandes.
Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P., & Tack, W. H. (2001). The impact of problem order: Sequencing problems as a strategy for improving one's performance (CoPsy Paper 11). Saarbrücken: Fachrichtung Psychologie, Universität des Saarlandes.
Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K., & Kleinbeck, S. (2000). Transformationale und derivationale Beispielformate beim Lernen und Problemlösen mit Hypertext (CoPsy Paper 9). Saarbrücken: Fachrichtung Psychologie, Universität des Saarlandes.
Scheiter, K., & Lachner, A. (2021). Thementagung „Digitalisierung im Bildungsbereich. Potenziale und Herausforderungen“ im Rahmen des digitalen Jahres der Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (digiGEBF). Forschungs- und Transferzentrum Digitalisierung in der Lehrerbildung (TüDiLB). Tübingen, September 22.
Nagel, V., Wörner, S., Hoch, E., Lachner, A., & Scheiter, K. (2020). Virtueller Workshop „Forschendes Lernen mit virtuellen Experimenten“. MINT Zukunft schaffen – Digitale MINT Wochen. Tübingen, 12.11.2020.
Stürmer, K., Scheiter, K., & Lachner, A. (2020). The role of students’ motivational characteristics in learning with technology in classrooms. European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Special Interest Group (SIG) 6 & 7 (online conference). Tübingen, Germany., 24.-25. August.
Scheiter, K., & Schwan, S. (2018). IWM Summer School: Multimodality and Knowledge Processes. Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien, Tübingen, 06.-08.06.2018.
Hesse, F. W., Cress, U., & Scheiter, K. (2016). Current and future trends in technology-based learning. Symposium, Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien, 2.6.-3.6.2016.
Martin, B. E., Storksdieck, M., Kolvoord, B., & Scheiter, K. (2013). Gordon Research Conference: Visualization in Science and Education. Smithfield, RI, USA., 21.-26.07.2013.
Plötzner, R., Renkl, A., Scheiter, K., Schüler, A., Schwonke, R., & Zimmermann, G. (2011). Workshop "Adaptable and adaptive multimedia systems". Tübingen, 02.-03.12.2012.
Scheiter, K., Krauskopf, K., Stalbovs, K., & Hesse, F. W. (2010). BMBF-Workshop „Computerunterstützte Förderung der Kompetenzentwicklung – Lesen, Mathematik, Naturwissenschaften“. Tübingen, 26.02.2010.
Scheiter, K., Schüler, A., & Maes, F. (2010). EARLI SIG2 Text and Graphics Comprehension Meeting. Tracing the mind: How do we learn from text and graphics? Tübingen, 25.-28.08.2010.
Schüler, A., Scheiter, K., & Maes, F. (2010). SIG2-JURE workshop "Approaches to analysing graphical representations" held by Shaaron Ainsworth. Tübingen, 25.08.2010.
Schüler, A., Scheiter, K., & Maes, F. (2010). SIG2-JURE workshop "Natural language techniques for text comprehension analysis" held by Ladislao Salmerón. Tübingen, 25.08.2010.
Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K., Gemballa, S., & Schilling, A. (2009). Workshop "Resource-adaptive design of visualizations for supporting the comprehension of complex dynamics in the Natural Sciences". Cap Roig, Spain, 04.-06.06.2009.
Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K., Gemballa, S., & Schilling, A. (2008). Workshop "Resource-adaptive design of visualizations for supporting the comprehension of complex dynamics in the Natural Sciences". Cap Roig, Spain, 21.-23.05.2008.
Gerjets, P., Laouris, Y., & Scheiter, K. (2007). Workshop: Resource-adaptive design of visualizations for supporting the comprehension of complex dynamics in the natural sciences. Protaras, 31.5.-2.6.2007.
Gerjets, P., & Scheiter, K. (2006). Kick-off meeting of the research network "Resource-Adaptive Design of Visualizations for Supporting the Comprehension of Complex Dynamics in the Natural Sciences". Tübingen, 22.-24.11.2006.
Opfermann, M., Gerjets, P., & Scheiter, K. (2006). Organisation des Kooperationstreffens des DFG-NWO-Forschungsnetzwerks "Learning Environments, MultiMedia and Affordances". Tübingen, 06.07.2006.
Gerjets, P., & Scheiter, K. (2005). Cognitive and socio-motivational aspects in learning from dynamic visualizations. Symposium at the 11th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research in Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Nicosia, 22.-27.08.2005.
Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2005). Workshop Eyetracking - Methodology & Multimedia Design. Tübingen, 07.-09.12.2005.
Gerjets, P., Bodemer, D., Keller, T., Linek, S., Scheiter, K., Schorr, T., Schuh, J., Tergan, S.-O., & Zahn, C. (2004). Special Interest
Meeting of EARLI SIG 6 and SIG 7. Tübingen, 07.-09.07.2004.
Hesse, F. W., Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K., Schorr, T., Schuh, J., & Ründal, E. (2003). Summerschool of the Virtual Ph. D. Program "Knowledge Acquisition and Knowledge Exchange with New Media". Tübingen, 15.-19.09.2003.
Eder, T. F., & Scheiter, K. (2022). Lesen und Schreiben am Bildschirm. In Digitalisierung in der Lehrerbildung Tübingen (TüDiLB) (Hrsg.), Evidenzbasierte Hinweise zum Einsatz digitaler Medien im Lehr-Lernkontext. https://vitruv.uni-tuebingen.de/ilias3/goto.php?target=wiki_wpage_802
Scheiter, K., Spannagel, C., & Thillosen, A. (2020). Themenspecial „Digitale Medien im Lehramtsstudium“ – Herausforderungen und Perspektiven der Digitalisierung in der Lehrkräftebildung. https://www.e-teaching.org/dmil-01
Bach, D., Gemballa, S., Pfeiffer, V. D. I., Schleiss, M., von Staden, D., Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P., & Schilling, A. (2008). Dynamische Lehrsequenzen – Süßwasserfische 1.0. Tübingen: Spezielle Zoologie (Uni), IWM.
Bach, D., Gemballa, S., Pfeiffer, V. D. I., Schleiss, M., von Staden, D., Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P., & Schilling, A. (2008). Statische Lehrsequenzen – Süßwasserfische 1.0. Tübingen: Spezielle Zoologie (Uni), IWM.
Bubner, A.-M., Gemballa, S., Pfeiffer, V. D. I., Schwab, M., Schleiss, M., Schmid-Kloss, G., von Staden, D., Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P., & Schilling, A. (2008). Statisch-realistische Lehrsequenzen - Rifffische. Tübingen: Spezielle Zoologie (Uni), IWM.
Bubner, A.-M., Gemballa, S., Pfeiffer, V. D. I., Schwab, M., Schleiss, M., Schmid-Kloss, G., von Staden, D., Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P., & Schilling, A. (2008). Dynamische-realistische Lehrsequenzen - Rifffische. Tübingen: Spezielle Zoologie (Uni), IWM.
Jarodzka, H., Gresse, P., Bächtle, A., Halbersztajn, M., Schulte, R., Wollet, B., Schaugg, J., Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2008). Gnomtilus – Schätze der Tiefe. Tübingen: IWM; Stuttgart: HdM.
Pfeiffer, V. D. I., Gemballa, S., Nothdurft, M., Bach, D., Schleiss, M., von Staden, D., Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P., & Schilling, A. (2008). Statische Lehrsequenzen – Süßwasserfische 2.0. Tübingen: Spezielle Zoologie (Uni), IWM.
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